Tactile Immersion - General Discussion - Hardware & Software

I was driving last night idk maybe 40-50 minutes ingame,
6x buttkicker LFE and this GameTrix Jetseat, just leaves you speechless the sheer amount of details you can extract from ingame through 12 motors placed correctly,

I talk to some people regarding the experience I just do not think people can comprehend how much feedback is given and how much it enhances the driving experience,
play ten minutes with a tactile setup then turn it off ten minutes the differences is like someone placing a bag over your head and taking away your vision its that much of a difference,

its hard to compare the Jetseat to the buttkickers, I could not recommend buying 1 over the other accept to someone on a strict tight budget then obviously the Jetseat be the way to go,
but together as 1 unit they both compliment each other so much, would feel strange turning one off or taking 1 system away, but together they are united into Tactile Godliness!!! :rolleyes::rolleyes:

now the patient game of adjustments will begin over the next 5-6-7-8 months adjusting and fine tuning the presets and amps,

main thing I find disappointing with these Behringer amps and maybe something on my end but doubt it seemed simple enough,
is connecting the amps to the PC through the software I had 2 connected before but yet it would not connect to the 2nd amp only 1, so now I have 3 amps its a pitty I can not adjust everything live on the PC,
I still have manual control and there like 2feet away from my seat so not so bad. :)
Glad you got two PCI cards of the same model to work. I am curious how these are handled by the software controls in the easiest way to alter settings for each card? Does it keep settings for each card? For instance, say 1 card was used for "windows audio" and the other for a role in "Simhub" but this one had its EQ sliders from 250Hz and above all at the lowest point (to act like a crossover).

Behringer USB
Limitations of the USB mean each device needs to be connected individually with I think the software relaunched. It is one area I was disappointed with the new NX D series and improved on over the old iNuke DSP series.

It could have done this by offering control of the amps via wi-fi networking.

If its any help, usually, though I would tune each amps settings for the tactile abilities and the role/purpose of those units installation for each amp. Once this is done its not something you should really need to come back to as we use the DSP to control how the amp operates the tactile, rather than using the amp as a way to alter how certain effects feel.

The amp can help tune or control the "character" of the tactile unit being used. This can be piston pang issues on BK minis, it can be reducing output peaks in the 40-50Hz ranges like some units have or for units like TST that have peaks in the 60-80Hz range. Certain bands of frequencies with high output may cause reverb in materials, so if we use PEQ we can nail down what specific Hz are the culprits and lower their energy output only keeping good energy for others.

What is less successful is trying to boost the strength of high frequencies when they are beyond the operational specs of the units being used. Adding loads of dB for example to 100Hz if a unit struggles to output 100Hz it will not have much benefit in the felt sensation but possibly overwork the unit.

As always, I recommend people discover what the best operating frequency range is for each model or unit they have and how they feel these on the users own installation. This can vary based on the materials and installation method and placement used. When a person discovers this then they know the basics of what range low-high in frequencies to use for that unit and what to avoid when it comes to creating and configuring individual effects.

For me these are two different things..
  • Configuring/Installation & Tuning Of Tactile Units
  • Realtime Manipulation & Tuning Of Individual Effects Or Channels Being Output

Tuning the tactile in how they operate over their working range and with the amplifiers powering them is not the same thing as being able to alter on the fly the tactile output for "effects".

Of course you may want to be able to adapt/manipulate how different effects may feel from Simhub for example but still have the amp produce "OPTIMAL" output regards the "operational character" for your installation/preference and quality of tactile hardware used.

For me, I prefer to use hardware for additional frequency manipulation than EQ or other software as this thread has covered in the past.

Although the iPad-multichannel audio-interface approach is the prime example of both and taking the possible control abilities to the highest levels. The Behringer HA6000 is a very easy and useful option to add additional bass/treble for individual channels you may place effects on. My own installation is going to look at using both options but I still have a fondness for mechanical hardware and seeing physical peak meters for all the channels too. Maybe that is from my inner 80s childhood that was impressed by visual audio meters being cool. For me the amps are only part of the hardware chain but its a hobby in its own respect how deep you want to go.

While these can be added to just about every seat easily. I read some user reports they lost the feeling they had when they used them with additional and stronger tactile. Maybe part of the issue with that is how we use the seat cushion to work with its own effects and not necessarily use the same effects as being used with additional tactile?. We can still make good use of different body zones in direct contact with the user. I don't have experience with both so can't really say but certainly keen to hear from people how they combine both in a good way.

