T300 settings?

Control Panel :

Overall strength 75%
Constant 100%
Perodic 100%
Spring 0%
Damper 0%
Auto-Center by game 12%

(ATM, but still experimenting)
Gain 53%
Minimum Force 1%
Dynamic Damping 45%
Road Effects 5%
Thanks willy but I was looking for setup for the new game.
I think the Thrustmaster main settings he suggested work for both AC and ACC.
Also the part about minimum damping based on wheel size and weight also relevant for ACC.
Tried with both formula rim and 488 rim.
Thrustmaster - 100,100,100,100, 0

Also found similar. ini file in docs/ACC/config
Control.ini - minDamper0.3
Or lower for larger wheel minDamper 0.1
dynamicDamping 0.3
Road effects to suit