TC65 Class @ Grand Sambuc - Tue 5th Mar 2103


Class: TC65 full Class default liveries
Track: Grand Sambuc ( Download )

See Main Forum for Official Race Time Clock
Practice start time: GMT 20.00 (20 mins)
Qualification start time: GMT 20.20 (single lap)
Race start time: GMT 20.30 (25 laps)
Practice start time: GMT 21.00 (20 mins)
Qualification start time: GMT 21.20 (single lap)
Race start time: GMT 21.30 (25 laps)

Note 1: We will be using the full TC-65 class default skins only please
Note 2: We are using the SIMBIN lobby for this event. See here how to switch lobby
Note 3 : We run a superpole qually, you get one chance only at a outlap and qually lap. Take it easy on your outlap and get you car in a good position to run you qually lap, leave enough room to allow for the unexpected from the car in front you don't get another go if you have to take avoiding action..

Server password: click here
Racing rules: click here

Entry List:
  1. Stuart Thomson
  2. Rupe Wilson
  3. Tim Ling
  4. Jack Smith
  5. Paul Bennett
  6. Victor Karacharov
  7. Neil Gault
  8. Rene van Zijp
  9. Christopher Hall-Nelson
  10. Warren Dawes
  11. Peter van Zanten
  12. Bob Hutchins
  13. Roland Warmenhoven
  14. Driver
  15. Driver
  16. Driver
  17. Driver
  18. Driver
  19. Driver
  20. Driver

This is being held in our Club, using Club Rules, and should be driven in that spirit.
Sry for leaving so hastily during R2, I had a big crash with a suspension failure (sorry to the guy behind me who probably had to swallow his heart again), and when I got a DNF I figured I'd spend my time playing something else rather than hanging around spectating. Overall a disaster of a evening in terms of racing for me, got a stop/go penalty in R1 but didn't notice that miniscule text at the top of the screen until it said "Disqualified for ignoring Stop/Go penalty" ><
Didn't mean to start R2 in the Jag, I'm a poor driver and that bathtub did nothing to hide it... :p
But all in all I had a ton of fun, as I've come to expect from RD GTL club races, I'll be back to make your races unsafe some time soon!
Nice track find Rupe Stu, it looked simple enough but it had it's challenges if you pushed too hard in spots (as many drivers found out). :devilish:

Race 1 (Abarth); Good fun after things finally settled down, but I think a few drivers must have taken suicide pills before the start. :rolleyes:
Actually, the best racing I had was with Peter after I caught up to lap him. He was running almost identical lap times to me and I was driving the wheels off the Abarth just trying to stay with him. What a shame you were bashed about so much early in the race, Peter, your speed in the Mini was very good. :thumbsup:

Race 2 (Jaaaaaag): Surprisingly, I found the ol' blunderbus to be ok ('ish) around this track. I had a comical "tortoise & hare" race with Eck. I think Eck passed me 5 times in the race (mostly at the same spot) and no, he wasn't lapping me. Hilarious stuff, Eck. :p

Thanks all who raced, and also Rupe Stuart for organising.
All i did was post the event We have Stuart to thank for this brilliant little track, but im hooked on it already..:thumbsup:

