Tactile Immersion - General Discussion - Hardware & Software

OK, now I'm going to switch gears. Let's take Mr. Latte's post above.

Part of what he mentioned is an inexpensive solution using 6 exciters on the seat which puts the vibrations directly against your body. There are no complicated mounts or isolation or expensive amps to buy.
What if he is going to share this as part of what will be released in the near future?
I recently added four exciters to my seat, and started experimenting.
I have a NLRv3 seat mover, and so far find the exciters complement the movement nicely. I'm a complete noob regarding tactile however, and have a lot to learn, so I'm looking forward to Mr Latte's findings :)
  • Deleted member 1449502

Did it not feel jiggly/floaty?
No, it is nothing like in my video with my big ass is in it. The subtle movement that comes with it when you throw your weight around or the gbelt pulls down on was very welcome and elevated my immersion quite a bit....that was a complete fluke though, I didn't expect for that to be so great
  • Deleted member 1449502

In the review video he clearly has the wrong springs for his setup/weight as he is bottoming out the rear, would render them pretty useless

actually watched it back again, the rear aint that bad, prob would do better going up a level for load capacity
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Here is what I know:

1) tactile is an excellent addition to an otherwise static rig

2) a separate tactile solution is an optional, but good supplement to higher-end rigs with motion, g-force, etc.

3) there is a different cost/benefit analysis for tactile-only rigs (where lower cost is typically very important) and higher-end rigs with multiple systems (where cost is less of an issue and no single system has to carry the weight of the entire experience)

Therefore, there are three target customer groups:

(1) people with a static rig seeking a cost effective yet simple tactile solution to ramp up immersion.

(2) people who are willing to pay the premium for the ultimate tactile solution, recognizing the law of diminishing returns, and electing to pay the same for tactile as they would pay for motion/g-force (perhaps they have limitations that prevent the use of a gforce or motion system)

(3) people who are willing to pay for a multi-system setup, want tactile to be a part of it, and have to decide whether they want a separate tactile system or whether motion-system-induced haptics are good enough.

So why not start a new thread that explains the tactile options for each customer group? Example:

Standard Tactile
-Solution/Experience description
-Typical Cost Range
-Complexity of install/configuration
-Recommended Vendors and HW Parts
-Where Open Source: links to all sw/profiles/configurations needed to get up and running
-Where SW is commercial offering: link to buy the software that includes all sw/profiles/configurations needed to get up and running

Premium Tactile
-difference in features and benefits vs. Standard Tactile
-Typical Cost Range
-Complexity of install/configuration
-Recommended Vendors and HW Parts
-Where Open Source: links to all sw/profiles/configurations needed to get up and running
-Where SW is commercial offering: link to buy the software that includes all sw/profiles/configurations needed to get up and running

Tactile for the multi system rig
-select between Standard and Premium tactile, IF they determine the overall multi-system experience will be improved enough over relying on motion-system-induced haptics (this is a personal decision)
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One more point. What’s not cool are repetitively Verbose posts that point to vapor-ware, or promise the world (or a panacea), but never deliver. I have been watching the promises on this forum for more than a year.

Let’s keep it simple and get down to business. I would like to see tactile succeed, as it plays an important role, but without a concerted effort, run-away threads will hold it back.
One more point. What’s not cool are repetitively Verbose posts that point to vapor-ware, or promise the world (or a panacea), but never deliver. I have been watching the promises on this forum for more than a year.

Let’s keep it simple and get down to business. I would like to see tactile succeed, as it plays an important role, but without a concerted effort, run-away threads will hold it back.

I have not posted on this thread for about 9-10 months, yes I needed to repeat some things as in the last year it appears, this thread nor anywhere on these forums, offer much that's really been happening with tactile, which addresses points you highlight.

With respect, if you want to read/listen. I think you have been given plenty of useful information just in the last couple of days regards some aspects of tactile. Yet, certainly in my own case, from actual hands-on experimentation or in having tried many options over a long time.

