Skins Stickers on a carbon material

I'm just working on a skin for R8 LMS 2016, and I want to have stickers on it's carbon parts just as some Kunos skins do.
If I try to put bright orange stickers on these carbon parts which are mapped in, they only get into a very dark shade of orange as they are defined as BODY_CARBON material. The Kunos skins have those carbon parts defined just the same way as the same material, yet they have bright stickers on them which are simply edited in their just as I'm trying to do.
So i basically can't find out how to put visible stickers on carbon material.
Thank you for your help.
KUNOS R8.png
MY R8.png
Check the alpha channel on the '' of the R8 LMS '01_2016' skin!
Make the parts white in the alpha channel which should not be affected by the txMaps or txDetail, as seen below. It's always helpful to look through all files in the official skin folders to see how certain things are made.

And save the texture as DXT5 to maintain the alpha channel.
The same applies to the main skinfile itself; white alpha shows the skin, black alpha blends it evenly with the file, and greys are anything in between. You can use that to have a metallic finish in some parts of the skin, and glossy in others.