Thanks everyone that is getting onboard!!!

Mick I am unsure why you have not received the emails I sent to you with the templates and photos will try and send again tonight.

If the ORSM team is coming onboard with this project that is fantastic! Can I get you to send me what you have to so I can work out what needs doing so Mick and the other skinners can concentrate on the skins that need doing? Or do Team ORSM want to take control of this project and put up a list of stuff you need and make it an official release?
Let me check with the boys and see if we can make a decision on which way we are going to go. If it becomes a community project, not an official release, I am also more than willing to throw my talents into developing the structure to make it match the current releases, and chuck in a few skins that I have made for good measure.

I know for a fact that the Windows were one task on my list for release, as the ones I had I think (from memory) were on the old templates.

I had all the Ford skins completed, and I think the Tratt and GRM holdens too.

There are a lot of other Holdens in there too, but I will need to do a stocktake.

I can say the HRT was only on low-res so if anyone has that in their stock, then I could probably use that if it is a good enough quality.

I will keep you posted once I know where the project stands.
I will say this...

What I see here is people exercising stand over tactics and I honestly feel this is the case because they believe it is too their benefit that J-Claude's work is suppressed...


Because they have a comfy little niche where by their mod the world over is the mod of choice when it comes to V8SC and they will do anything they can to protect that fact.

Lets not forget,
  • Did the maker of the V8 mod in question get Ford's and Holden's permission to replicate their products? Extremely unlikely. I doubt very much Ford Australia nor Holden Australia did anything of the sort!
  • Did they get permission to replicate every logo of every company painted on the cars and or on the track side banners of the track they also built? Extremely unlikely.
  • I would believe these companies would be protective over the way their image was used or portrayed whether used for financial gain or not.
  • And here we have some people suppressing J-Claude's desire of bringing two new (perhaps 3) car models to the sim community by adding them into a V8 mod, when some people have said in no short terms they weren't doing it anytime soon.
  • So, How can said people (And perhaps others whom are duly sided with them), sit on the high moral ground and dictate what J-Claude can and can't do when they too have perhaps been guilty of breaking certain caveats regarding getting permissions.
How can it be deemed completely harmless to replicate a companies product without permission - whether it's for financial gain or not? Whether it's scratch built or not?

Certain permissions need be received - My point is, Did the original V8 modders garner every single approval for every little thing in thier mods? Most likely not.

Yes I understand their work was scratch built. However, the permission's issue's still linger... So if in fact they didn't get them said modders are no better than those they try to suppress!

Theirs a word for these people, It start's with a H and ends with an S...
  • The first part of that word sounds like an African land animal that lives most of it life in the water, has funny little ears, weighs about a tonne and has grey skin...
  • The second part of that word is formed from a shortened version of the word "critters".
Go figure....


J-Claude I for one applaud you for your work and your attempted efforts to share something with the sim racing community at large - Despite the fact that some here take the moral high ground which for my mind, I don't think they are in any position to stand on nor do they have any right to take!!

Do not destroy that work I implore you!
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Holden, I have Team Dynamic =2, Supercheap =2, Tasman M =2, HDT late season =2, HDT Buick livery (Late season). I have others but their of my earlier learning period and aren't up to my standard.
Ford, Briteck =2 + Late season black, SBR #9 Vortex and star light Perth round only. DJR =2, Triple 8 =2 + China =2, WPS Late season. Team Australia and Fish Liquor.
do we know yet any livery`s that 100% need doing ?

Please don't take offense! It's the best way to learn. I did.
This is a more accurate example of the HRT car from 2005. The standard is low but it's accurate. If you use this as a guide and rebuild it at the higher standard.
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I will say this...
Do not destroy that work I implore you!

Each to their own opinion and this is yours as it was with others.
It's easy for you to use this line of thought to justify the reasons to yourself.

Not all of what you think or have stated here is 100% accurate. You've mist the point completely not that, that comes as any surprise.

If you and anyone you can find to help you want to build a rFactor add-on yourselves, please go do it. Just don't use the models or anything from this mod or previous versions.
Or what Doug?, You will take those who use these materials too court for borrowing a model or models that was done by some people who perhaps didn't have permission to replicate in the first place?

Your right my post is my opinion and i made it like others here did, but, I like the way you shorten it, It got me thinking, If I did that in the first I could have saved a few kb's of data on the www!

And your dead right!, I'm not 'stating' any fact's and didn't claim to be. In fact when read properly my post is basically an 'implied suggestion' that leads to a "implied conclusion" that the original makers of the Ford and Holden models perhaps broke some certain permission rules too... And that therefore perhaps they are no better than those they seek to crush.

