Super kart's

I would go for something like SuperKarts also. Right now i use a MOD which i think is a Russian go karts mod which they arent too bad. Model/MOD I think is KC-76 and there are four or five types of these karts. I guess time shall tell if any of the Modders are up to doing something besides GT cars.
I already have these karts,,ks_76_a,,ks_76_b,,,ks_76_c2 and some more and they are good but i wish someone
would do a super kart as they are alot quicker then the other karts , i watch a video of super kart and they where hiting
230 and more some times.
Thanks for that info GT VIRUS. Be interesting if AMS2 will have the Karts, that way we get VR mode also. I thought Rfactor 2 or Project Cars 2 has kind of a superkart also, but not too sure. They both have some kind of karting, but not sure of type and not too many selections in those games.

Yeah Mitch, those guys racing real Superkarts on GP tracks are crazy fast. I did real karting back before shifter karts came to the tracks. Our karts were 2 cycle engines/motors and we either had 1 or 2 of them on a Kart. Fastest I could go back then was around 80 mph on Meadowdale GP track(closed now) back in the 1980's. Local sprint tracks we did 40-50 mph down the straights. The ground really moves past us fast being so low to the ground. It was fun back then but somewhat expensive.
If I do say so myself these* are close enough.


*no linking allowed so search for 'Miscellaneous Minutiae Karting'
Go to the Karting Label to find all five types of Kart available.
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