TC65 Full @ St. Jovite GP - Thu December 3rd 2009

Stuart Thomson

The Stoat Without Fear ™

Servername: RACEDEPT.COM TC65
Class: TC65 full + Lotus Elite
Track: St. Jovite GP
Practice: 20 min
Qualification: 10 min (1 timed lap only)
Race: 2 x 14 laps
Note1: Click here to read the password and golden rules!
Note2: You must choose a different car for each race
Note3: Check the tracking thread here to see which cars you are allowed to choose from
Note4: The Sprint Pack and the Elite Skin Pack will be used - Please download and install.
just been checking the pack layouts - you need to extract the numbered folders into the correct car directory.

So, for minis, you'd copy all the numbered folders (21,34,55 etc) into \GTL\GameData\Teams\TC-65\Mini Cooper S

For Abarths into \GTL\GameData\Teams\TC-65\Abarth 1000TC

and all the Elites (from both packs) into \GTL\GameData\Teams\GTC-65\Lotus Elite - note that the Elite is in the GTC-65 class.

Yes, the Elite competes against GT-40s and Cobras, apparently :D
  • Arne Oestlund

Sorry guys

I had severe stability problem with my GTL, As soon as it started to load you guys it terminated after 2-5 guys. I tried to restart the program more than 20 times with the same result. Alas.

I am very disappointed. I had really looked forward to this. :-(
  • Arne Oestlund

Arne - make sure you have installed the skin pack - that will throw you out if you don't have it installed

we've got 10 mins of practice left for race 2

I made it earlier today with practicing. I even met Glenn when he tried first the Falcon and then an Abarth. But this is ridiculous, terminated about 30 times!!!!!!!!! I don't know why the GTL do this for me. It is a quite common problem for me when I try to laod some of the built in scenarios too. I have no clue why.:question::damnit::terror::bomb::computer::confused2::freaked-out:
This was a night to remember.....

Race one - Ford Falcon, Qualy 3rd

Before joining the server today i hadn't done a full lap of this place, and I had never driven the falcon before. Somehow i manged to connect with it's lazy sliding style and i stuck it 3rd on the grid behind the two mini's of Warren and Knut. Off the line I had much better traction, the mini's were spinning their wheels like chavs in a multi-storey...... I squeezed the old bus between them off the line and took off down the hill in the lead. Amir had also had a great start and had made it up to 2nd, he was hounding me for the opening 7/8 laps. At one point i ran wide and Amir went past me - as i tried to get back past at the end of the back straight, he clipped the kerb and was right up on two wheels with me practically underneath his car, a spectacular sight. I did manage to squeeze back past amir but Warren, Knut and David were all really close to us. The mini's really were the faster car everywhere apart from the long back stretch. I think the Fords were too wide in the bends though....

I think it was about lap 8, coing through the perilous turn 1 we were all really tightly bunched up. I braked for the second turn and got a might whack from behind, i washed out wide but kept it on the island. I'm not sure how this happened but all i know is the next time i looked back Amir was gone and had been replaced by a massive pack of angry mini's. From this point on has to be the worst racing experiance of my life. The ford was a good car, but the tyres were totally shot after my earlier battles. The mini's of warren, knut and david were all over me like a swarm of killer bees. Occaisionally one would sneak past and I would have to use my power to claw the place back on the place. It was so damn tense i was counting the seconds until i was over the line. Somehow i managed to come home in first, with teh top 5 covered by less than a second, insane. What a brilliant race by everyone, sorry i held you all up haha..

Race Two - Lotus Cortina, Qualy 4th i think.

Had another good start in teh cortina, which was really hard to get used to after the big ford. Knut made a great start and made off in his Alfa, seemingly unbeatable. I tried to follow amir round for a bit but messed up too many times and eventually Stu was on my tail. We had an excellent battle for a good few laps, Stu took me out at one point but obviously waited, thank you - I probably deserved it tbh. Then a lap later I punted him coming through turn one. The cortina seemed to enjoy being up on two wheels a lot, which was interesting if a little scary.

After a few more screw ups, which I will blame on tiredness, i fell back to carlos and marty, we had a great battle for the last few laps. Eventually marty came out ahead when i fluffed the final turn on the the final lap.

Overall, i was really happy to get a win - first one since the corvette test race at Snetterton back in September - an awesome track with great cars and great competition.

Thanks all, well raced everyone. Thanks Stuart for your excellent organisation yet again.

P.S. if anyone has a replay of race one, can you upload it please??? Thanks!
What an great evening that was:good:

The Mini has never felt this good, so intuitive and nimble. Those faster corners were so great, positioning the car wherever I wanted with instant chassis response. What a car! (I really envy you Warren:D)

Race 1
That was something for the history books. I had qualified 2nd and got a good start. But two fat Americans was coming from behind at great speed. I honestly don't remember much after that. But I had a huge smile on my face for the next 14 laps. Big thanks to Warren, Tom, Amir and David for a close and clean race, full of action:good:

Race 2
I had the fastest car in this race, the Alfa GTA. The race was really quiet, nothing like race 1. I qualified 1st and kept that position for the entire race. The only action was in the last lap when I ran out of fuel:D Spent most of the lap in 4th gear at low rpm. And LOLed when the engine died right at the finish line:lol:

Thank you so much for this event Stuart! The world wouldn't be the same without your racing club:good::thanks:
Really wish I could race more with you guys. The racing is always competitive close and fair. Feels like family here everyone is welcome.

