T3PA-Pro Pedals Large Deadzones

Throttle - about a 20% deadzone
Brakes - about a 5-10% deadzone
Clutch - about a 30-35% deadzone

Posted this on the Steam forum and apparently somebody with a G27 was having the same issue, and I have no problems with this in any other game, so it seems very much like something going wrong with the game. All deadzone settings in-game are at 0%. This occurs with any car.

Anybody else? This is really troublesome to deal with, especially with cars that I need to modulate the throttle carefully with.
I had the same issue. I found that the potentiometer had come slightly loose on my brake pedal and was rotating with the gear for the first part of travel. I was only getting 43% travel because it was dead for the 57% whilst it rotated. Tighten it up and hey presto no dead zone. It only has to rotate a tiny amount and you get a huge deadzone.