What kinda put me off these seat cushions though and why I opted to go with the "Multi Exciter" installation approach is not knowing for certain what felt frequencies they can work with? Also, the software gives us less control for them or in how we can combine layers to build effects with them.

I would really enjoy if someone did a comparison for their operating range via RPM in the felt sensations compared with the recommended exciters. How each compares in felt sensation, as so far all seat cushions being sold either user mini-motors or the Dayton Puc tactile units. Did anyone see a sim forum cover this?

At this point, (personal opinion) in not having owned just some research....
I would highlight that especially for "Engine Effects" is where the exciters are going to outperform motors. Having I believe the wider operating range and clearer definition between low/mid/high bass sensations.

The only drawback with the exciters approach is that people need a suitable seat they can place units onto, which for some is not possible. Yet the concept I am working on uses the approach of a seat cushion with multiple body zones being used to distribute different effects.
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Glad you got two PCI cards of the same model to work. I am curious how these are handled by the software controls in the easiest way to alter settings for each card? Does it keep settings for each card? For instance, say 1 card was used for "windows audio" and the other for a role in "Simhub" but this one had its EQ sliders from 250Hz and above all at the lowest point (to act like a crossover).

Behringer USB
Limitations of the USB mean each device needs to be connected individually with I think the software relaunched. It is one area I was disappointed with the new NX D series and improved on over the old iNuke DSP series.

It could have done this by offering control of the amps via wi-fi networking.

If its any help, usually, though I would tune each amps settings for the tactile abilities and the role/purpose of those units installation for each amp. Once this is done its not something you should really need to come back to as we use the DSP to control how the amp operates the tactile, rather than using the amp as a way to alter how certain effects feel.

The amp can help tune or control the "character" of the tactile unit being used. This can be piston pang issues on BK minis, it can be reducing output peaks in the 40-50Hz ranges like some units have or for units like TST that have peaks in the 60-80Hz range. Certain bands of frequencies with high output may cause reverb in materials, so if we use PEQ we can nail down what specific Hz are the culprits and lower their energy output only keeping good energy for others.

What is less successful is trying to boost the strength of high frequencies when they are beyond the operational specs of the units being used. Adding loads of dB for example to 100Hz if a unit struggles to output 100Hz it will not have much benefit in the felt sensation but possibly overwork the unit.

As always, I recommend people discover what the best operating frequency range is for each model or unit they have and how they feel these on the users own installation. This can vary based on the materials and installation method and placement used. When a person discovers this then they know the basics of what range low-high in frequencies to use for that unit and what to avoid when it comes to creating and configuring individual effects.

For me these are two different things..
  • Configuring/Installation & Tuning Of Tactile Units
  • Realtime Manipulation & Tuning Of Individual Effects Or Channels Being Output

Tuning the tactile in how they operate over their working range and with the amplifiers powering them is not the same thing as being able to alter on the fly the tactile output for "effects".

Of course you may want to be able to adapt/manipulate how different effects may feel from Simhub for example but still have the amp produce "OPTIMAL" output regards the "operational character" for your installation/preference and quality of tactile hardware used.

For me, I prefer to use hardware for additional frequency manipulation than EQ or other software as this thread has covered in the past.

Although the iPad-multichannel audio-interface approach is the prime example of both and taking the possible control abilities to the highest levels. The Behringer HA6000 is a very easy and useful option to add additional bass/treble for individual channels you may place effects on. My own installation is going to look at using both options but I still have a fondness for mechanical hardware and seeing physical peak meters for all the channels too. Maybe that is from my inner 80s childhood that was impressed by visual audio meters being cool. For me the amps are only part of the hardware chain but its a hobby in its own respect how deep you want to go.

While these can be added to just about every seat easily. I read some user reports they lost the feeling they had when they used them with additional and stronger tactile. Maybe part of the issue with that is how we use the seat cushion to work with its own effects and not necessarily use the same effects as being used with additional tactile?. We can still make good use of different body zones in direct contact with the user. I don't have experience with both so can't really say but certainly keen to hear from people how they combine both in a good way.

What kinda put me off these seat cushions though and why I opted to go with the "Multi Exciter" installation approach is not knowing for certain what felt frequencies they can work with? Also, the software gives us less control for them or in how we can combine layers to build effects with them.