Can I point out to you again, that apart from the SRS approach, I am not aware of any multichannel hardware installation that is designed with its own effects to specifically suit the hardware capabilities for that purchase investment? Nor gives a community of people a place to help further develop, or be invited to be part of improving their own tactile with others.

As an example, Simvibe to this day never offered its own advanced effects and they have been offering that solution now for 10 years. They also were vague in regards to helping people better understand what many of its own software controls actually do. Nor did they offer any help in teaching people how to build effects for themselves.

They gave a sim community a software tool to then go apply and use whatever hardware they wanted with the only constraints being its own limitations with soundcards and its CM EM modes.

Like Simhub, what you end up with is a mess of completely different installations, different hardware, and no way for users to learn how to share effects profiles properly that they work across each user's own rig or hardware.

Do you want to have a go at them, for not following your simple structure?

Seems you like to criticise my own input? I will offer this post, as I highlight some things and address your recommendations/requests. I am not aware of promises made within this forum, or something not delivering what it was seeking to achieve.

Firstly, if you are saying my own approach or concept is just vaporware? Let me defend this, as I would say the efforts from Mark, Peter and others that supported, who believed in or helped, regards my own concept and ideas...

They have probably done more in trying to form something akin to what you mention, compared to anyone or anywhere else that I am aware of. That initial work and foundation they made is now going to be expanded, to be more open so that it will not just focus on my own concept.

This was something I requested and we go back to focussing on what kindled our own interests or skillsets. Yet I want to remain part of this as well, in doing still my own things and interacting with those interested in following that.

We need to bring people interested in tactile and want to progress what is possible with tactile. To offer somewhere where we can all cut out the BS between people with different methods or approaches.

Yet offer a place that will not tolerate personal attacks or seek to disagree for the sake of arguing and bringing nothing positive with their own input. That as mentioned includes my own communication.

We also need a place where those advising others, do not just talk about what should be done, what others are doing wrong, or what something should do, or how something should perform. Instead, seek to base their input/recommendations on their own experiences they can verify or have tried and tested.

Slow Progress Is Still Progress
Also let me highlight if you seek to get people to buy into a hardware concept, especially one that requires some specific hardware and that hardware is not easily available because of the pandemic.

For those people to get it all up and running takes time. For some, they have to save towards it as well. Others had plenty of money to just throw at it whatever it cost.

Mark or Peter could give you a better idea on the numbers for people who already have what I recommended now in place but I think, it was approaching around 80-100. They were given instructions, they have on-hand help, they have early beta effects I worked on and some experimental effects they can use. People enjoyed it, with nobody attacking each other or personal insults being a problem.

I have had sufficient feedback from people to know what their impressions have been with the entry-level usage of using just the EXC to people who added TST with those and then eventually want to add the LFE. It can be costly but within this, a user gets to experience what each element can bring. I like this upgradability path but I don't know of anyone else's approach that tried to do such. It also seems some people copied the hardware approach used or changed their own rigs.

It takes a heck of a lot of time to work on effects for multichannel tactile, to test different ideas or options with effects. Then to do that and test such for installations with TST and with BK. You then need effects adapted or worked to suit each potential installation. It can be overwhelming and slow but, we know things work, we learn with continued effects development how to better tweak things. Also research into how we improve how different effects can be used at once and bring benefits in immersion over traditional approaches

Peter has also had many people visit his own home from various racing and track experiences. Some that own already very expensive rigs, who tried other tactile or own already motion with tactile. Ask him, how many of these people were not impressed, complained about the quality of the effects or were disappointed in what it offered in immersion. How many within that little community found what it offered disappointing?

Yet some guy on Discord who just argues with anything I say is going to tell people, "we are all doing it wrong". Or that I talk BS.

A journey was started, it was proven to work well, it's not over, but we can improve things as well and reach out to others for more joint efforts or ways for people to try either my approach or indeed other people's options.

