Tactile Immersion - General Discussion - Hardware & Software

I've actually gone back recently to trying Simvibe again, given the problems I have with lower hz and the Buttkicker Mini's. I have retuned my settings for the new units (used to run Aura's) and the results are suprisingly good. The upside is that I can adjust the hz with the sliders as opposed to just gain on SSW, and this has helped me to achieve an optimal tone that doesn't distort. I do still use SSW, but only for braking effects aka downforce effect. I run engine and bumps on Simvibe. I leave gear shift enabled on SSW but it's not that noticeable with the motion going. Point being, yes, both are useful and if you do have both, they offer slightly different things. or very different things, depending on your situation.
@AntoN_CheZ Are you running SV in CM with shakers at the corners? I revisited SV recently thinking that I could direct specific effects to specific channels (I have a somewhat unique setup) in EM but I don't think I can. For example, I would like to have their engine effect only go to the left rear channel. I'm not sure if something like that is doable in SV.
I run extensions mode. One up front and one at the seat. You can't separate left and right but you can front and back. I am pretty sure that's how it was with chassis mode when I was running 4 units. Not sure why you would want engine only in one part as opposed to spread evenly across the seat. but that's up to you I guess.
After re-reading your last post @Hiro Abe, I believe you are running a total of 4 shakers? 2 up front (I assume for SSW road effects??) and 2 more shakers TST and LFE under your seat (is the LFE and TST mounted left and right under your seat???)

For the Chassis Mode setup that you want, I suppose you want SV CM effects on just one shaker mounted under your seat right? Because you asked for "left rear" channel for CM, this should be possible (just have one rca connector connected to your amp's left channel and connect the 3.5 mm jack to the black audio port on your sound card).

I guess you want to maintain SSW effects on your ADX's under your pedals?
Then use SV in CM for one of the shakers under your seat for engine effects? Its not clear to me of what your fourth shaker will be doing? Its a rather powerful one and should be taken full advantage of!!! Lol

How are you liking 2 shakers under your pedals???

PS, My advice to you, is mount both LFE and TST at the back of your seat for SV CM engine effects! I've done this with 2 shakers at my seat-back and simply assigned; one "Engine vibrations with harmonics and load" (assigned to "front"), assigned another layer of "Engine vibrations with harmonics and load" (assigned to "rear"), then one layer of "Engine RPM Quad Stream" (assigned to "all four corners"). I've also added 2 layers of gear change. Blended together and feels very nice!

I'll post my SV profiles for AMS and R3E for yours and anyone's testing if you like when i get off work later.
@SOLO59 I do have 4 shakers but not in a four corners configuration. I don't employ any l/r effects. I essentially send mono effects to each shaker which is why I tell people that I have a rather unique set up.

You gave me an idea though. I have an USB soundcard which I can use for SV and use, say, just the left channel as the input on my 3000DSP for the TST. The only effect I'm interested in from SV is engine so that will work. That way I can work with what I have. Not ready to sink more money into tactile at this point. Got other plans! :cool:

How are you liking 2 shakers under your pedals???

Interestingly enough, where it REALLY shines is in iRacing. I have SSW's slip effect (Mr Latte's waveform) feeding the ADX under my right heel. The effect is awesome and I use it when I'm hotlapping, practicing and racing. It gives me terrific tactile feedback of what my tires are doing and tells me when I'm approaching absolute grip limits.
Looking over SV's set-up guide I'm wondering if I can get it to work with a stereo USB soundcard. All's I need is one channel. Should be a fun experiment.
Those wheel slip effects and others from SSW sure sounds very useful and immersive!!!

YOU will have a very unique and immersive setup once you get SV CM engine effects going too! GL to you and hoping for the best results with your testing!

When you are done with your SSW and SV setup, I would give it try assuming I can use custom profiles in SSW trial version.

And you have another ADX under your left heel??? What's that one for?? And also, the LFE?? Sorry for the questions... Its YOUR fault for having such a unique and interesting tactile setup!!!
Looking over SV's set-up guide I'm wondering if I can get it to work with a stereo USB soundcard. All's I need is one channel. Should be a fun experiment.

That's what I'm using... My usb sound card only has one mic and one headphone port. So I'm using that usb sound card for SV Extension Mode via 2 shakers, using x1 rca splitter to 3.5 mm jack. Both shakers are plugged into one headphone port into the usb sound card, but I can assign separate effects to each shaker.

For Chassis Mode, you should be good with the usb sound card as long as its only one shaker you plan on using.