So now for my apologia.. Sorry i messed up at the start of race 1, no excuses..
i had a shocking qually and ended up right at the back.
(came across a slow car on a out lap at the wrong point in the track ).
The only thing i can ask there for the future is keep off the racing line. these things will happen on a tight short track so picking when to go out is important.
I had chose the Jaguar and had been setting good lap times in the beast, i was helped by it torque out the corners ..
i had a good start gaining a good few spots up the start straight and then i made a blunder and missed my breaking point I found a gap to go through missing the cars turning in. And came to rest next to a Abarth and Mustang.. think a Mustang had aslo made the same mistake. Maybe next time we need to take it allot easier and not bash/blast through the pack..
so it was time to start back from the rear again.. this time do it correctly..
the mustang quit the game ? (it was a mistake no need to quit)
I found myself gaining places due to lots of cars spinning and hitting the barriers and was soon in a position up front again setting good laptimes and keeping it tight in the corners and using the power on the straights,
I did notice a red car behind me ( Jack ) he was giving it all to get by but just didn't get there . Lap after lap i was faster in some parts of the track he in others. after a few laps i had said to myself im not giving the position up but if hes gets along side in the twisty bits ill let him though but jack being the gent he is didn't push the issue he just gave me pressure for the whole race.. man it was hard work... I learnt allot in a race like this just keeping the car on the track and not overdriving it keep the tyres good for the end of the race..
We had Bob infront of us and we was keeping the distance to him,so me and jack were not slow.. i had a great race and finished with a smile on my face feeling good at the way the Jag preformed..
It was quite messy in place from some drivers.. me included..:redface:

The golden rule is. If you make a mistake and collect somebody and knock them off track you must wait for them. its so simple...if your lapping a car you may have to wait untill the exit of a corner or a straight before you can get by..the same again you must wait if you knock them of cant just push them out the way.. they are still in a race themselves..

So onto race 2 ..
i was time to take out the Cortina.. i had tied many cars and set some cracking times in the abarth and Alpha.
This time i had waited until the end to qually and sat it next to Roland on pole.:thumbsup:
We set off up the straight to the first corner. i had heard the banter on t/speak as Warren had picked a Jag for race to and was looking for his mate Jack ( not funny from Jack point of view but it made me chuckle..Sorry again Jack)
me and Roland went round the first corner side by side looked real good in the replay..( we almost looked like we knew what we was doing):roflmao: as we went into the next corner Roland had the best line so with a quick mention on t/speak he was clear to go through and i followed him round the rest of the lap close on his we came out the last turn Roland got a slide and spun so i was all alone:cry: for the next few laps i was just driving nice and clean keeping an eye on the car behind just trying to keep the gap. I had a couple of bobles and the pressure was mounting..
I came across a Jag and as i was about to overtake had to change direction due to the car moving across the track..
(if your being lapped hold your line let the overtaking car go round you , you can ease of the gas but please dont move across the track it can course confusion)..
I then found myself down a few places.. there was another car to race and what fun we had.. nice racing Stuart..
we was both pushing hard but not doing anything to silly, giving room were required ( we came up on some back markers in there own battle so caution was needed and we both got by nice and clean. no need to gain an advantage that way..) but also keeping up the pressure.
i eventually got my reward as all it took was a bobble and run wide and i was there to slip up the inside..
Now i know how jack felt.. ( it was great fun:thumbsup:)
so from a bad start in race 1 to a cracking race and a super bit of fun in race 2..
well done to all the guys on the podium..
Special Kudos to all Jaguar drivers..:thumbsup:..
Cracking track choice from Stuart..:notworthy:
Catch you all on Thursday...
The track reminded me a lot of Lakeside, and that's always pretty good racing there, so I thought I'd give it a dart - glad I did.

I was initially thinking more about getting some slower cars on there - the 1.2 Fulvias, the Elites, the 1098 Sprites, the slower Anglias, giving the improved Renault 8 TS a go - but as I was mega busy towards the end of last week, Rupe (wisely) didn't try to guess what I meant when I put "TC65" in the planning thread, and went full field.

I may well start a regular event for short-course tracks and slower-end TC65 vehicles on the Tuesday between League races. Nice and simple, quick blasts on easy to learn and remember circuits. Matched cars around these venues will hopefully prevent some of the stumbling over others that the mismatch in performance gave us last night.
This was not my best outing on track, started with sound problems T/S and then PC was hitting all the buttons panic mode so close to race time and some red face moments:redface:

Race 1, the qually first out lap caused Rupe a head ache :redface: sorry mate, making you loose the corner and you timed lap. Made a good start cars were all over the place got up to 8th place lap 2 got a shunt on turn one and no waiting from the other driver :cry:. With having no sound in game I was at loss so went back to pits :(

Race 2 , Got the sound sorted found out that the wave volume was off in the windows sound settings not sure how this happened :confused:. Went with the Jag started at the back whats new :rolleyes: turn 1 hit the brakes but the barge was n't stopping and give Hans a big shunt on to the grass sorry again :redface:. Being a tight track I may have been wrong place wrong time on a few laps.

