F1 2010 Thanks for all the setups

F1 2010 The Game (Codemasters)
More like great news to me. Many thanks for the setup section.
I have enjoyed F1 Championship Edition since 2006, more than 10,000 race miles.
Your setups keep me trying F12010 though and I'm slowly getting there
indeed it's great to have a forum just for setups, I always check the threads when hopping into a new race.

However I'd suggest to create 2 subforums:one for Time Trial setups and one for career races, because frankly time trial's arcade style has very little in common with driving in career mode.

e.g. Most setups posted here can be quite fast indeed, but they also destroy tires within just a few laps. Higher grip levels in TT also drastically affect set ups.
totally agree!
i love the fact that i could try out various different setups by different posters and i noticed that my driving style changes according to these setups.

Some of these setups allows me to really be aggressive on the corners while some demand a more smoother approach to be fast.
  • RW-dcf1-uk

many thanks for the help with set ups they have improved my times by an avrage of 1 to 1.5 seconds a lap

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