I would really enjoy if someone did a comparison for their operating range via RPM in the felt sensations compared with the recommended exciters. How each compares in felt sensation, as so far all seat cushions being sold either user mini-motors or the Dayton Puc tactile units. Did anyone see a sim forum cover this?

At this point, (personal opinion) in not having owned just some research....
I would highlight that especially for "Engine Effects" is where the exciters are going to outperform motors. Having I believe the wider operating range and clearer definition between low/mid/high bass sensations.

The only drawback with the exciters approach is that people need a suitable seat they can place units onto, which for some is not possible. Yet the concept I am working on uses the approach of a seat cushion with multiple body zones being used to distribute different effects.
Yes I was also born in the 80,s and some what of a fetish for the old style VU meters on the amps, just something with them which is just cool :D

Regarding the soundcards I have it set to 8 channels and 7.1,
2 amps are connected to 1 card and the 3rd amp connected to the 2nd amp,

The amplifiers are still default settings from out of the box as of now,
when I 1st plugged the 2 amps in which I bought together I plugged both into my PC through the USB ports and just could not configure the 2nd amp at all felt quite let down by this to be totally honest,
I would imagine a decent amp in this day an age to be able to have multiple ports or in my case I was hoping to have at least a "link" option to change say 2-3-4 amps at once,
its turned into quite an obsession these tactile devices and I am way behind your knowledge base for sure,
I have a past with music and setups but used for speakers not buttkickers,

currently everything works and is setup and running through SimHub, the Jetseat and the LFE and amps,
+ my Iphone X which is ontop of my CSL base on a phone holder and my Ipad above my center screen on my triple curved screens, everything is handled through SimHub which is a massive massive bonus utilizing the 1 software, I find this SimHub very impressive just need to explore the settings, just wish I has more time to drive and tune everything over working and creating 3D content,

I think over the current setup I am using now, Amps, LFE, Jetseat, feels astonishing ingame but I understand maybe the configuration is most likely running at 30-35% of its capabilities, where most likely with your experience and knowledge your running yours at 100%+ and finding new ways to add, improve all the time,
just grateful there is such places like this thread on RD where we can all share our experiences together,

my current setup is a playseat evolution I was lucky with the LFE minis they mount on the pedal plate,
I have 2x under my seat and 2x running on the gearshift holders left and right,
the 4x under my seat are parallel in a line so the effects are spread quite some over the area directly central to my seating position,
using different effects for the rear central kickers, and different effects for the rear far kickers,

from my limited experience so far, I do not feel "road rumble" or "road vibration" to be much of any use,
feels to wash out the other effects, although the "road impacts" adds so much to the overhaul experience,
kerbs, differences in elevation and so fourth,

I am using the 4 main LFE for wheels lock, and the 2 outer ones for wheel slip, I think they work better this way, but again limited driving time to fully explore which effects give the best results, but so far I enjoy what I feel ingame, its there and its potent the amps I have them running at maybe 60-70% anymore and the apartment floor starts to develop a black hole, id rather the neighbors not shoot me just yet :D

I find the excitement exploring the effects just as exciting as the driving, its changed the way I race which I enjoy,
playing DR2 I went from 12th to 7th on the rallyx leaderboard, when I 1st used the 2 amps last month with the 4 buttkickers I smashed the WR, I can feel the Turbo lag, wheel slip, everything just feels alive.

now I just received my Jetseat from Andre and the guy is a great guy very impressed with the service and most importantly the support the guy is a great guy,
this Jetseat currently I am using for G forces, acceleration / deacceleration and cornering G,s also engine RPM, its just the icing on the cake adds so so much to the experience really glad I decided to make the purchase and watching the sim garage review of a similar product made me want to at least try out the experience and if all fails you have a massage chair, but together with the LFE and the smaller motors working at a different frequency really does just feel sublime,

the LFE and amps been playing around with them since last month so know which settings I like inside SimHub, but yet the Jetseat is using the default SimHub settings with 0 changes and feels wonderful,
not sure who set it up but yet to even change anything at all. :D
It might be good that you keep Jetseat more for specific roles like the G-Force and some RPM.

I am working on the most advanced RPM feeling sensations I have made to date but it highlights why I went with the "Multi-Tactile Exciter" concept which in a sense copies the role of a Jetseat using the bodyzones and direct sensations to these.