Note to self : must try better next time:mad:

And did I over do the :) in this post ?
We set off up the straight to the first corner. i had heard the banter on t/speak as Warren had picked a Jag for race to and was looking for his mate Jack ( not funny from Jack point of view but it made me chuckle..Sorry again Jack)

Actually, I forgot to apologise to Jack for the "lady" hanging out the back widow of my Jaaaaaag giving "unseemly" hand gestures as I went by after the start, but apparently she said she knew you or something, Jack. :thumbsup: :whistling:
Stuart I would hardly call it a mismatch in performance, great variety of strengths and weaknesses seems more apt, and on a tight twisty track like that this is exactly what you need to have a great event.

Last night was spoiled by one or two slip ups and some over aggressive driving but throughout the field there were some good scraps.
I was lucky last night in both races. In race one i let Bob power past on the start line which allowed me to see the Mustang coming too fast into the hairpin, so i stayed out of it's way and steered past the accident that followed and found myself in 2nd place.
The next few laps i had great fun searching for a way past Roland's Falcon as he left the Mini for dead as soon as he could get the throttle down only for me to close up again after the hairpin and it was only when he made a little mistake and left the inside open that i was able to squeeze past in that tricky downhill corkscrew kind of bend where the mini seamed to be rock steady. Once i was past i had to defend the hairpin to keep him at bay but after that i was able to make my advantage work and pull out a comfortable gap which was probably due to numpty here thinking we only had to drive one car so i only came prepared in a mini.

Race 2 i went with the Cortina, did not have a set-up and all through practice i tried various things and still struggled, made some more changes for qual and it felt not too bad so i went with it.
After a few laps i found myself in the lead again but not through and moves i had made myself, this time it was down too other's loosing it in front of me and gifting me the places. I soon had Roland and Bob with their Alfa's hunting me down again but the only place i felt threatened was at the end of the straight so as long as defended that corner i was fine.

So a good night for me with 2 wins and no incidents. It was nice too see a good size grid with a good mix of cars.

Special thnx to Roland for providing some good patent driving both when chasing and being chased, nice driving :thumbsup:
Indeed a tricky little track, but great fun:thumbsup: ! Glad I got some practice laps in on Monday night though.

Upon joining the server I decided to give the Falcon a go, it being the only car I didn't try on monday. And Boy, that went well, after a few laps I got the hang of it, and so much I even managed a pole in Q1!!:geek:

R1 start was great fun, with Neil in his Mini all over my rear for a number of laps. While the weak points of the Falcon are obvious, so are its strengths, Width being one of them;)
However my very first teeny-tiny mistake on the twisty part of the track was enough for Neil, he passed and quickly started pulling a gap. Eck took over his place right behind me and we had some hilarious close & clean fun.
At some point however we encountered another driver, who either did not understand or did not like the fact we were lapping him, as he frantically tried to un-lap himself past me, displaying an aggressive driving style unseen in our club and by doing so ended the fun me and Eck were having..:(

R2, time for something trusted, the Alfa. And once more, much to my own surprise, POLE!!:geek:
Like Rupe said, first few turns were a blast, until a silly spin in the final corner sent me down the field some places and I was keen to get them back!
I got quite far, as the Alfa was absolutely brilliant around this track, so in a few laps time I was hunting Neil in his Cortina who inherited the lead after Rupe's misfortune. Closing in on him was the easy part, but with Bob in another Alfa on my tail for at least a dozen laps, I tried anything I could think of, but Neil just did not make a single mistake.
We had an awesome dance around this track, extremely close but perfectly clean, and FUN!!
Then with about 3 laps to go I overestimated my skills, had another small off, and could not get close to Neil again.

