
Apps stracker 3.5.1

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So let me get this right , i have two race servers equipped with track cycle so i launch one then the other followed by just one stracker. so stracker will monitor both servers off the one instance yah? as for making a second database do i do this in game on the server with the ptracker app?

Multiserver support
A lot of communities offer multiple AC servers. stracker supports these setups with flexible configuration options. You choose if you wish to keep all servers in one database, or have a seperate DB for each one.

If this was what you were referring to b4 yeh i dont get it, its telling me i can have a second DB but how? i looked threw some more of your documentation but im just not understanding it correctly.

If i run the two race servers than just the one stracker , stracker shits itself after a track cycle has been made but also is only working on the second server only .i'm sure i'm missing some thing quite simple as it works fine on just the one server with map rotation in affect.

thsi is what it says in the stracker.txt down the bottom

stracker[INFO ]: Log verbosity changed: 2
stracker[ERROR]: Cannot read file with bad words (bad_words.txt): [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'bad_words.txt'
stracker[STDOUT]: Starting stracker - press ctrl+c for shutdown
stracker[INFO ]: Using database './stracker.db3'
stracker[INFO ]: Using plugin configuration rcvport=12003 sendport=11003 proxy=(None/None)
stracker[INFO ]: Plugin listens to port 12003 and sends to port 11003.
stracker[INFO ]: Using database './stracker.db3'
stracker[INFO ]: update soft split positions for magione []
stracker[INFO ]: connection try of a ptracker client connected to different port (9601). Ignoring.
stracker[INFO ]: signin {'track_checksum': '', 'car': '', 'pt_version': '3.3.6', 'guid': '76561198030769891', 'car_checksum': '', 'trackname': '', 'ac_version': ''}
stracker[INFO ]: Broadcast message: Player MuFFkiNs entered the server .
stracker[INFO ]: server is not configured for minorating usage (AUTH_PLUGIN_ADDRESS). MR cache is disabled.
stracker[INFO ]: Ptracker message to 76561198030769891: Welcome to stracker 3.3.7
stracker[INFO ]: serving lapstat({}) (size=21244)
stracker[INFO ]: serving .\http_static\bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css size=109518 contenttype=text/css
stracker[INFO ]: serving .\http_static\bootstrap/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css size=18860 contenttype=text/css
stracker[INFO ]: serving .\http_static\bootstrap/css/bootstrap-multiselect.css size=1174 contenttype=text/css
stracker[INFO ]: serving .\http_static\bootstrap/css/bootstrap-datepicker.css size=33704 contenttype=text/css
stracker[INFO ]: serving .\http_static\bootstrap/css/sticky-footer.css size=326 contenttype=text/css
stracker[INFO ]: serving .\http_static\bootstrap/css/fileinput.min.css size=3380 contenttype=text/css
stracker[INFO ]: serving .\http_static\jquery/jquery.min.js size=95786 contenttype=application/javascript
stracker[INFO ]: serving .\http_static\bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js size=31819 contenttype=application/javascript
stracker[INFO ]: serving .\http_static\bootstrap/js/bootstrap-multiselect.js size=47816 contenttype=application/javascript
stracker[INFO ]: serving .\http_static\bootstrap/js/bootstrap-datepicker.js size=46821 contenttype=application/javascript
stracker[INFO ]: serving .\http_static\bootstrap/js/fileinput.min.js size=49086 contenttype=application/javascript
stracker[INFO ]: serving .\http_static\bootstrap/css/custom.css size=141 contenttype=text/css
stracker[INFO ]: serving .\http_static\img/brand_icon_large_wob.png size=4143 contenttype=application/octet-stream
stracker[INFO ]: serving .\http_static\img/banner.png size=15198 contenttype=application/octet-stream
stracker[INFO ]: serving .\http_static\img/icn_stability_off.png size=4311 contenttype=application/octet-stream
stracker[INFO ]: serving .\http_static\img/icn_abs_off.png size=3827 contenttype=application/octet-stream
stracker[INFO ]: serving .\http_static\img/icn_automaticbraking_off.png size=4453 contenttype=application/octet-stream
stracker[INFO ]: serving .\http_static\img/icn_gearbox_off.png size=4153 contenttype=application/octet-stream
stracker[INFO ]: serving .\http_static\img/icn_heeltoe_off.png size=4274 contenttype=application/octet-stream
stracker[INFO ]: serving .\http_static\img/icn_idealline_on.png size=3814 contenttype=application/octet-stream
stracker[INFO ]: serving .\http_static\img/icn_tractioncontrol_off.png size=4465 contenttype=application/octet-stream
stracker[INFO ]: serving .\http_static\bootstrap/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf size=41280 contenttype=application/octet-stream
stracker[INFO ]: serving players({}) (size=11763)
stracker[INFO ]: serving lapstat({}) (size=21244)
stracker[INFO ]: serving sessionstat({}) (size=21652)
stracker[INFO ]: serving lapstat({}) (size=21244)
stracker[INFO ]: serving lapstat({}) (size=21244)
stracker[INFO ]: serving players({}) (size=11763)
stracker[INFO ]: serving lapstat({}) (size=21244)
stracker[INFO ]: Broadcast message: Player MuFFkiNs left the server.
stracker[INFO ]: Error with connection socket, finishing connection: [WinError 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
stracker[INFO ]: Driver with guid 76561198030769891 left the server
stracker[INFO ]: session positions:
stracker[INFO ]: Player MuFFkiNs (raceFinished=False, finishTime=None)
stracker[INFO ]: finishing session

Thanks for all your help
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Neys thanks for the reply

i thought that might have been the case so i made a stracker-2R and stracker-3R folder both with the same content but diferent configs and their own DB files also.

