Steam profile link button broken in PM's.


I've linked my steam account to my RD account. However upon clicking the button in PM's it gives the following error. I'm thinking it's because the URL is /profiles/ and not /id/.


Thanks for adding the Save Games section to the MSC downloads forum! Have a good one!
Hmm, so Steam have both "id" and "profiles" in user page URLs now? (If so, how thoughtful of them! ;) Bit like Youtube...)
We can probably adapt to it, though it's a wee bit faffy. Is this a new thing?
OK, I decided to tweak the template so that any purely numeric entries [edit: of roughly the right length] are treated as 64-bit Steam IDs and everything else is treated as a custom URL ID.
So you should now be able to use just "Sokoloft" and it should work OK. Please give it a go ;)
(When I had a look at all existing Steam IDs in our system, only 20% of them were of the 64-bit flavour, with the rest being custom IDs...)
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