Simhub has some limitations I know of and a few bugs too, that enable the potential for custom effects to do things with the telemetry that could improve what may be possible with effects operations.

You have various people with their own skills and knowledge and it's okay if we all have different approaches but it's important too that people's own work or efforts are properly implemented and enjoyed as intended.
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I'll take the blame for telegraphing what is coming before we were ready.

I was a a little too happy about this change in direction and I only succeeded in creating impatience.
It’s not directed at any person. It’s pointing out that tactile also needs a to-the-point thread that is directed at people who won’t/can’t dedicate large amounts to time to the hobby of tactile, but would like to use quality tactile. A thread that helps those people decide whether tactile is for them. A thread that is balanced, celebrating the benefits of tactile, but acknowledging the cons/limitations.

Finally, with all the knowledge amassed by the people on this thread, it shouldn’t be hard for that information to be concise and easy to read. That is what will keep tactile going, because when I read through this thread and then see new motion options pop up for $3k, it becomes easy to say “why would I put myself through that, I will just go with motion”
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Observations from an RD user of approximately seven years . . .

There are many excellent points regarding the state of "tactile" in the posts from the three contributors above.

Yes, this tactile thread is mammoth, but lengthy threads regarding DD wheels and motion systems are also hosted on RD with multiple new posts appearing asking the same basic questions because people are too lazy to research tthe RD site before asking.

In all of the above hardware examples, nuance in settings / complexity / feel / effect can be difficult to communicate briefly--please do not kill the messenger. Long posts/threads need not be read in their entirety.

Mr. Latte has been an innovator in tactile since the days when GTPlanet was a major sim racing forum. Unlike some posters of dubious car and track mods who shamelessly point to the PayPal cup, he has never asked for payment for sharing his research in various forums. Yes, his posts can be verbose--it's his way of expressing his findings. Thank you for your time, treasure, and generosity! Now, he wants to again share some of that knowledge in this forum FOR FREE. I believe he may be reluctant to continue do so if all he gets in return are scolding correction; snide attacks from self-professed, all-knowing tactile pros; and insinuations about proprietary motives. In the grand scheme of sim racing accessories, tactile can be very inexpensive or involve massive cost. Don't like the costs?--keep it to yourself. We all tire of the trolls constantly whining about iRacing rental prices, one platform's terrible UI, pricey DLC, lack of tracks, non-modabilty, etc.--it's a broken record. If our reviews and comments can actually change something, well alright. Otherwise we need to make the best of less than optimal applications. We are all supposed to be mature contributors sharing experience and best practices and not basely denigrating the work of others.

Similarly, RCHeliGuy has provided the whole community with detailed, practical insights and how-tos for his continually-evolving rig. He shares his passion for fine fabrication like Mr. Latte shares his passion for sculpting layers of sound and vibration and maximizing effective transmission. He exudes positivity and enthusiasm for the things he has experienced that work and neutrality most notably in what one has termed the "Great Tactile vs. Motion Debate"--the latter "discussion" being a bifurcation which really is not that useful. Thank you for undertaking the fraught and thankless job of peacemaking and attempt the impossibility of full objectivity!

NetLawMan has had constructive things to say in a short time here actively posting. I value your input on things regarding IP and the law. However, I have sensed impatience in multiple posts seeking feedback on various tech subjects. Some posts in this thread are well-nigh lecturing after a short time working in tactile. The posts above come off as callous and needlessly confrontational. Perhaps the words are devoid of intent in the starkness of an internet forum? Would you communicate the same way to Mr. Latte if you were face to face?

Let's keep the tactile dialogue going. If you have a "better mousetrap," PROVE it. Share it here with those anxiously following OR monetize it if you need to and see if you succeed, OR find a path inbetween.

RD supposed to be a COMMUNITY. We all have opinions, wants, and our own ways of doing things.