That will be a FUN experiment though!!!
That's what I'm using... My usb sound card only has one mic and one headphone port. So I'm using that usb sound card for SV Extension Mode via 2 shakers, using x1 rca splitter to 3.5 mm jack. Both shakers are plugged into one headphone port into the usb sound card, but I can assign separate effects to each shaker.

Ah... good to hear. So this should work.

Sorry for the questions... Its YOUR fault for having such a unique and interesting tactile setup!!!

Guilty as charged! :D So, here is how I'm set up (currently all SSW):
  • LFE - centered under seat - receives road surface effects
  • TST - under seat towards the back - receives gear shift and engine vibe
  • ADX/right heel - slip effect
  • ADX/left heel - road bumps
The ADX set-up may sound weird... okay... it is weird... but when I had them set up for l/r feedback I wasn't really feeling much of a separation. For example, when my left front went over a kerb it wasn't like, "Wow! I can really feel that under my left heel!" So, I decided to dedicate one or two effects per transducer. My thought was it would help in the fidelity of the feedback so one effect is not drowning out another when one transducer is trying to output both. It's been working quite nicely.

Oh... and some may think I'm wasting the use of my LFE on road surface effects rather than the bigger effect of road bumps. With how I have SSW configured, it is sending a lot of surface effects and when that big LFE piston starts moving.... :geek:

The plan is to replace SSW's engine vibe and gear shift going to the TST with SV's (primarily for the engine effect which is - imo - much better than SSW's).
I'm soooo jealous... You'll be running SV CM engine effects with a freaking TST You lucky guy!!!! Lol

That is a weird setup you got going there.... But it accommodates all your chosen effects the way you want and that looks like a pretty good sweet-spot setup!

I learned the hard way myself that one maybe two effects is good enough per shaker.

Can't wait to hear about your finished setup!!!!

The fact that I'm using 2 ADX's for SV CM shows how much I love those engine effects!!
Ah... good to hear. So this should work.

Guilty as charged! :D So, here is how I'm set up (currently all SSW):
  • LFE - centered under seat - receives road surface effects
  • TST - under seat towards the back - receives gear shift and engine vibe
  • ADX/right heel - slip effect
  • ADX/left heel - road bumps
The ADX set-up may sound weird... okay... it is weird... but when I had them set up for l/r feedback I wasn't really feeling much of a separation. For example, when my left front went over a kerb it wasn't like, "Wow! I can really feel that under my left heel!" So, I decided to dedicate one or two effects per transducer. My thought was it would help in the fidelity of the feedback so one effect is not drowning out another when one transducer is trying to output both. It's been working quite nicely.

Oh... and some may think I'm wasting the use of my LFE on road surface effects rather than the bigger effect of road bumps. With how I have SSW configured, it is sending a lot of surface effects and when that big LFE piston starts moving.... :geek:

The plan is to replace SSW's engine vibe and gear shift going to the TST with SV's (primarily for the engine effect which is - imo - much better than SSW's).

I just dont get why anyone would use single units only for individual effects in the way you are doing this. Very strange setup indeed.

The question is why, you didnt feel good stereo, while bumps are not always on/off regards stereo bumps output, as often the stereo mix can have one side stronger than the other but both active. I have mentioned before (regards AC at least) with bumps use a threshold of 70 or more for better stereo sensation from curbs or on/off track scenarios. Then use surface bumps to be more active.

Lateral G effect, operates more it seems in an on/off type fashion, you should clearly feel the opposite channel operating to the direction of steering applied. This at least should easily be felt in stereo if the user has decent installation.

You have a full size LFE that can bring quite immense power and your using it for only "surface" effects, which should represent smaller-medium sized chassis bump, err dude, seriously? :(

The two main effects that can drown out others the most if used in combining multiple effects, as they are more constant or can operate over longer periods appear to be "Acc Long" and "Engine". Having these on a separate unit(s) from stereo/quad sets is a good solution to maintain the clarity of the effects for the others. They should be able to handle multiple effects, especially if, each is given their own sensations and not using like default files do by using the same or very similar frequencies.

If we look at SSW default effects, imagine having Simvibe configured by using the same Hz values for multiple effects, it would seem daft and what would happen? Very likely that the effects will feel similar and get lost amongst others? Yet this is pretty much the scenario we find with SSW default effects. So do keep this in mind when using SSW base/default files or forming opinions on what its potential is guys.
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The fact that I'm using 2 ADX's for SV CM shows how much I love those engine effects!!

Heres, something to try, not hard or complicated.