So Grats to Neil for a double win! And I'm pretty happy with 2 poles myself, and the top class fun I had both times. Thanks all for racing, and thanks Stuart and Rupe for this event!:thumbsup:

Oh and Paul, I don't think you're overdoing things with the :):laugh::roflmao::D:p
Stuart I would hardly call it a mismatch in performance, great variety of strengths and weaknesses seems more apt, and on a tight twisty track like that this is exactly what you need to have a great event.
It's definitely mismatches in performance, but not in overall laptime terms. I'm thinking about the huge closing speeds and relative braking performance that we encountered on some portions of the track causing sudden avoiding actions/bailouts/smashes.

There were too many people being punted, waiting and recovering for it to be a truly great event, and tight twisty circuits will mean more of that due to lack of avoidance areas.

What I'm also saying is that the short courses will allow me to introduce some less familiar cars without huge learning curves in terms of track learning, and the similarity in performance will hopefully not get us in the problem with performance differences intra-lap.

I enjoyed it for the most part last night, but as always, Staff need to look on the event as a whole, for both the good and the not so good.
I'm thinking about the huge closing speeds and relative braking performance that we encountered on some portions of the track causing sudden avoiding actions/bailouts/smashes.
That's just mixed grid racing, this is what makes it more exciting where it is also about race craft and not just follow the leader to see who can lap the quickest. As we saw last night mistakes can be made by anyone, made one myself in the last league race where i seriously misjudged the mid-corner speed of Rupe and his Healey. In a small tight track with lots of cars there is always a good chance there will be contact no matter if the cars are all the same or not. Last night we had a few mistakes by some old hands and one aggressive driver who maybe saw red after getting punted off himself. For me that track would not of been half as much fun if the cars were all matched.
I'm selling my "Jag" in the league and I'll run the rest of the events on foot.:sick: I'm not a quitter. Can't stand to spell that word any more after this event. Adding salt to the open wound is when I saw my beloved sister, who I feed with a slingshot since she was a baby, give me the finger from the backseat of Warren's jaa--jaaa- ja---jaa--- ... sorry but I can't spell it anymore.
Race 1
Still all in all a fun track....loved the Alfa ... loved Bob's times were above average for me...had a good beginning ..was in third I believe and doing fine when I spun off track through the first "sseses" at a spot where I never had a problem before...had to wait for all drivers to pass and re-entered in last place.:(
Makes you want to cry when you blow a great beginning... especially when they are few and far between.
I fought my way back up to find myself behind Rupe and that is where I stayed until the last lap. Stu passed me on the last set of corners on the last lap as I accidently grabbed my right flipper (side view) which caused me to go off track so I even lost a good chance for that spot at the last moment. Makes you want to gaj ( that's jag spelled backwords) it in.

Race 2. Choose the mini. Great little car. Ended up behind Warren and my sister before turn 1 but I got by them I believe by the return of that same corner on the next lap...and who do you think ended up behind me ..Mr. Rupe..payback time.:mad: We fought for a few laps but I lost it on turn 1 by mis-judging the entry speed and Rupe went by. I found Eck behind me for the remainder of the race and I battled with him until near the end when he had a mishap as we approached turn 1. My braking early must have messed up his timing. Sorry about that. :( Ended up in 6th spot I believe . Not bad for a person wtih a spelling problem

WD to Neil and Roland for the doubles, all other podiums, all drivers.
Thanks to Stu and Rupe for the neat little event.
First time at a clubrace I did not drive at the back of the pack..
Well Rene, don't worry about that. At the rate you've been making progress these last few weeks pretty soon we won't find you there at all unless you choose to. And, honestly, one can have tremendous racing fun at the back too.:)
...I think it is an agressive driving style.
It spoiled the fun for me.
Please, try not to worry about that either. We've seen things like this happen before, and while they can ruin a race night, those things have a way of magically sorting themselves out...;)

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