I wonder if Ford or Holden might be displeased with the in-accurate misrepresentation of their products? (be they done as not for profit or otherwise). Edge ways, Im thinking there's no doubt been a "line of thought used somewhere to justify the reason's why" it was ok to forge ahead and model away. Quid pro quo.

It leads to the more general question-
Why don't these arguments exist around DTM modding, GT modding, Formula 1 modding or BTCC modding?

Nope it's only ever just the V8 Supercars modding scene that has these little ongoing squabbles...

What makes the V8SC such a protected species while all the other types of racing categories aren't?

And no I don't miss the point, you wish to protect your models - YOUR MODELS. The ones that inaccurately represent perhaps without permission the car companies product's from which they are based on.

And all this brings me to ponder a more generalized thought, that perhaps the sooner some studio picks up the V8SC licence proper and wrestles it back from the squabbling modding community the better ;)
Hey Still bacon & Doug,

Any chance I can get u guys to send me either the skins or a list of skins you intent to put into this project so I can work out what skin we actually need to do? I'd like to use as many of your skins as possible coz team OSRMs work is faultless and with 03 04 05 06 seasons to do that's something like 150 if not more skins to be done so don't want to ask Mick or anyone to put anymore effort into skinning cars that don't need doing and also so I can start doing some windows and get this happening.

Thankyou so much everyone for getting behind this I am so looking forward to seeing these cars from my favorite time in v8 Supercars history immortalized in this amazing mod!!!
Aussie D.. Thanks for the complement on the ORSM work. It is great to see that our efforts are appreciated.

As far as what we is happening, I would suggest you could start on the 2005 windows, and we can pen that season as being the first cab off the rank.

I am still waiting on a few responses from the core team, but based on early feedback, I envisage that we will be using a high volume of community content in these seasons. Not just any skin will be used though.

I don't think we should settle on sub standard skins just because it isn't an ORSM mod. Remember the Development series mod.. That was not one of ours, but the content was excellent. That's what the community expects..

What I believe will be ORSMs role in this is to ensure that the Mod meets the correct file structures and features (like matching upgrades to cars to tracks), and using the correct models for the cars.

This is why '05 is such a good season to start on. It was the last season the VY was in the series, so that car will play a small part in showcasing Mojo's other models.

Also, I would think that Doug might be able to also provide some feedback, coaching and development to other skinners to get them to the best standard that they can be.

All in all, it means the community gets a new season mod while also developing their skills to build on both ORSM and other mods out there.

Thanks Bacon. I'm reluctant to say to much on ORSM's behalf. Not being a core member and all.:unsure:

Ok well 05 is a good start. I have all the liveries for that season but apart from the ones mentioned above the rest need work.
What I believe will be ORSMs role in this is to ensure that the Mod meets the correct file structures and features (like matching upgrades to cars to tracks), and using the correct models for the cars.
This quote from Bacon suggests we do liveries that match the track of the day. Like we have done for a few other seasons. Unfortunately with may not be possible to do at the extent we did for 2010, 2011 and 2012. The reference photos just aren't available anymore. We've lost a lot of the site that we used to have. Unless someone has others to add all we have ATM is
There's not enough pics of rounds to compile all the reference needed.
Thanks bacon,

I agree totally with the skins and such released should be of the best quality available to best match the quality of the models and best represent this era of V8 Supercars.
This is why i would like to use as many of team ORSMs skins as possible because these are always great quality & so more time and quality can go into the skins that are not done or not of high enough standard for the project......I have tried skinning and I just know I don't have what it takes but things that don't need a lot of artistic edge like windows I can do! Also do you think It would be a good idea to tackle all the seasons at once because with some teams the use almost the same design for multiple seasons with little changes that would be much easier made together than apart eg djr 03-04 Grm 03-04-05 ect.

Sorry if I'm making a headache for you guys but truth is I'm really excited about getting my hands on these cars and if I had the talent I would have just done it myself for my own private use but I don't so I gotta try my hardest to hustle u guys and help out where I can!

Can't wait for the day you can start a "Career" on Rfactor racing against guys like Ambrose and skaife in there prime (and when guys like Whincup & Winterbottom was just wannabes through the seasons to the epic Whincup/Winterbottom battles of these days!!!!!!
Not a good idea to take on to much at once. Your talking 2003 to 2006, 4 seasons in all. Best to do one at a time. ATM we only have Mick-s who's put his hand up to help so let's keep it simple.

As for some teams using the same liveries? Well, when you get down to it and start to reproduce them, their not so similar.

For ref; I'm doing the Orrcon cars now. I did a retro for the Custom-Series and built a great deal of stuff for them and the WPS cars for that matter.

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