Struggling with tyre temps on Monza with Audi lms

Hi All,

I am struggling with my tyre temps on Monza with the Audi lms.

Front and rear left are round about 100° and right site ~88°.
Brakeduct are set to 2 front and rear 1.

Brake pads = 2

Someone have tipps?

Best regards,
Could be different things depending on driving style, car setup and track conditions, although it is quite normal for the left tyres to be hotter on Monza.

Increasing the number of brake ducts is always helpful to reduce tyre temperatures but it depends on air/track temperature and how cool the brakes get at the end of the straights.

A few setup-related things you could try, however they are all very related to driving style so do experiement a bit with each since they will impact the way the car handles.
  • Softer anti-roll bar
  • Less toe angle which will reduce friction when driving in a straight line
  • Make sure the tyre pressures are on point. Some cars benefit from running with much higher pressures (>28 hot) than normal on Monza since an overinflated tyre will reduce the ground contact which means less friction and higher speeds on the straights, it can significantly decrease performance when turning though.

I haven’t used the Audi much before and never at Monza. I normally drive the Merc/Lexus/Porsche/Lambo. At Monza I have race pace in the 48’s and 49’s so no alien. I just did 5 laps in practice @ 23, 28°, and 34°C. Used the stock aggressive with 40l fuel No changed tyre pressures. first lap I was straight into the 49’s and after the 15 laps of testing got into the high 48’s.
23° - tyres green and FL was at 27.2 after out lap and was good for all laps
28° - tyres green and FL was at 27.6 after out lap and was good for all laps
34° - tyres green and FL was at 27.9 after out lap and got slightly orange on the last turn if I got a bad line.
I feel I could easily tune out the pressures back to 27.5 avg and on a hot (38°+) would look at dropping the camber a click or two and maybe a click or two on the toe for the FL only.
I drove it like a Merc tho haha and maybe not like an Audi connoisseur with respect to race lines and braking...
I would maybe drop the diff lock too to tame it just a bit, but more laps and I’m sure I’d adjust.
Do you think you can use same traits on the GT4 audi? I normally always use the Bentley so not used to MR layout. Thought the GT4 be best to learn first then carry that over to GT3. Need know how I need drive it differently
Well... MR will try to turn you more than a front-engined stead. You can always reduce the rear toe and back off the diff preload to stabilise the rear, but long term you really want to adjust to the style of the car.
Yeah that's exactly what I'm trying to ask tips on haha. I'll try what you said in the presets. It was actually a lot of fun last night around brands.

Seems to like a bit of trail braking, a smooth coasting to get nose pointed into apex and then get on the power and drive through an early apex, it felt. Think I managed a low 1.34 so probably can get more out of it.
Will do when I get back home on Tuesday.

FYI I have not used the R8 more than 30 laps total, but I have used the Porsche in a series earlier this year, so a bit transfers across ;)

Will let you know how I get on...
You seem quite familiar with the R8, any chance you could try that there and let me compare times? I'll try less diff preload, and less camber see if that helps

So, took the R8 LMS GT4 on Suzuka. 2,14's after 5 laps. There is a lot more in it still and I'm an AM driver ;)

Agro setup with following changes:
+1.5 PSI Left tyres +2.0 PSI Right tyres roughly
Brake pad 1 - for races less than 60 mins is all good
40l fuel
opened front brake duct from 6 to 4 - @6 they went full red when I slightly overshot T1/T2 and had to brake longer. This would also start to overheat front tyres after a little time.
adjusted Brake bias from 63% to 59% - much better turn in under brakes and trail braking.

Hope that helps a little
So, took the R8 LMS GT4 on Suzuka. 2,14's after 5 laps. There is a lot more in it still and I'm an AM driver ;)

Agro setup with following changes:
+1.5 PSI Left tyres +2.0 PSI Right tyres roughly
Brake pad 1 - for races less than 60 mins is all good
40l fuel
opened front brake duct from 6 to 4 - @6 they went full red when I slightly overshot T1/T2 and had to brake longer. This would also start to overheat front tyres after a little time.
adjusted Brake bias from 63% to 59% - much better turn in under brakes and trail braking.

Hope that helps a little
Nice I'll give that a go!! If want to join a gt4 series starts tonight roughly 7pm british time. Search for fellerz in server browser. Surprised didn't change diff preload.
Oh oops, that's a shame! Your brake duct and brake balance advice was golden. I tried the tyre pressures but they rocketed to 28 psi I backed off a click or two on preloadI think just to try manage mid apex oversteer through the esses.

It was solid everywhere else, particularly the two right hand corners by the bridge,managed a PB of a 2.13.7