Assetto Corsa, C7R get the Fonesecker audio for this car.
As a test run with "audio tactile" bring up your EQ control.
If you want lower or disable other audio effects from the (on track) audio options within the menus.

Something like this as an example but mainly adding a lot of boost to 30Hz (+15dB) and 62Hz (+5dB). You should clearly feel the cars idle, and also a rather sweet max RPM limit sensation. Yet also you can get engine rpm and transmission whine all from just the audio.

Not to mention improved on/off track detail and stereo bumps activity (title dependent)

(Creative Omni Example, see it supports upto a +24dB boost. Asus DGX offers 20dB, software EQ like PEACE offers upto 30dB
(*note: not all cards or options are equal)

When good car audio is combined with a few simple RPM (telemetry tactile), engine effects, for the purpose of background engine-load and response. The sensation is rather superb. We can in SSW also have "ACC Long" effect compliment the RPM as the G-Forces build and increase the load when the car is accelerating.

If mixing say SSW with Audio this can easily be done without additional hardware and taking a duplicate of the audio out (Y-Splitter) from the "Primary Soundcard" and having this go into the "Aux or Line In" of the SSW soundcard.

You then can bring up the soundcard controls of the SSW card, to adjust the input level of the "Line In" to determine the strength of the incoming "Audio" to then be output and mixed with the "Telemetry" based effects.
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You have a full size LFE that can bring quite immense power and your using it for only "surface" effects, which should represent smaller-medium sized chassis bump, err dude, seriously? :(

Heh. I was wondering if you would comment. :D Believe me, Rod, in my fav sim - R3E - I'm getting tons of awesome feedback and even still get the occasional piston pang. I set the threshold for bumps pretty high and have Road Surface set a 1 so it gets most of the bumps. That's the general config I implement across the board though most of my time is being spent between iRacing and R3E.

In regards to stereo effect: As you know, I tried to implement isolation up front and it didn't work out. I tried bumping up the threshold as you suggested and, yes, I could feel some separation but for me, personally, I wasn't finding it adding to my immersion. I believe I've mentioned in the past that when I'm driving, I am extremely focused and tend not to notice tactile feedback all that much. Of course I do notice its absence if it isn't on but not to the point I find it distracting. Therefore, I'm not that hung up on stereo feedback. I prefer to focus on the fidelity of the feedback.
I'm soooo jealous... You'll be running SV CM engine effects with a freaking TST You lucky guy!!!! Lol

Don't be jealous. I have one of the cheaper TSTs - the 209 and last night's experiment really kind of accented its shortcomings. Though, I did not play around with my DSP settings to see if I can squeeze more performance out of it.

Speaking of last night: Pretty easy to get myself set up and going with just SV engine feeding my TST (gear shift was virtually none existent so I think I'll send that to my LFE). Unfortunately, as I inferred above, the effect wasn't all that engaging. Part of it is my set up in that I think I'm asking too much of the 209 to transmit through it's 8020 support, the steel seat support and then the seat itself. I'm contemplating directly mounting it to my seat's shell which means drilling some holes. Not sure I want to go there but I realize that would be the ideal solution.

What I found was happening was a lot of the effect was too buzzy and didn't have enough presence. I limited the range within SV which helped but even at 0db, I wasn't getting enough energy. Again, I think this is a combination of my setup and the diminutive 209. Fun experimenting though.

Oh... I haven't done any searches on this yet but does anyone have a quick answer on why SSW wasn't picking up any of the telemetry from RF2? I just started driving that sim and last night was the first time trying it with feedback. SV had no problem giving me engine but with SSW and telemetry logging on I could see it wasn't detecting any of the data from RF2. I did click the implement RF2 plugin checkbox. I'll do some searches and if I come up blank I'll ask Andrei over in his support thread but thought I would toss it out here if anyone already went thru the same experience.
Heh. I was wondering if you would comment. :D Believe me, Rod, in my fav sim - R3E - I'm getting tons of awesome feedback and even still get the occasional piston pang. I set the threshold for bumps pretty high and have Road Surface set a 1 so it gets most of the bumps. That's the general config I implement across the board though most of my time is being spent between iRacing and R3E.

In regards to stereo effect: As you know, I tried to implement isolation up front and it didn't work out. I tried bumping up the threshold as you suggested and, yes, I could feel some separation but for me, personally, I wasn't finding it adding to my immersion. I believe I've mentioned in the past that when I'm driving, I am extremely focused and tend not to notice tactile feedback all that much. Of course I do notice its absence if it isn't on but not to the point I find it distracting. Therefore, I'm not that hung up on stereo feedback. I prefer to focus on the fidelity of the feedback.

