Stock Car Extreme Setups

Hosnestly i could never do that cause i never drive on a default setup i either make changes even before driving the cars or i use one of my setup that i've made on another track and make the small changes that needs to be done to better suit the current track.

Maybe its me and the fact that i have too much experiences and knowledge (about 20 years of sim racing) cause for me all the RWD cars follows the same principal when it comes to how i setup those kind of cars and same things for the FWD cars. Like i said for me the best way to learn is by making your own setup and experimenting ;)
Don't take this the wrong way but that's like saying the purpose of sharing set up changes is irrelevant and that its just gonna take years of experimentation before you can learn anything and don't bother learning from people who already know because they have no methodology that they can explain to you.

The best way to learn in my opinion is not to grope around in the dark but to rely on the knowledge that others have gathered. That's how much of all learning is done and I just want those who share that view to do the same.

However I feel that the dumping of set ups without any explanation other than "it made me faster" not even to describe the style of driving the poster prefers is in my opinion promoting a mindless relationship with set ups. People then view set ups like arbitrary figures plugged into the car rather than something that is logical. Worse they view the set up not as the changes but the file they load into the game.

I think there's definitely a way to link the personal experience you talk about with the way people share set ups here and like I said I linked someone who did just that. The guy described how the default set up was unsatisfactory and the changes he made to fix that and how that did that.
Hmmm, have a question about the roll bars.
Have a setup with front and rear anti roll bars set as ¨detached¨.
What does this exactly mean then, racing like this makes the car stable for me and letting me have top laptimes, for me that is:p:D
Hi All

I`ve been looking for a tune on Ortona with the 125Cc Direct Drive kart for quite a while now, with no succes :( .

This is my Last shot

Does anybody have a setup for this Kart/Track Combination?

With detached roll bars you will have more overall grip, but the chassis will have more tendency to roll in the corners, and the car will react slower on steering changes.
On the other hand softer (and sure detached) roll bars will help raise the tire temps.
Hmmm, have a question about the roll bars.
Have a setup with front and rear anti roll bars set as ¨detached¨.
What does this exactly mean then, racing like this makes the car stable for me and letting me have top laptimes, for me that is:p:D
What car are you driving?

I've never seen that option, and although I'm not surprised it stabilizes the car, I'd be surprised if it's not also slower. As Marco suggests, the excessive roll increases overall grip, especially at mid corner, but should compromise your steering and tire temps.

I'd also imagine chicanes would become much more challenging, but who knows, if it makes you faster, keep them off.
V8 and Touring cars. Turning them off make the car more stable for me.
Especially coming out of corners, the rear of the car stays behind me:D
Well i thought it makes me faster (which it does for me) not compared to those alines around here:p
Agree, it's a hell of a handful to drive in its stock setup. I pretty much end up facing backwards in 80% of my track outings. Is there a setting which helps with the extreme tendency to oversteer?
I tihnk the Vee depends more on techique than setup, when the Vee was released i really struggled. The most important thing i guess is, that you have to balance the car with the throttle through turns, to counter the oversteer. This will eliminate the oversteer on turn-in and through the corners. Keep practicing ! :D
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You're probably right mate. I know next to nothing about setups and just thought there might be something to help. It's an incredibly challenging car to drive but also very rewarding to pull off a nice controlled lap or two.
Pretty sure @Jarek Kostowski (who is one of the fastest guys I've race against in the Vee) uses the default setup.
Driving the Vee has more to do with technique than setup
Yep, i'm always on default except on very dangerous tracks i would occasionally harden the front ARB by one or two clicks. I tried a million different sets & settings during the league and came do the conclusion that default works best (for me).
Once you start making the car safer, the understeer will slow you down.

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