Ive Tried launching both track_cycle_consoles first then followed by each stracker instance. my first server the stracker name should b Muffs Race #1 and the second should be Muffs Race #2 but when i jump on the first server stracker is not present but on the second server stracker is present but under Muffs Race #1 so when im launching the strackers the first one goes straight to the second server and the second instance of stracker brings up the cmd fine but is not active on either server.

I noticed b4 that i had the http ports in the stracker.ini set to the ones in the server_cfg.ini so 8082 instead of i put 42223 on the first stracker and 42224 on the second, would this be the correct way to do so?

Thank you so much for your help im sure you've probably come across this b4
and as i said earlier probably some thing simple im overlooking
Cheerz Muffkins
Sry I can't help with complex setups like this in detail. I'd suggest you start without track cycle first having only ac and stracker running with multiple servers. Afterwards you need to set up stracker proxy and connect track cycle to that. You xan find an example config running minorating and stracker on

With a bit of persistence i think i have pulled it off!!! Yay a big sigh of relief on my behalf haha. i have two stracker folders with each having there own stracker.db3 files just renamed to stracker1.db3 and stracker2.db3 one for each race server in their separate folders.

i did it a bit differently to how you suggest, my first server the track cycle uses udp local 11002 and address port 12002, in the track cycle config ther is a line for an additional plugin on ports 11003 and 12003 so i ran stracker threw them instead of running track cycle threw the proxy i only needed to add rcvport= 12003 and sendport= 11003 in the stracker.ini. Also when starting the servers i start the first server then the first stracker followed by the second server and 2nd stracker.

i can connect to each server and cycle tracks without stracker dropping out on reboot. i can also click on the green plug on both servers with ptracker and see that the server names are now in corresponding order. one thing i noticed though and im sure its probably nothing to worrie about is that when getting into the server trackcycle comes up some jargan in chat , shouldnt stracker also put some jargan in the chat on server join??, it doesnt but s/ptracker semm to work fine anyways.

Many thanks for this great server tool you have provided
cheers Muffkins
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Is there a way to reset the sTracker session data so it's empty for a new season?

not 100% sure but i think this can be done in two ways , in ptracker when on the server there should be a database section in there and an option to wipe the database or sectors and so on. if not you could always delete the stracker.db3 file and on next launch it should migrate or something like that making a new stracker.db3 file with no stats on it at all

Hope this helps ;)

Today i went one further buy having the combo of TrackCycle sTracker and Minorating on my race servers. track cycle is running into the server.cfg then stracker into trackcycle the MR into the proxy of stracker.


<add key="external_plugins" value="stracker, 11003,"/>

proxyPluginLocalPort = 10004
proxyPluginPort = 10003
rcvPort = 12003
sendPort = 11003

<add key="ac_server_port" value="10004" />
<add key="plugin_port" value="10003" />

all three pluggins run in their own folders labeled (in my case) TCR1, stracker1,mr1 and the start up sequence is a weird one.

1= start up trackcycle console, wait 10 to 15 seconds
2= start up stracker also wait 10 to 15 seconds
3= start up minorator wait for it to finish putting out data in the cmd then
4=repeat process for second server

i am running three servers two race ones and a drift all with track cycle just the drift one only has trackcycle so i start it after the race servers are done with to prevent stracker from picking up the wrong server

Hope this helps anyone planing to do the same as its been a week long proggres setting up my servers in this kind of way.


Thanks Muffkins
Im getting this when i try to start stracker:
To be able to connect to the Admin side of Stracker there's a setting needed in the stracker.ini file:

; password for the stracker admin pages (leaving it empty results in disabled admin pages
admin_password = Your password
; username for the stracker admin pages (leaving it empty results in disabled admin pages
admin_username = Your Login

Once those settings done and Stracker restarted ... you'll be able to connect in the Admin Area of the http display using those login and password.
I had a 2 server setup. No problem running the two servers and stracker server. The only problem is that the server 2 doesn't save sessions and lap times. I can see the Track/Car combo on stracker via web but no times.
Also how much bandwidth does the web stats interface use? is 3tb enough to run both assetto corsa and stracker with the web interface?
This is probably something really simple (hopefully). I have stracker setup for a server I run off my home PC for a few of my mates, we race usually once per week. This was working completely fine for months and months but all of a sudden as of about month ago, everything still works, EXCEPT the race results don't work properly. Everybody is just listed as DNF. It still records lap times and quali/practice session details are recorded fine. The only thing that has changed recently is that I started using Content Manager to run the server, however this problem started happening before I made that change.

Does anybody know what could be the issue?
This is probably something really simple (hopefully). I have stracker setup for a server I run off my home PC for a few of my mates, we race usually once per week. This was working completely fine for months and months but all of a sudden as of about month ago, everything still works, EXCEPT the race results don't work properly. Everybody is just listed as DNF. It still records lap times and quali/practice session details are recorded fine. The only thing that has changed recently is that I started using Content Manager to run the server, however this problem started happening before I made that change.

Does anybody know what could be the issue?
Are you using the latest stracker version? The stracker.log file would be helpful...
This problem reminds me .... a previous Stracker version which didn't work yet with .... Timed Race sessions.
Are you now doing servers with Timed race in place of number of laps ? .... that should be the reason of this problem with a previous Stracker version.
Thanks Neys, log file is attached. Had to take some data out of the end of the log file to be able to attach it, was literally 38,000 lines of this:

stracker[WARN ]: There seems to be a dangling car 4 (name=Hambovegas guid=76561197993400991); trying to repair by pinging server state
stracker[WARN ]: There seems to be a dangling car 5 (name=Aero guid=76561198000677284); trying to repair by pinging server state

Am using the latest version (I believe).

edit: Maybe the file is not attached, I don't seem to be able to get it to work
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