I have persued much greater tactile feedback than the motors or typically installed units can bring. Not knocking on the Jetseat or what it can indeed offer and for some people it may be a great addition as they cant add tactile units easily to their seats.

If we look at this one effect alone as an example:

So look at the Hz being used within SBS, okay but now look at what it actually generates based on how audio and harmonics work.

Here I use some of my toys....

Top segment in dark blue are effects frequencies covered from idle rpm - max rpm. Light blue / grey beneath is at max rpm.

If we allow the output of the exciter to reach 200Hz via crossover control (beyond this is more audible noise/hum or drone) you can clearly see that even with these 2 layers for an RPM element. We gain lots of felt feedback beyond 80Hz that many tactile shakers/transducers start to struggle with in detail and clearly if installed on a seat are at a big disadvantage for recreating RPM sensations.

This is why for example installing BK units to the back of a seat is still not ideal for complexed effects such as engine idle and RPM. TST units can likewise bring such detail in higher Hz but they cannot be placed for specific body zones or installing multiple units for different effects roles.

I can assure people wanting the best engines, this is the way to go.
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so excited to try this out now + I got my Jetseat from Andre yesterday so now 12 motors rocking my seat! :D:D:rolleyes:
I have ordered the seat from Andre as well, still waiting, hopefully next week, :D
I am using wheelshaker on my buttkicker at the moment, I intend to drive the seat with it as well.
Are you also using the wheelshaker software?
It might be good that you keep Jetseat more for specific roles like the G-Force and some RPM.

I am working on the most advanced RPM feeling sensations I have made to date but it highlights why I went with the "Multi-Tactile Exciter" concept which in a sense copies the role of a Jetseat using the bodyzones and direct sensations to these.

I have persued much greater tactile feedback than the motors or typically installed units can bring. Not knocking on the Jetseat or what it can indeed offer and for some people it may be a great addition as they cant add tactile units easily to their seats.

If we look at this one effect alone as an example:

So look at the Hz being used within Simhub, okay but now look at what it actually generates based on how audio and harmonics work.

Here I use some of my toys....

Top segment in dark blue are effects frequencies covered from idle rpm - max rpm. Light blue / grey beneath is at max rpm.

If we allow the output of the exciter to reach 200Hz via crossover control (beyond this is more audible noise/hum or drone) you can clearly see that even with this single layer for an RPM element. W gain lots of felt feedback beyond 80Hz that many tactile shakers/transducers start to struggle in detail and clearly if installed on a seat are at a big disadvantage for recreating RPM sensations.
Hi thx for the tips and showcase its much appreciated,
how do you have your amps connected to the PC and is this the software you are using,
I really do need to go back through the threads and read into better config of the amps and settings to be able to visual see and read what is happening exactly,

I would love to be able to see it like in 3D like here at 17 seconds, for some reason I seem to think about this aspect a lot not quite sure why but almost seems like a fetish these things

Just keep imagining my Ipad mounted at the side of me looking the representation of the audio, something ill need to investigate more. :)

is there anyways to make custom effects for certain controls inside SimHub ?

reason why I ask my wife just bought me a set of Hueskinveld Sprint pedals for our anniversary last week,
and prior was using my Fanatec CSL pedals they have a Brake vibration motor inside the pedal,
quite a few people / friends have the same pedal they do not use this feature, I tend to find personally that its really useful as to the amount of pressure I am applying, just slightly miss the sensation would be cool if I could add an effect for the Brake via SimHub, even if set to say a high % 75% above of pressure be something i would find useful. :)
Mr Latte - Were you going to have seat recommendations for those going the exciter route? I suppose most any seat with a exposed rear shell? I'm looking at this one


Also, will your profiles will try to simulate G forces as the jet-seat does?

