I'm seeing a lot of posts over several threads stating that their controller, be it wheel, pedal, or xbox 360 type doesn't have the correct sensitivity or deadzone settings, or even not functioning anywhere near how it should. I've answered a few of these threads, but thought it best to make one of my own so people can see it quickly and easily.
I've not plugged in my wheel & pedals yet, so I don't know what options you all have, but it seems whatever is present isn't enough to combat strange controller behaviour. You can get around this by editing a file to change it to your needs. The file is...
steamapps\common\F1 2015\actionmaps\action_map_preset_win.xml
...which can be edited in a text editor such as notepad, or the recommended Notepad++.
All you have to do is open this file and find your controller, which I'd do by searching (Control+F) the term "actionMapName" and repeat the "find next" function until you find your device. They're all clearly labelled, such as...
All you have to do is find the control that you have issues with and change the values, such as...
<Action actionName="Accelerate">
<Axis axisName="di_y_axis" type="uniDirectionalNegative" deadZone="0.0" saturation="1.0" />
Action actionName="Brake">
<Axis axisName="di_z_axis_rotation" type="uniDirectionalNegative" deadZone="0.0" saturation="1.0" />
The benefit to making the adjustments directly within this file as opposed to while in the game itself is that you are not limited by the games interface, so you can have as much adjustment as you want.
From what I've heard so far, if say your pedals aren't responsive enough and only work as of half way pressed down then you'll need to increase the saturation for the accelerator and brake to say "2.0".
You may even need to use negative values (if the game can use them) like if there's too much deadzone and you want to decrease it then you can try "-.0.2" for example.
These fixes are a get around while Codemasters actually finish the game and provide working controller profiles, as the changes you make obviously won't be official and setup 100% accurately to your controller therefore probably not providing 100% of the intended feeling.
I'd also advise making a backup / copy of the "action_map_preset_win.xml" if you get things set up as you like as this file will almost certainly be updated and overwritten in a future patch by Codemasters.
If you happen to have success with your improvements then obviously feel free to state here which changes you made so that others can quickly fix their game too
I've not plugged in my wheel & pedals yet, so I don't know what options you all have, but it seems whatever is present isn't enough to combat strange controller behaviour. You can get around this by editing a file to change it to your needs. The file is...
steamapps\common\F1 2015\actionmaps\action_map_preset_win.xml
...which can be edited in a text editor such as notepad, or the recommended Notepad++.
All you have to do is open this file and find your controller, which I'd do by searching (Control+F) the term "actionMapName" and repeat the "find next" function until you find your device. They're all clearly labelled, such as...
All you have to do is find the control that you have issues with and change the values, such as...
<Action actionName="Accelerate">
<Axis axisName="di_y_axis" type="uniDirectionalNegative" deadZone="0.0" saturation="1.0" />
Action actionName="Brake">
<Axis axisName="di_z_axis_rotation" type="uniDirectionalNegative" deadZone="0.0" saturation="1.0" />
The benefit to making the adjustments directly within this file as opposed to while in the game itself is that you are not limited by the games interface, so you can have as much adjustment as you want.
From what I've heard so far, if say your pedals aren't responsive enough and only work as of half way pressed down then you'll need to increase the saturation for the accelerator and brake to say "2.0".
You may even need to use negative values (if the game can use them) like if there's too much deadzone and you want to decrease it then you can try "-.0.2" for example.
These fixes are a get around while Codemasters actually finish the game and provide working controller profiles, as the changes you make obviously won't be official and setup 100% accurately to your controller therefore probably not providing 100% of the intended feeling.
I'd also advise making a backup / copy of the "action_map_preset_win.xml" if you get things set up as you like as this file will almost certainly be updated and overwritten in a future patch by Codemasters.
If you happen to have success with your improvements then obviously feel free to state here which changes you made so that others can quickly fix their game too