Please SLOW DOWN here in the paddock but Godspeed on the track!

Let me start by saying that complete organized documentation with a complete table of contents is coming. The intention is NOT to trickle bits and pieces out post after post like this, but rather have everything nicely organized and easy to find.

Also I am NOT taking credit for the work that went into that documentation. Peter has put that together based on the work of Rodney and the feedback from many people in the RaceBass group. Peter has neatly organized a large amount of information into a document with many diagrams and pictures, hardware lists and instructions.

It is coming....


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Observations from an RD user of approximately seven years . . .

There are many excellent points regarding the state of "tactile" in the posts from the three contributors above.

Yes, this tactile thread is mammoth, but lengthy threads regarding DD wheels and motion systems are also hosted on RD with multiple new posts appearing asking the same basic questions because people are too lazy to research tthe RD site before asking.

In all of the above hardware examples, nuance in settings / complexity / feel / effect can be difficult to communicate briefly--please do not kill the messenger. Long posts/threads need not be read in their entirety.

Mr. Latte has been an innovator in tactile since the days when GTPlanet was a major sim racing forum. Unlike some posters of dubious car and track mods who shamelessly point to the PayPal cup, he has never asked for payment for sharing his research in various forums. Yes, his posts can be verbose--it's his way of expressing his findings. Thank you for your time, treasure, and generosity! Now, he wants to again share some of that knowledge in this forum FOR FREE. I believe he may be reluctant to continue do so if all he gets in return are scolding correction; snide attacks from self-professed, all-knowing tactile pros; and insinuations about proprietary motives. In the grand scheme of sim racing accessories, tactile can be very inexpensive or involve massive cost. Don't like the costs?--keep it to yourself. We all tire of the trolls constantly whining about iRacing rental prices, one platform's terrible UI, pricey DLC, lack of tracks, non-modabilty, etc.--it's a broken record. If our reviews and comments can actually change something, well alright. Otherwise we need to make the best of less than optimal applications. We are all supposed to be mature contributors sharing experience and best practices and not basely denigrating the work of others.

Similarly, RCHeliGuy has provided the whole community with detailed, practical insights and how-tos for his continually-evolving rig. He shares his passion for fine fabrication like Mr. Latte shares his passion for sculpting layers of sound and vibration and maximizing effective transmission. He exudes positivity and enthusiasm for the things he has experienced that work and neutrality most notably in what one has termed the "Great Tactile vs. Motion Debate"--the latter "discussion" being a bifurcation which really is not that useful. Thank you for undertaking the fraught and thankless job of peacemaking and attempt the impossibility of full objectivity!

NetLawMan has had constructive things to say in a short time here actively posting. I value your input on things regarding IP and the law. However, I have sensed impatience in multiple posts seeking feedback on various tech subjects. Some posts in this thread are well-nigh lecturing after a short time working in tactile. The posts above come off as callous and needlessly confrontational. Perhaps the words are devoid of intent in the starkness of an internet forum? Would you communicate the same way to Mr. Latte if you were face to face?

Let's keep the tactile dialogue going. If you have a "better mousetrap," PROVE it. Share it here with those anxiously following OR monetize it if you need to and see if you succeed, OR find a path inbetween.

RD supposed to be a COMMUNITY. We all have opinions, wants, and our own ways of doing things.

Please SLOW DOWN here in the paddock but Godspeed on the track!

I guess what I would end with is that I agree this is a community, but sometimes, particularly with respect to tactile, it is forgotten that there is a large number of people want to engage at a not so deep level. Repeatedly in threads, including those threads unrelated to tactile, the promotion of tactile was aggressive. I think it has been better recently though.

