Swapping visual models of cars

Hopefully someone with a little more knowledge than me may be able to answer this if it is even possible. Using default cars, can I swap the visual model of one car for another? What I’m trying to achieve is that I’ve tweaked one of the TC Classic cars, the FuscaHC, and got it working how I like it. So to add a bit more visual variety now I want to try and use some of the other TC Classic cars as well so that essentially they are still the FuscaHC in terms of driving and handling but the only change is that Automobilista draws a different car on the screen.
Things I’ve already had a brief unsuccessful experiment with. Swapping info from the VEH file between two cars. Copying the set of associated files, cockpit info, MAS etc from the FuscaHC and renaming them to suit the other car model.
Thanks in advance for any help or info.