Race Report
Quali race 1 (Mini) was good for P6

Race 1
Started slow was swarmed by the falcons and was now around 10th. Tryed making places forward but only managed to keep turning Glenn in the falcon. After the 2nd or 3rd time decided to just stay back where everyone was safe. Sorry Glenn it honestly was just me misjudging the momentum gained in the Mini over the Falcon in the turns. Looking forward to race 2.

Race 2 ( Cortina)
Quali was good for 8th

Started well held position. Was behind Stuart for a bit Around 6th I think then lost it big time on the fast turn over the hill after the start finish. Got going again to find Warren in the Jag off his normal fast pace due to the Jag I'm sure but was nice enough to allow me by again. Pushed hard for several laps by myself when I started to see Tom and Carlos ahead. As I was getting close Tom went off track allowing me by. Tryed hard to close on Carlos but never got close enough to pressure him. Tom did pull back up to my bumper and we had a nice battle for the last couple of laps. He got by me on the last lap then went a little wide on the last right hand turn where I gained back the spot. Very clean battle with Tom and it was the best part of my racing tonight thanks.
Always enjoy the Gtl nights thanks Stuart and Grats to the winners of each race.:woop:
Wow. I should've stayed in bed this morning.

Practice, didn't look too bad, sliding the Falcon around and being able to set some decent times.

Quali - Crashed/spun twice and started last on the grid. Not good.

Race 1 - Tried to drive it straight at the start, no sliding, because I didnt want to lose it and cause a crash with other cars. Had a few incidents with Marty, which pretty much killed it.
Chased down Stu in his Elite and pretty much just stayed with him, getting as close to his rear bumper on the back straight as I could... The tyres were fairly shot by this stage as I was all alone so could let it all hang out a bit... Sometimes a little too much.

Race 2 - Picked the mini cos it's always been a fairly decent car to drive... Until today. I swear I will never drive it again. I hadn't done any setup work for it during the week and the default setup was horrible. It would snap sideways under braking, under turn in, under acceleration and turning... etc. You get the idea.

Muffed quali again. This 1 lap quali has never been my cup of tea, even in Evo. I need to get a few laps under my belt before I smash out something of decent quality.
Anyway. Back row. Being taunted by the Q.E 2 herself, Warrens' (can I do it???) "Jaaaaaaaag".... Even being taunted by the man himself! lol.
Got a good start and managed to get ahead of the Q.E 2, which must've left the bowline tied up....

Made up a few positions in the first few laps. Kept trying to flow the car (which, lets be honest, I'm not known for!), but it was starting to come undone as soon as I start to try and press on a bit... Then it really did come undone. Turns out, the mini doesn't like being thrown into a corner sideways, and staying there... So yeah. I spun a few times. Destroyed the suspension. Pitted. Got lapped about 3/4 times... Bloody British... Build a decent car dammit!
Anyway. Had lost concentration by this time, so I tried to jump the tyre wall at the hairpin.... Got some air, but didnt clear it... Needless to say, it destroyed that pathetic little mini in a cloud of dust and smoke.

Thanks for the event though Stu. Much love :-D
Race 1
Started slow was swarmed by the falcons and was now around 10th. Tryed making places forward but only managed to keep turning Glen in the falcon. After the 2nd or 3rd time decided to just stay back where everyone was safe. Sorry Glen it honestly was just me misjudging the momentum gained in the Mini over the Falcon in the turns. Looking forward to race 2.

Haha. Don't worry about it mate. One thing about the GTL Racing Club is that any hits are never deliberate.
Like I said in the in-game chat, you should've kept going. Wouldn't have worried me at all, cos I reckon you probably had the speed over me anyway!
What an amazing couple of races, but Race 1 was the best GTL Race I have ever had. Simply brilliant and huge fun.

Race 1, Mini: Everyone knows my love for this nimble little trooper, and so it proved to be again. I managed to Qualify on pole, but I knew that would all be lost at the start. I just cannot get the Mini off the line without bogging down with wheelspin. So it was again, with the two Falcons blasting away like we were standing still, and to make it worse I dropped to P5 with Knut and David getting away better.
For the early running, Tom and Amir, in Falcons, had fresh rubber and could maintain a comfortable advantage over the three minis. As things progressed, Knut, David, and I would take turns at attacking the Falcons, but each time the leading Mini would get it's ears boxed and drop back. David copped a bad whack from Tom and dropped out of the battle ( for now at least). That left Knut and I to wage a huge scrap of our own, whilst trying to find a way past the Falcons, which were far too quick on the straight, and very wide in the turns. About lap 9, Amir tapped Tom and spun, but amazingly Knut and I avoided his prone car.
Now things really got interesting. Tom was getting more and more ragged as his tyres cried for mercy, but the more his tail slid around, the wider that tank became, making a pass very challenging. He was using all of the road, and then some. At one stage, both Knut and I made a successful pass on Tom, only to see him blast by down the straight again. Eventually Tom was backing Knut and I up to the point that David joined the fray, and Sam was lurking very close in his Abarth, hoping we'd all come to grief.
Like a pack of hyiena's around a carcass, we all attacked Tom relentlessly, but he just wouldn't yield. We all made one last lunge at him over the closing turn, but he held on to pip me by half a car length. I think the first 5 cars were all within a second or two.
Fantastic race of epic proportions. :woop:
Well done Tom, you earned that win the hard way. :highfive:

Race 2, the Jaaaaaag: This was going to be totally opposite to the nimble Mini. This thing is a cruiseing ocean liner :ballchain: . I expected to cruise around at the back on my own, but I was entertained by Glenn, showing how to destroy a Mini. Somehow he managed to create a cloud of smoke at every turn, making my visibility almost impossible at times. I even managed to plough the Jaaaaaag straight into his sideways Mini at one point, leaving Mini and Jag bodywork all over the track for Steven to avoid. Somehow, in the second last lap, I rolled the Jaaaaaag in the main straight, and went over the wall into pitlane. :doh:

Great racing, GTL always delivers top enjoyment. Thanks Stuart, great track choice too.

EDIT: A couple of screenshots of our mad dash to the finsh.

Approaching the last turn, we are all getting desperate to "sting" that fat Falcon

Nope, Tom still had just enough power and rubber left to scrape home (by a whisker).
Yeh nah I know. That's probably what was most frustrating of all.... You blokes ran 'em in race 1 and ran 'em damn well.

I should've done some setup work before the race for it. It was down to the setup in the end. I couldn't keep the rear planted like normal.

Must say, I usually enjoy the minis, this is probably the first time I haven't enjoyed drive one.
what a race we had. yet again that is the reason i love gtl. fair .hard and tough racing while trying to control the beasts. . just watched the replay of race one. whaaaaat a race from everyone. great driving tom you didn't crack under presure and got a well deserved win. :lashes:
i didn't know how close the battle was till watching the replay. wd all and thank you stuart for organizing the event.
p.s that race deserves a youtube movie. that stuff on 2 whells during race 1 was excellent. wish i would have known how to make a movie of this race.
oh and great battle from sam in race 2. enjoyed it a lot. i will get you back next time sam:fwd:
I was in real need of damn good race to get my juices going again due to the combination of lack of time recently and constant GTL game crashes. Oh boy, I wasn't to be disappointed. Off the grid in third place, the two Falcons get off the line in front of Knut, Warren and my Mini. For the first 5 laps, I can't find a way around the extra wide Falcons and when I get too close to the back of one, it's enough to spin me off-track into the dirt. It took me a while to get back on track and I'd lost a lot of time and was back in 7th, thinking the race had gone from me.

Chased down 6th place and after four laps, got in front. I could see Sam up ahead in 5th and with four laps to go, I thought I might just be able to challenge him. At the end of lap 13 I get passed Sam. Last lap and the leading group are closer than I thought and I catch up with just a few corners to go. I get past Knut first, two corners to go, then get inside Warren. All or nothing now with the last corner as I try and slide the Mini wide around the outside of Tom, getting my nose in front but the Falcon then blasts past and I've ran a bit wide onto the grass and as Warren and Knut pass me on the inside and I cross the line in 4th. What a race.

Second race in the Cortina and compared to the first race it was a very quiet one for me. Second off the grid behind Knut's Alfa and there's no way I could keep up with him. The gap grew each lap and the gap back to third also grew so it was a pretty lonely race to the line for 2nd place.
2 great races last night, because of, not in spite of, driving 2 of the least favoured cars in the "set"

Race 1 in the Abarth I knew was going to be do or die, was really surprised by the laptime I had done in testing but thought I'd get slaughtered by the minis and spanking yank tanks once race time rolled along, how wrong I was, I spent the whole race wringing it's little neck so I could keep sight of the marauding pack of minis giving the monsters a real hard time, and I do mean wringin it, sideways, sliding and slipping for the whole race and it payed off as I caught right up on them on the last lap and finished 1 second off the winner but in FIFTH place, congrats to all the mad mini drivers and Tom's resolute defense, wonderful to watch.

Race 2 in the Mustang and again I thought I'd be way off the pace of the Cortinas and light years behind the Alfa. but again I shocked myself at just how hustlable the big bus was, SIFO was the way to go with it and it seemed to work, had to take it easy for the first couple until it got all warmed up n toasty but after that it was a hoot, again sideways n sliding but with the extra power it was easier than last race, I was actually catching Dave in second until Amir caught back up, got past then spun at the right hander onto the back straight, I had to take to the gravel to avoid demoloishing the wee 'tina with the bulldozer I was hauling but he managed to get it back onto my tail before the end and give me a hard time for the last couple of laps, proudly I managed to hang on for a podium finish by using the extra 2 feet of width in the 'Stang, excellent fun.

Thanks Stuart and all the drivers who competed, this IS the best section at RD because of you all, give yourselves a huge round of applause.

  • Arne Oestlund

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