Steering on controller issues?

Hi there,
I'm just now getting frustrated with a small issue now I've noticed it: when I'm steering with my controller, it's as if there's an early deadzone, yet the deadzone setting in CM is set to 0 and always has been, I've checked. It just won't smoothly make really fine turns like I need to. Any help with this?
In Windows Command Prompt, if you launch `joy.cpl`, select controller, then [Properties],
do you sense any dead spot when moving the stick smoothly thru the suspected dead zone?
You could try Calibrate under Settings there..
If still a dead spot, then a custom LUT (look-up table) could help linearize response.
Here is a good LUT resource: RasmusP's LUT Guide
While it is specific to Logitech wheels, the game does not care whether a LUT is used for wheel or controller.
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