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Apps Spotter 1.2.1

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I love this app but with this update my game (the launcher for races) is crashing when I have it enabled. I would like to include a log.txt as it may help.
Init PyPlugin:Spotter
PyPlugin :: Error in Main function

OS-Version: 6.2.9200 () 0x300-0x1
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 000000001E0BB604)
000000001E0BB604 (python33): (filename not available): PyTraceBack_Print
h:\dev\devkn5\acs\pythoninterface.cpp (305): PythonInterface::printErr
h:\dev\devkn5\acs\pyplugin.cpp (44): PyPlugin::PyPlugin
h:\dev\devkn5\acs\pythoninterface.cpp (216): PythonInterface::PythonInterface
h:\dev\devkn5\acs\sim.cpp (421): Sim::Sim
h:\dev\devkn5\acs\splashscreen.cpp (296): SplashScreen::postRender
h:\dev\devkn5\ksgame\game.cpp (185): Game::onIdle
h:\dev\devkn5\ksgame\game.cpp (210): Game::run
h:\dev\devkn5\acs\acs.cpp (411): wWinMain
f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c (618): __tmainCRTStartup
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFA61BF2D92)
00007FFA61BF2D92 (KERNEL32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFA63869F64)
00007FFA63869F64 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUserThreadStart

Thank you for this wonderful mod.
Is that even with no other 3rd party apps enabled? I can't tell from the message what's going wrong but IME sometimes another app will import a different version of a library and cause problems.
Checking it out. I'm doing a clean install to make sure I don't have any old stuff in there and then will try it on it's own.

Edit: Clean install, only mod running, still crashing and getting same error.
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hi all, i xtremely love this app, fundamental for me
but i have your own problem, when i try to start a race in single player or join in a room online i see loading track and cars...and then launcher crashes and i return on the menu screen...if i wanna use spotter i must run game forced on 32bit

pls help :|
Yeah, sounds like the sound library for 64 bit is only valid on Windows 7 unfortunately. Since it's a compiled dll not much I can do about it except try other sound libraries.
Yeah, sounds like the sound library for 64 bit is only valid on Windows 7 unfortunately. Since it's a compiled dll not much I can do about it except try other sound libraries.
What you mean by trying other sound libraries?
Really want this app to work. Thanks so far for making :)
Python's sound libraries the app uses (winsound or pyfmodex - version 1.0 used winsound but it has no volume control so 1.1 and up are using pyfmodex) apparently don't work out of the box on Windows 10 (and maybe 8) and since my computer's running Win 7 I have no way to try alternatives or see how to get either of them to work. I've heard winsound might be ok on 32 bit but I'm not sure.
Same crash issue here, running Win 8 on 64 bit.
Might not help much but it crashes at the init() call:
# new fmod importing code
FModSystem = pyfmodex.System()
speakermode = FModSystem.get_driver_caps(0)
FModSystem.speaker_mode = speakermode.mode
It doesn't work on win8/8.1 64bit
To use this up the game must be forced on 32bit :(

It'd be great if this app could work in win8/8.1/10 @64bit't play without it!
probably it works on win7 64bit...easy to verify
if it doesn't works...when u start loading cars and track, the game crash and u return to the launcher menu
It doesnt crash the game at all, I just cant hear anything or read anything from the app itself hence going back to my first question if there is something else we need to do other than just adding the app to the python folder. Still hasnt figured it out. I really need this to work as I am just using single screen. :(:(:(:cry:

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