T300 ffb fades away when i open steam

Ive bought a T300 GT edition about 2 months ago, i had some issues related to the ffb, ive send it back to the shop, they give a new witch falied on me after the firmware update, today i went back to the shop again and they give me an replacement... now for my surprise ive noticed that when i start the Steam client the ffb fades away, the wheel loses a lot of it strenght, any thoughs about what can be causing this issue?

My system specs are:
I5 3570k
Asus MB (cant remember the model)
2x4GB of DDR3 RAM
500GB 7200rpm
XFX 650W Power Suply

Thanks in advance!
What im losing its all the forces that can be watched in this video at 0:41 sec, when the user moves his wheel 90 degrees to the left and let it go. My wheel is missing all that strenght when i open the steam client, before i open it, its exactly the same as in the video.

No, i havent changed anything on steam. Im a little bit confused about your question, but after it Ive taked a look into Settings/Controller, ive opened the first option, General Controller Settings, Guide Button Focuses Steam is checked, but i didt go there to check it, is supossed to be checked? Maybe your asking me other thing, and im missing it?