T500 on desk vs G25 on a rig?

Hey guys,

Right now I've got my G25 desk mounted, has been like that for 2 years now. Recently I've got more and more into sim racing and want to upgrade my setup. Pretty much I've boiled it down to either keeping my desk setup but with a better wheel (Thrustmaster/Fanatec) OR keep my trusty G25 for a while longer (wheel, pedals and shifter still going strong) and get a decent rig first before upgrading my wheel/pedals/shifter.

I've gotten a couple of replies on Reddit and Youtube but I wanted to know what this community thinks is the better option.

Having a correct seat is key to race well. If the way you race now is adequate, and your pedals don't slip, or your wheel during fast movements, then you can upgrade ypur wheel to a decent one. I'd suggest a T300/TX over the T500. The brushless motor does make a difference. You can keep the logitech pedals since they are ok, and have in mind yo go at least csl elite lc in the nearest future. But then you'll have to move to a dedicated rig asap. If your desk does not feel right, then definitely move to a rig before upgrading anything.
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