TC-65 Mini Cooper & Jaguar MKII@ Imola Tue 17th Sept 2013

Class: TC-65 Mini Cooper & Jaguar MKII
Track: Imola (default)

See Main Forum for Official Race Time Clock

------------------------- Race 1 ---------------------------------
CAR: Mini Cooper
Practice start time: GMT 19.00 (20 mins)
Qualification start time: GMT 19.20 (single lap)
Race start time: GMT 19.30 ( 11 laps)
------------------------- Race 2 ----------------------------------
Car: Jaguar MKII
Practice start time: GMT 19.50 (20 mins)
Qualification start time: GMT 20.10 (single lap)
Race start time: GMT 20.20 ( 11 laps )

Note1: CLUB RACING RULES for GTL Please Read
Note 2: Only default liveries please
Note 3: We are using the SIMBIN lobby for this event. See here how to switch lobby
Note 4: Race1 = Mini / Race2 = Jaguar
Note 5:
We run Super-Pole qualification: You only get a single attempt to set a time (1 Out-lap + 1 timed lap and No In Lap, Press Escape). If you mess it up, tough luck!

Server password: click here
Racing rules: click here

Entry List:
  1. Rupe Wilson
  2. Jack Smith
  3. Mike Bishop
  4. Andrew James
  5. Antonio Tavares
  6. Hans Sneep
  7. Markus Hakamo
  8. Jacob Boonstra
  9. Davy Vandevenne
  10. Steven Walker
  11. Tom Wilson
  12. Silvino Rodrigues
  13. Roland Warmenhoven
  14. Denis Betty
  15. Driver
  16. Driver
  17. Driver
  18. Driver
  19. Driver
  20. Driver
  21. Driver
  22. Driver
  23. Driver
  24. Driver

This is being held in our Club, using Club Rules, and should be driven in that spirit.
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Last week was better thanks to those who kept to the rules.
Although there were still a some guys taking to much kerb.
I am watching and i will get tough on you guys, you are spoiling it ofr the rest who stick to the rules. Cutting the last corner on your out lap to a run in qually will not be tolerated...
And cutting the chicane to try and make up time will be punished.
Slow it down and drive to the track limits..
If your involved in a incident wait for the driver to get back on track..
Look at the replay of last week who didnt wait after causing Allan to spin in his Posrche on the first corner. You was in the wrong :(
If you want to see how to do it correctly watch Steven Walker, both times he waited and lost numerous positions, but he waited :thumbsup::thumbsup:
Another driver was taking way to much kerb lap after lap, your quick enough why do this.:(

I want to have a nice night of driving and dont want to spend 4 hour the next day looking at replays due to complaints.:( I have better things to do with my time. I you guys cant do this. then my enthusiasm to keep the club running will lessen. so it up to you guys to keep in check and keep other guys in check who think it ok to push the boundaries, (cheat)

ok as you look at the track edge you see a white line it goes all round the track on both sides this is the white line we talk about. the pictures below the car is placed in the max position off track the we would allow. yes there are times when you slide over this line .. but what we say is if this happens don't gain an advantage from this and no overtaking past this position of track. if you do this on a few corners in a row a you need to lift of the gas, to show you know you went to fast ...:)
exception to the rule if cars crash in front of you you can drive over this area to go round them rather than crash into them:)

You may see cars on the server in practice time finding the correct lines through corners but on race day this white line rule will be used.
As you drive round the track every entry and exit is the same rule
click on the pictures to get them bigger

the pictures above show the max the car can go off track when racing...
Yes you may see drivers wider than this mistakes may happen but this is the rule we follow:)

And remember no typing in qually please.
Wait until all cars are off track before we start the congratulations,
Give all drivers the same chance to complete there lap without distraction.:)
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Maybe you could take my spot... I'm terribly sorry guys but I think I am going to withdraw once again... One of my family member got involved in a small accident at home and had to go to hospital for first aid.

We are back home and everything seems OK for now but I lost quite a bit practice time for this evening and maybe couldn't fully concentrate on racing anyway... see you on thursday, hopefully!

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