So what’s left - a place for the tactile non-hobbyist to go for tactile info. Hence the suggestion to open a new thread.
Dear All

now there is my setup guide - trying to help on the complexity

i read some interesting lines - maybe the following will help

the entry solution (Basic Setup) was posted many many month ago, by myself - do not understand the panic mode
it has already a huge fan base - and a great upgrade path, if needed

it can be found in my rig reports too
we are talking about EUR 300 and a really great immersion
i had more or less everything installed at my rig and under my seat
and the 4EXC at your bucket seat is really awesome - and in my current setup still an important part of immersion.

i understand that some forums are getting big and hard to read
in such cases i open google and look for a solution - eg
-> Peter Winkler Basic Setup
even the first match leads me to the basic setup i posted :sneaky:
and if you do not know myself - you are invited to check my rig report
you will find a good structure and about 50 simracing recipes
all free of charge - all documented - just DIY

thanks to google translate there is even no language border

if you do not like the basic idea - there are some guys, taken the basic idea and developed nice derivatives. Also available in my forum entries.

let me summarize the crazy high tactile spent i did

1) so we have a entry solution for 300
2) isolate it for a small addon (DIY 50 or buy online 100)
3) upgrade to LFE/TST - 800 in my case - bought 2nd hand TST/LFE and made my own plate
4) go crazy and do the same for the pedal - again 800 plus isolation 100 - again used TST/LFE
5) add a crazy not needed 2nd set EXC for again 300

ops - it was below my sfx100 spent :thumbsup: which was 2.500
if you forget about 4&5 (minus 1.200) its still an outstanding setup

and i am not talking about many basic setup guys who upgrade with mini LFE, BS200 or mini earthquake

Important - if you are not a DIY fan or not patient (looking for a used TST429 could take some time) - then there are enough companies who will help you - but they will ask money for their work.

so no panic - its just tactile
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Or you can stop complaining, create it yourself and see if anyone comes to the party.
I admit that he seems to have carried some baggage into this thread, though I think many people that have interacted with Mr. Latte regarding tactile in the past have similar feelings. I don't know why tactile is the most weirdly aggressive niche hobby in sim racing. However, I think NetLawMan has raised many reasonable points, and it seems like you could simply not respond to him if you don't think what he's saying has any merit.
Or you can stop complaining, create it yourself and see if anyone comes to the party.
The problem is the tactile elitists, not me. I suggest that the best way to grow the space is to make it more accessible to more people, and they take offense.

To be clear, I don’t need the new common sense thread, because I fall into category 3, where my rig is such that tactile is only a supplement to motion and gforce ( and as documented on this forum, I personally decided that in my setup motion-system-haptics were sufficient).

I am merely suggesting clarity and simplicity for the benefit of others. For every person that dedicated enough and has enough time to figure it all out based on wading through dense texts here, there are probably 5 others that would adopt tactile if it didn’t seem so complicated.

So in the end, If the elitists want to run tactile into vapor-ware ground, never letting it reach its potential, so be it (but that would be sad).
It’s not directed at any person. It’s pointing out that tactile also needs a to-the-point thread that is directed at people who won’t/can’t dedicate large amounts to time to the hobby of tactile, but would like to use quality tactile. A thread that helps those people decide whether tactile is for them. A thread that is balanced, celebrating the benefits of tactile, but acknowledging the cons/limitations.

Finally, with all the knowledge amassed by the people on this thread, it shouldn’t be hard for that information to be concise and easy to read. That is what will keep tactile going, because when I read through this thread and then see new motion options pop up for $3k, it becomes easy to say “why would I put myself through that, I will just go with motion”

Okay, yes but it's not just that simple.....

Let me give an example, based on what I have seen from years of helping people even via DM. Not all but some for whatever reason who come for help, tend to ignore parts of what they are recommended to do. Ahh, so and so told me to do this instead, they decide to follow bits of what one person said and then bits of someone else.

Audio is complicated for some people, daunting, confusing even the cabling or terminology with things. To help people with this you need a lot of patience.

I don't know what it is, other than some seem to want advice but then feel they need to put their own stamp onto what they are doing or they want help, but only on how they want to do things. Then pick or choose, with what you say, or run with what they have in mind instead anyways.

