STC Black Cup '09: Who will clinch the title?

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That is the question going in to the final race this Thursday at Paul Ricard. Here are what you all should focus at.

The two main competitors are Danielsson Motorsports Virtual and DHR Simcraft. Only 2 points are seperating the two teams. That is practicly nothing as you get 32 for a win. So none of these two teams can go on safe mode at Paul Ricard, both have to beat the other to become champions.

DMSv have been leading for the majority of the season while DHR have been catching up all the time after a few less good reults at the beginning of the season. DHR can become the first team in STC's short history to win multiple titles aswell as back to back titles.

On the drivers side both teams have a good amount of drivers to chose from as only one from each team has reached the 5 race limit with Roland Ehnström and Mikko Korkiakoski being the two. Also, these are the two teams accept for FlatOut Racing that has won races this season, 2 to DMSv and 5 to DHR so expect them to be up front.

The outsiders are Roaring Pipes Maniacs. They havn't won a race this season but have won many before. They are always up there fighting for the top spots but haven't managed to go all the way... yet! But being 34 points behind they need to step it up and rely on some luck to be able to clinch their second STC titile.

RPM also has one driver on the 5 race limit and that is Rami Kaukola. This wont stop them from being fast though as they aswell have a very quick line-up.

Here are the standings going into the final race:
Danielsson Motorsports Virtual 411
DHR Simcraft 409
Roaring Pipes Maniacs 377

All in all it will be a very exciting and close battle to the finishline so make sure not to miss it! You can watch it live at STC's Pit Wall complete with live-timing and chat this Thursday, December 17th, at 21:00 CET.


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