the questions (BELOW), if possible, I would like to be answered by those (GTR233, SHOVAS, ETC ) who are "gutting" game (or ISI engine) files
well, i made several observations...and i would like to try to get the ai to do the following.
in f1 challenge the ia makes the classification (1 HOUR, AND ONLY 12 ATTEMPTS, no more, no less) as follows:
come out of the box...classify (1 fast and "strong" lap)...go back to the box.
they leave the box....they classify 2 laps ("fast and strong")...return to the box.
as it happened in the real f1 challenge the cars only do ONE fast lap and then they return to the box....UNTIL COMPLETING THE 12 LAPS...DISTRIBUTED DURING THE WHOLE AVAILABLE TIME
in a mod for GTR2... (a VERY respected one, being for offline with very combative "wheel to wheel racing" ai)....the AI is HISTORICALLY realistic (I mean, in qualifying and in the race the drivers are They "ordered" according to what happened in that real year (there were NO mixes and pilots known for being slow... being ahead)
....oddly enough the RCD files for EACH OF THE PILOTS...had exactly the same values.
(if all the rcd of all the pilots had the same values... I guess what MADE THE DIFFERENCE... were the cars)(i suppose)
2-bis: in some gtr2 mods... (as well as MANY in rfactor).... the ai comes out to classify... without any type of STRATEGY... with in F1 CHALLENGE (a fast lap and return to the box) gtr2 and rfactor...the AI GOES OUT TO QUALIFY many times...before returning to the box (sometimes they are even just slow laps because they are very heavy on fuel)
...I mean...if the ai had 50 laps to qualify....the ai would do all 50 laps in just ONE try...or until it ran out of fuel. ...and that's not real.
3- even sometimes the AI does not respect the limit of classification laps (assuming they were 12...the AI will try to do more laps...and is declassified)..that is a bad configuration of the mod.
how to make cars do that kind of qualifying strategy in gtr2? (or rfactor) (a fast lap, box, fast lap, box..)
how to make the ai respect the limit of classification laps?
well, i made several observations...and i would like to try to get the ai to do the following.
in f1 challenge the ia makes the classification (1 HOUR, AND ONLY 12 ATTEMPTS, no more, no less) as follows:
come out of the box...classify (1 fast and "strong" lap)...go back to the box.
they leave the box....they classify 2 laps ("fast and strong")...return to the box.
as it happened in the real f1 challenge the cars only do ONE fast lap and then they return to the box....UNTIL COMPLETING THE 12 LAPS...DISTRIBUTED DURING THE WHOLE AVAILABLE TIME
in a mod for GTR2... (a VERY respected one, being for offline with very combative "wheel to wheel racing" ai)....the AI is HISTORICALLY realistic (I mean, in qualifying and in the race the drivers are They "ordered" according to what happened in that real year (there were NO mixes and pilots known for being slow... being ahead)
....oddly enough the RCD files for EACH OF THE PILOTS...had exactly the same values.
(if all the rcd of all the pilots had the same values... I guess what MADE THE DIFFERENCE... were the cars)(i suppose)
2-bis: in some gtr2 mods... (as well as MANY in rfactor).... the ai comes out to classify... without any type of STRATEGY... with in F1 CHALLENGE (a fast lap and return to the box) gtr2 and rfactor...the AI GOES OUT TO QUALIFY many times...before returning to the box (sometimes they are even just slow laps because they are very heavy on fuel)
...I mean...if the ai had 50 laps to qualify....the ai would do all 50 laps in just ONE try...or until it ran out of fuel. ...and that's not real.
3- even sometimes the AI does not respect the limit of classification laps (assuming they were 12...the AI will try to do more laps...and is declassified)..that is a bad configuration of the mod.
how to make cars do that kind of qualifying strategy in gtr2? (or rfactor) (a fast lap, box, fast lap, box..)
how to make the ai respect the limit of classification laps?