BTW, I too have Andre's Jet seat, but have not used it yet. Perhaps I could offer an Exciter / Jet-seat comparison if helpful?
I have ordered the seat from Andre as well, still waiting, hopefully next week, :D
I am using wheelshaker on my buttkicker at the moment, I intend to drive the seat with it as well.
Are you also using the wheelshaker software?
Hi no,
Previously was using SimHub for DEV testing at RSS for our displays / overlays we have been creating for our guys, so started using it back then last year,
then I purchased 2 amps and 4x LFE, been reading quite a lot regarding about this SimVibe although I have yet to try it or simexperience I believe they are the same,
so started using SimHub as was already on my PC + looks a better unit, but like I say I cant comment on SimVibe just that its around 100$ or something so stayed with what I know,

just before I purchased my Jetseat, SimHub was updated and now has full support for a large range of tactile hardware the support seems very extensive and well thought out,
so decided to stay with SimHub, although Andres software I read does work well with the seats and other tactile devices, id rather stay with the 1x software to work everything I require at once,

Currently with SimHub,
Overlays, Dashboards, Soundcards, 6X LFE Mini, Jetseat, iphone XS, Ipad,
the software is just sublime its got an insane amount of support for games the list is very large indeed,
it works everything I require to play ingame with 0 hassle and most importantly its very intuitive to use,

although like I say I have heard a lot of people prefer SimVibe and WheelsShaker, would be wrong for me to comment on how they are or perform as only used the 1 software on my PC in which runs faultless with a lot of hardware connected which is impressive to say the least.


I was reading something yesterday regarding I these ARDUINO Motors, and I believe from what I read if it was told correctly but these are Xbox Controller motors, but have little understanding on what they are but so far I believe this is the case some guy was running 12 I was reading on some forums the past days,
maybe something I can look into, as I have 2x Thrustmaster TSS Sparco + mod,
I run in shifter + handbrake side by side, these little motors if correct I may purchase some to mount to my shifters and such and maybe pedals unless I can come to some kind of solution through SimHub,
hope that helps. :)
Mr Latte - Were you going to have seat recommendations for those going the exciter route? I suppose most any seat with a exposed rear shell? I'm looking at this one


Also, will your profiles will try to simulate G forces as the jet-seat does?
I seen quite a few people mounting the tactile devices directly to the seats in this way,
I imagine the effects feel strong and nicely placed, 1 setup I saw a guy had maybe 4-6 mounted the wiring looked like a nightmare, + there on the outside of the seat, considering the cost of the Jetseat depending on which one you purchase they have between 6-8 motors, I see inside SimHub only shows 6 channels so maybe all 8 would be too much the one I purchased only has the 6 motors anyways the KW905, the KW908 has the 8 motors I believe, but the wiring is simple, the pad is directly against your body so the effects much larger and felt more, and you have not got 50 cables running allover your seat like a spaghetti nightmare. :D
Yes I like the visual monitoring aspects for the audio as it is useful in learning/studying what the different effects are doing based on the settings and Hz being used. The tools that are now available via iPad or still some on PC are quite amazing but they are "Professional Tools" for audio creators and professional usage. Some are not cheap because of this but this is one area the iPad app scene has grew so much for audio creators in the last few years.

Not all offer 3D based FFT but some have very interesting ways of seeing the audio.

Simhub enables people to create effects based on specific rulesets for the telemetry. We then apply with settings within effects to operate in the manner desired. For braking its possible to have different effect layers come in at different points via a threshold control. So you could have an increasing bass sensation come in as the pedal depression % increases and then like you say at a determined % have a felt sensation for a shudder to highlight to the user they are close to the max limit.

I am applying the same principle for RPM and its possible to feel via the tactile to have a felt sensation match with the instance the shift lights are at peak for individual car profiles. A User can detect by the feel without even looking at the lights as we learn to associate like memory muscle the feeling for the precise moment. I have different feeling sensations available to let various cars or types of car feel very different but yes this is something that will be covered in detail when I do the thread for this concept/project and testing with those that are interested in adding it to their seats.

Personally, I have never wanted to settle for a general RPM based effect and use it on most cars.
That's bollocks, we can go much further than that but it is what probably most people here do, right?

btw - Simhub is not limited to the number of soundcards it uses. Basically you can have as many channels as you want.
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Mr Latte - Were you going to have seat recommendations for those going the exciter route? I suppose most any seat with a exposed rear shell? I'm looking at this one


Also, will your profiles will try to simulate G forces as the jet-seat does?

BTW, I too have Andre's Jet seat, but have not used it yet. Perhaps I could offer an Exciter / Jet-seat comparison if helpful?

Yes, seats with tubs or aluminum bodies will likely be needed. The user needs a firm fixed surface for the unit to attach too.

G Forces are working yes. RomainRob over at the Discord channel made for me "G" based effects. I don't think they are currently available in the standard effects list.

