I use Simtools for a couple of years now, and I'm quite happy with how I've dialed it in. Mainly lowered accelleration, heave and surge values from the default plugins a bit while increasing smoothness to make the motion feel more clear, and get rid of unnecessary noise. I love how customizable Simtools is, but with so much settings available it also hightens the risk of making things worse.
I've read that SRS isn't that customisable than Simtools, but that it isn't a problem because the default settings per game are that good so the couple of sliders you get in SRS should be sufficient.
Is that true? Should I be better of with SRS because it is more fault proof, or should I stick with Simtools?
I've read that SRS isn't that customisable than Simtools, but that it isn't a problem because the default settings per game are that good so the couple of sliders you get in SRS should be sufficient.
Is that true? Should I be better of with SRS because it is more fault proof, or should I stick with Simtools?