Hey guys how you doin'g? I downloded the Batmobile mod with the dynamic duo, but when i start the race it apears the Batman with the helmet and not with mask... Anyone knows how i can fix it? Thank you so much!
deO. oO mod Batmobile clássico precisa do mod no helmet. O fab Driver Workshop + Templates mod da CC está disponível para download aqui. Basta soltar o arquivo driver_no_helmet na pasta assettocorsa/content/driver e você deve estar pronto para combater o crime.
If you have the driver_no_helmet mod in the driver folder, you will just need to reinstall the batman mod. Shouldn't need any updates.I learned how to open developer mode in content manager so I could actually see the driver3d config for this mod, and I also downloaded the only driver_no_helmet mod available on this site and put them in the main driver folder, then edited the driver3d config file. He's still wearing a racer helmet, so I don't know WTF else to do here.
Is the driver3d config still updated?Did so, but he's still wearing that stupid helmet.