I would be very interested in comparisons between the exciter solution and the Jet seat.
Do not personally believe the Jet seat can match what we can do with the exciters based on the limited operation of the motors. It would be excellent to have someone be able to do 1-1 comparisons with the latest effects I have.

Will be sometime before I think people are ready. Some SFX owners seem curious. For those that are interested, I will wait a bit for them to get the items purchased and installed. Come the right time a specific thread will be made for it.
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Yeah thx that looks fantastic, ill have a play with these SimHub effects also I did not believe was similar to creating dashboards and such assigning what telemetry what you desired you can create some insane effects this way ill have to try that out for sure lol sounds like my kind of fun,

this is how currently I have my setup seems to work fine as intended, we have kids so try to keep the goodies hidden and nothing to pull on there like ninjas with cables and such. :D





Yes, seats with tubs or aluminum bodies will likely be needed. The user needs a firm fixed surface for the unit to attach too.

G Forces are working yes. RomainRob over at the Discord channel made for me "G" based effects. I don't think they are currently available in the standard effects list.

I would be very interested in comparisons between the exciter solution and the Jet seat.
Do not personally believe the Jet seat can match what we can do with the exciters based on the limited operation of the motors. It would be excellent to have someone be able to do 1-1 comparisons with the latest effects I have.

Will be sometime before I think people are ready. Some SFX owners seem curious. For those that are interested, I will wait a bit for them to get the items purchased and installed. Come the right time a specific thread will be made for it.
Oh man this SimHub is just glorious,
you know with this Brake idea for example was just applying some effects now,
you could have say 1x custom effect for say brake pressure then as an extra layer you could have another effect for brake temperature also, I wonder how the 2 would go together layered on each other if you could get the feelings like I imagine would be insane,
at one point applying pressure through the pedal for example you get a subtle build regarding the vibrations,
then when the brake tempts are too hot another layer above that one showing Brake fade due to the high tempts, sometimes when the Brakes are too hot can cause unforeseen lockups on a corner which the lap before was totally fine, that extra depth sensation could be beneficial im curious now with these settings,
ill look through the list and see what can be achieved. :D

Would be good if you found a way to use plyboard or alu sheeting for the back of the Playseat (under its covering) for some exciters. Even if you opted for 2 for now. I would be keen to get comparisons from you for the Mini Lfe and the Jet seat in how each performs.

I have a toolset for Simhub almost finished for frequency tests via "Gearchange" and frequency sweeps via "RPM". It seems to work within the sim (realtime) so not using audio test files or like a test button would do.

Are you interested?
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Would be good if you found a way to use plyboard or alu sheeting for the back of the Playseat (under its covering) for some exciters. Even if you opted for 2 I would be keen to get comparisons from you for the Mini Lfe and the Jet seat in how each performs.

I have a toolset for Simhub almost finished for frequency tests via "Gearchange" and frequency sweeps via "RPM". It seems to work within the sim (realtime) so not using audio test files or like a test button would do.

Are you interested?
Yes I can try to look into it, im in Ukraine so what you cant find online you need to order some things take quite a while, like Fanatec stuff seems to take a month with customs and such,

this playseat I use to sit and work in also so sat here 10-12-14hrs a day 6-7 days a week easy,
its fine maybe if you want to play a few hrs ingame but nothing personally I would recommend to sit here all day long, which brings me to why I mentioned it, the padding inside is very thin say just a 1cm padding very shady in my opinion so me and the wife unzipped it and made triple padding from a cusion now its much improved and way more comfortable could sit here now with no hassle on the lumbar support,

inside its got all the metals and springs, so anything such as you mentioned we could internal wire into the seat directly a few motors for example be np would have to look how to wire them up though id rather not start looking into a 4th amp my server rack only holds 3 and suits my needs unless there another way to try them maybe I could unlink 2 LFE and use those cables. :)

I made this custom Brake effect ill go try it now so curious cant hardly contain myself :D:D
I think this gamma curve should suit what I was after also the HZ, id prefer just a mild vibration nothing bass destroying.
I think we need a place to share effects and beta custom effects for Simhub Bass Shaker
The Discord channel is a bit of a mess and most posts get little interaction.

Yeah a thread for those and discussion on them might be cool
I got enough on my hands but would follow and interact in such a thread if someone wants to do.

With more effort and time in getting to grasp with the controls in Simhub it has let me improve greatly the effects I have been working on. An example is the V3 engine I had done which was 10 layers.