Its your rig so you can have it whatever way you want, really is down to you but sorry it seems very odd way to implement and use the units you have. Making a single unit have the requirement of spreading an effect over the whole rig, then another unit to do the same with a different effect.

You say adding the stereo didnt work out but I can't remember what you done or if you showed how exactly you set about trying to fix or implement the stereo into the build. If it didnt work out then gees man come on, use that LFE properly for what it is good at with it operating in conjunction with boosting several effects.

It appears you have an LFE with much more energy and it also using an effect like "Surface" with a very low threshold setting. This very likely in various sims will have much greater activity too than some other effects, but your using one single unit and the biggest unit to represent one of the busiest effects, effects that should not be the strongest sensations neither. This is possibly likely why you get some piston pang from it too. My advice if sticking with this is to increase the threshold to reduce the "activity" response of this very active effect.

Not only that but as such for an "effect" role that is not necessarily in my view best represented by the most powerful unit and the way, you seem to be giving your units individual roles for single effects is peculiar.

What you have is the higher impact/more forceful "Bumps" for the wheels/suspension, being represented by the smaller unit and then limiting this again to just one of the ADX units. From effects testing/monitoring, to me this is the effect that is best used for the punchier feedback. It highlights over the "Surface" effect the directional/independent wheels but I only say what I see in its activity friend.

If anything you could try the opposite and have both ADX doing the work of the "Surface" effect, they should have better detailing than the LFE and two of them with this mono effect should be better than one. Then place "Bumps" to these too but also using the LFE for Bump enhancement (not surface). Likewise in Audacity having other effects be backed up by the LFE, Lat G-Force and Braking. Use its power to fill the whole rig with effects that should have strong power. It should improve the sensation you have over how you currently are using it. In a sense having the LFE do what its good at, in acting like a Subwoofer role.

Your choice of course but if you want, try the following finding the amplitude that suits:

  • Surface on both ADX & (TST also) if you want, thats 3 units for Surface effects distribution.
  • Bumps on both ADX but give these more impact with LFE enhancement
  • Experiment with having LFE boost other effects but not relying on one single unit to distrubute an effect over the whole rig.

Tactile units can handle "audio tactile" easily, this has *Multiple frequencies, with many harmonics happening at once, therefore they do not struggle in coping with producing many frequencies at any given time.

Yet for effects, yes we should want them to use different waveforms or tone generation as to give them their own unique character or sensations. Then apply frequencies or waveforms that suit not only the role but also the general activity and the users pref/pecking order of the effects being used.

The problem is when seeking a unit to operate many effects all with different activity, often at the same times too. Then if they use similar Hz, it then makes sense these effects blend their sensations and miss providing individual detailing/operation. What happens is the Hz that is repeatedly used, when multiple effects are in operation with the same Hz it boosts the dB of these frequencies, as such its also then possible for units already being driven hard to possibly lose their composure.

In this type of scenario, often dropping an effect from the unit's activity of "Overused Hz" is the..... "less is more" feedback/advice that you see people often give.

  • A question I need help with is knowing what sims use the "mono" based effect numbers. It would be good if someone can check the log for the "mono bump and mono surface" effect activity. Or possibly do a test in giving these effect numbers high amplitude and then the left/right variants very little amplitude to easily detect when each is operating. AC does not seem to use these "mono effect numbers" I am curious which sims perhaps do or how active they can be?
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i just plugged in my inuke100dsp i have a couple of ? lol or a million

is the power plug on your real lose. i cant get it to stay in on mine.
the fans are always running. your two?
I tried the audio output for tactile and the engine does give a nice feeling. I have to play with it more, but for it to be worth it to me, I'd need it to be able to work with my setup. Quick question:

I run earbuds on my rig, the output comes from the headphone jack on the monitor on my rig. So, If I want to run audio AND audio tactile, how would I go about this? The monitor is using HDMI audio, so being able to split the signal is a bit weird. Is it not worth my time to try and make this work? Would it only be possile to do this using the headphone output on my soundcard, the same one that is connected to my tactile?

I'd like to have a play with it to see if I can incorporate the suggestions here.

Edit: Mirroring audio in Windows seems to work well and no need for any extra cables! Will test further tonight.
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Hey guys, I have a P1 rig and am interested in getting some tactile feedback for it, what would I be able to get hardware wise for £250 to start with with 2 transducers and amp?

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