Staff addition to the R3E Club

Lars Hansen

Buggered if I know.....
Well, some (most?) have already spotted that my name has started appearing in red, but I just figured I'd do a little 'official' announcement.

So the R3E Club now has two staffers, @Kenny Paton and yours truly.
Now, just so there are no misunderstandings, this is still very much Kennys club.
He's done an outstanding job thus far, and I have no intentions of trying to 'take over' as it were.
I'll simply be around to help out wherever I can, and maybe even give the poor bugger a day off once in a while. :)
We both have a few ideas knocking around, and we're in the process of getting them incorporated into what is already a fairly hectic Club-schedule.
But for right now, nothing much is going to change.

Aside from the fact that everyone will now have to be much nicer to me. :D
(I know. Fat chance of that happening.)
