
I used this for years in AA with no issues regarding punkbuster. I have known it have problems in the past with DX9 releases but Its a while since I used it so maybe thats been addressed now.

Its a handy little tool if you use TS a lot.

EDIT: 1 tip I have is to extend the display length significantly in the options for messages or you don't get timeto read the if they are more than a few words long.
very handy app if you are limited to one monitor, myself i have RealTimeTelemetry and teamspeak displayed on a second screen while i race so ican see at a glance who spoke but after a while you soon get to learn everyone's voice so you find your self looking less and less
Dear TS agony aunts ...

I am having problems mapping key to TS for PTT ...

Issue 1
- if I map a normal keyboard key, it works when I am in the test TS window, but as soon as I am in game, I get beeped at like crazy by windows for holding down the key (error/keyboard buffer full type beep) :frusty:

Issue 2
- I cannot seem to map a button in my logi profiler for the above keyboard key (G25 wheel). When I do it, there is no response from TS :rolleyes:

Other info:

I wear headphones whilst racing, and recently got some funky new Sennheiser HD515's, so am not likely to be updating them soon for a pair with a mic.

I have quite a sensitive stereo microphone located on top of my monitor, but if I leave TS on voice activation then it activates itself from the noise of my wheel (G25), or alternativley I damn near have to shout if I turn down the sensitivity.

Be interested to hear how others are mapping keys or using TS ...
A curios but too lazy to spend hours fixing this himself TS chappy from the not so sunny [today] Algarve :)

i have uploaded a small app so that you and other can remap any keys you want without having to use the wheels softwear
Can't connect to TeamSpeak server...

It appears that either I'm having troubles connecting to RD's TeamSpeak server, or the server's offline... :( Every time I've looked at the TS Viewer on the main page in the past few days, ithas said that the server didn't respond in the required timeout period.

Anyone able to offer help or advice?

Rhys :D
  • Nick Jones

help please.


Im a complete noob and have never heard of TeamSpeak before but want to participate in the Warren Dawes' Friendly Development Series that requires teamspeak. I've managed to download and install it but when trying to test it on the RaceDepartment home page I keep getting a sexy womans voice saying "Error". With the following message in the TS console

09:53:58] Connecting to
[09:53:58] Bad Login (name and/or password wrong)

When I click connect I can choose 'annonymous' or 'registered'

I have tried both using my original RaceDepartment sign in name (wich seems to work on the home page) and my real name (that I use for the forums, assigned after joining the race club)

I have tried using/leaving blank the nickname box.

I am using the Racing Club Password from MyRD section.

Can anyone point out where Im going wrong.

Many thanks.
  • Andrew Evans

as far as i know, the other day ts was still using the previous club password... i'll pm it to ya in a sec and see about getting it updated to the current later on....
  • Nick Jones

as far as i know, the other day ts was still using the previous club password... i'll pm it to ya in a sec and see about getting it updated to the current later on....

Thanks for your help Andrew, worked a treat (was the old club password).

Have got it all working now but have a small problem still.

I've set it up for 'push to talk' and mapped the key to my wheel using the JBindX app mentioned earlier in this thread. But every key I use seems to already be used for something else ie. I used the right ctrl key and everytime i push to talk the Pit Menu Pops up.

Can anyone sugest a good key to use?

Many Thanks.

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