TEST RACE - Most Autodrom

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Well, that was fun.
. Then in lap 2 I got hit from behind which made me drop back to last position...

It was me:mad::mad::mad: I am so sorry

never thought I would run the test race yesterday. so I had not driven with a lot of fuel. so I missed how long braking distance it is. and you braked much earlier than I was prepared. so many sorrys Theo.
I may be owed ​​you a big beer for my mistake.
But it was i really fun race exept for my mistake :frown:
big grats to Tyler very good run could not keep up with the pace that you had:pray:
Hello everyone!

A teammate and I are having problems with this track from the STC Black Cup 2011 Pack: using the STC Most track, the game crashes and a minidump is generated. We will be glad to receive other’s feedback to understand if the problem is on our side or from the track.
Hello everyone!

A teammate and I are having problems with this track from the STC Black Cup 2011 Pack: using the STC Most track, the game crashes and a minidump is generated. We will be glad to receive other’s feedback to understand if the problem is on our side or from the track.

Check your folders in one of the ealier packs there was an error : The ST_Most folder was there twice : \Gamedata\Locations\STC_Tracks\STC_Most\STC_Most

And it should be \Gamedata\Locations\STC_Tracks\STC_Most
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