In comparison I now I have an engine that is improved, has only 4 layers and with option for a user to apply harmonics for V4-V12 engines (1-3 layers) if desired. Each engine also has a/b/c configurations with different settings offering a rather different feel. The user just selects the one they prefer.

This is applying custom made effects with the standard ones that are available.
It takes a lot of trial and error but is worth it...


We can have more layers for specific feel at set RPM values or to apply more energy for engine deceleration, peak RPM or create a unique feel for a particular car.

So yes for effects we can come up with much better than what SSW or Simvibe enable as we have much more tools and control without the limitations they themselves also have.
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I think we need a place to share effects and beta custom effects for Simhub Bass Shaker
The Discord channel is a bit of a mess and most posts get little interaction.

Yeah a thread for those and discussion on them might be cool
I got enough on my hands but would follow and interact in such a thread if someone wants to do.

With more effort and time in getting to grasp with the controls in Simhub it has let me improve greatly the effects I have been working on. An example is the V3 engine I had done which was 10 layers.

In comparison I now I have an engine that is improved, has only 4 layers and with option for a user to apply harmonics for V4-V12 engines (1-3 layers) if desired. Each engine also has a/b/c configurations with different settings offering a rather different feel. The user just selects the one they prefer.

This is applying custom made effects with the standard ones that are available.
It takes a lot of trial and error but is worth it...


We can have more layers for specific feel at set RPM values or to apply more energy for engine deceleration, peak RPM or create a unique feel for a particular car.

So yes for effects we can come up with much better than what SSW or Simvibe enable as we have much more tools and control without the limitations they themselves also have.
Yes it would be amazing to have a place where all the effects are stored we can use,
specially something like RPM, obviously a V8 muscle car will feel totally different to say a Formula car or a V12 GT for example,

this afternoon I posted this in another thread,

after adding this custom effect just came back and got this,

I just took over 1 second out of my previous PB just adding the custom brake vibrations for me personally its a major benefit I have it starting currently around 42kg mild, building to say 45kg then peaking at full load at 50kg how I placed the config on my pedals, I could go more not sure the maximum load of them 140lbs or something feels fine for me at 50kg,
non the less now with this new config my setup feels out of this world,

now with some brake temp fading if we can replicate this effect say idk a different frequency and hz say 46-50kg might help slightly more thx for the tips with the custom settings its very much appreciated and I can see and feel the difference not just in my times but the way I am driving and attacking the corners,
I must say though these Sprint pedals was made by god. :D:D

this is how I finally settled for the config after keep switching between SimHub and ingame on the pedal,
I did go as high as 130hz but was way too sensitive 59-60hz feels perfect for me, feels better than say 50-60 or 55-60 seems to keep a note there in the vibrations like holds a keyframe,
this technique of fixed HZ I am going to use more in my settings.
This one seems interesting, Tyre Wear all 4 corners ill go try it soon I just need to apply some more values,
again very interested to see how she feels if the grip available decreases.
Which software for transducers do you recommend to use? I know there is SimHub, SimVibe and I believe few other softwares for better tactile feedback, but which one is best to use? I know there are some free and for some you have to pay, but beside that. Just pure functionality.
Primarily for using 2 transducers on left/right side of seat. I prefer something that is easy to use and you get good results out of it. :)
Which software for transducers do you recommend to use? I know there is SimHub, SimVibe and I believe few other softwares for better tactile feedback, but which one is best to use? I know there are some free and for some you have to pay, but beside that. Just pure functionality.
Primarily for using 2 transducers on left/right side of seat. I prefer something that is easy to use and you get good results out of it. :)
For me personally as mentioned in a previous post I only use SimHub,
not because its free or its better than any of the others which I have yet to even try out at all to compare,
mainly because of the functionality with all the other utilities it offers the end users,
currently I have the Shakeit Bass Shakers working along with the Shakeit Motor systems, Dash Studio + additional plugins and loads and loads of overlays ingame my iphone XS and ipad all running from the SimHub, and currently only using the free version I switched pc,s and yet to install the license again so works 100% flawless out of the box,
the other buttkicker software may well offer some better effects in places if that is the case not sure SimHub as vast array of settings and customisation available to the user, but they dont offer the sheer amount of supported games either for me I would try SimHub then maybe branch out later when you have a better understanding, for me I like to use just the 1 software instead of having 3-4-5-6 different systems running at once. :)

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