Do you know how frustrating it is, to spend so much time towards finding what are really good working solutions to then spend probably more time than most continuing to look into creating better effects and trying to get someone just to follow the steps you ask them to do so they can enjoy what is on offer.

You outline it as being simple and I would say, doing the instructions or guide is not the hard part.... If everything is not sold together as a package, like a retail-based solution, but instead a community thing then you can be certain of the following.....

I would say part of the problem is, even with documented instructions or a guide. If you tell people to buy a small list of items, often someone will decide to choose something else or similar. Then another will do the same but again, with something different.

The exciters are an example, two models became suitable but have slight differences in their output, One has a bit better lower range, the other a bit better with the higher frequencies. The truth is if someone wanted, we can likely gain some of that back on each unit with a bit of parametric equalisation. The same effects or settings, sent to both won't be a major issue.

Yet, sometimes, if you say buy 4x of these, some will want to have 6 or 8 from the offset. They are excited but are wanting to run with tactile, before they can walk so to speak.

What you can end up with, even when trying to do a simple setup, is finding people with different soundcards, and different amps. Some will only partly follow how or where to place or install the units as instructed. Some won't comply with how you instruct them to isolate, yeah yeah, I bought these instead or they decide to use different materials but you get the idea right?

Then when it comes to trying it all out, some will just rush in, they won't take time or adhere to how an amp, dsp, or volume should be used or configured.
Those with different soundcard/amps combos and those who did not follow things through as instructed will all likely be needing or finding different settings with effects, volumes etc.

It is much more difficult to try to standardise even a cheap entry-level setup than how you outline it. Simply because all these factors are true-to-life scenarios I have seen.

As I said, patience is needed, but sometimes the users thanks or enjoyment is worth it.

Therefore, even with a simple configuration, people need to decide to follow the instructions and stick with the recommendations or just not bother.

EXC installed directly on a seat has not been a problem with carbon fiber-based seats, popular fiberglass types or metal like with GS5. In fact, while the approach taken even offers people to have controllable DSP, I don't recall of any major issues with reverb from people with different types of seats.

With DSP its not hard to determine if eg: 75-87 Hz is causing resonance on a particular seat, then the user can reduce the amplitude of these frequencies to correct the problem if they added the optional but recommended DSP solution.

To have profiles that can be enjoyed with little effort by the user is the goal, but this is why the importance is put on trying to get people to stick to fixed recommendations in hardware or follow instructions with guidelines on installations.

A good but affordable multi-channel tactile solution using multi EXC with recommended amplifiers, should be targeted at coming in around £300 - £500. These do not necessarily need isolation for the seat to still feel quite good but prices of equipment has certainly risen in recent months.

I will do my own guide over the next month but I do not intend to do future threads on tactile here.

I believe, GV will also be a place that is aimed to reach out to others to put an end to debated methods and let those who have their own approaches or effects share them and from that potentially we all can learn to further improve how we take Simhub effects to new possibilities.

Let each person who wants to share what they have to offer their own garage and within that people can discuss things.
Who or what people do from the shared knowledge and effects that will be made available is upto each user.
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So Mr Latte will freely share his profiles with anyone on the new GV discord, he will have a section where he can talk about what he wants as far as what he is doing with his own tactile, people can participate in that if thats the solution they want to go with.

Other people on the GV discord can take his profiles and use it, modify it for their own tactile installation with whatever transducers they have, if they make his slip/rpm/whatever work well enough for a dayton bst they can share it.

Why is there any talk like this is a bad thing? Yes, there has been a lot of vapour ware... its not been vapour ware as such, its been real but its been for a select few. That gets up peoples goat when when your told 'mine is better, yours is worse and no you cant try mine.'

This remedies most issues I have seen as topics of division. So lets just wait and see it happen. If your not building your own profiles what are you going to do anyway?

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