Tracks Strange Shadow Issue

Hey everyone.

I've been dabbling in some track editing, and have come across a strange issue that I'm attempting to fix (if possible).
There is a weird, large, square shaped shadow that appears on the grass on the track I'm editing (track is Barbagallo Raceway) and seems to be some kind of shadow to the camera, as it follows the free cam, as well as the sun angle too. (Pictures attached for reference).
It also only appears once loaded into the game, but doesn't appear in 3DSimEd or ksEditor....
Does anyone have any ideas on the cause, and/or a fix??
(Am running CSP version 0.1.74)

Thanks in advance.


Hey I know this is a very old post but did you ever find a solution to this? I've been trying to fix it as well as it really ruins the look of the track in replays and even some times in cockpit.