Paul Jeffrey

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Catch part two of our exclusive Assetto Corsa Competizione interview with Marco Massarutto and Ste'fano Casillo of Kunos Simulazioni...

Causing a mass panic of excitement from the sim racing community following the announcement back on February 21st, it is probably fair to say plenty of people are excited for the upcoming Assetto Corsa Competizione racing simulation, and with a potential Early Access release coming to Steam this summer, we answered the community call and sat down with two of the men behind the simulation - Marco Massarutto and Stefano Casillo, founding members of Italian development studio Kunos Simulazioni.

If you are interested in learning more of about the official racing simulation of the Blancpain GT Series, check out part 2 of our exclusive interview at the head of this article.

If you missed it earlier, part one can be viewed HERE. Oh and please consider doing us a favour by subscribing to our YouTube channel if you enjoyed this coverage and are looking forward to more of the same in the years ahead...

Assetto Corsa Competizione should be available on Steam Early Access Summer 2018.

Check out the Assetto Corsa Competizione here at RaceDepartment for the latest news and discussions regarding this exciting upcoming sim. We intend to host some quality League and Club Racing events as well as hosting some great community created mods (we hope!). Join in the discussion today.

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I haven't had time to watch the interviews but I'm hoping the AI rivals AMS/RF2 quality (R3E AI is pretty good too). I've been sim-racing for 25 years now online & offline so I've seen it all. Don't get me wrong online is fun & challenging but joining a random online pick-up race is a crap-shoot. Sometimes it's quality racing but a majority of the time it's an "idiotfest". At least with a quality AI the racing is pretty consistent. If I had time in my life I would join an online league that has rules to weed out the idiots, but I don't so AI racing is where it's at for me these days.
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About "only 30" cars, with full physics I think some people's CPU will struggle already.

And without full physics, well I wouldn't mind if the differences to my car aren't big. But even then, GPU would be bottleneck. Especially considering the better graphics. But this could be "solved" with drawing only closest [user entered limit] cars.

I think real physics on AI are very cool. But AMS AI is pretty enjoyable offline too, and it uses simplified physics.
Sorry, but I must say: I hate when people bring up the AI subject!! Gzus Christ, in the internet era, where multiplayer is the key point of particularly every single new game that comes out, and specially in a simulation environment, AI is totally dispensable!!!
well MP can never fully substitue SP experience .. some of us have time issues, irregular schedules, etc ..
Quick public races are usualy worse than good AI race in AMS and organized racing takes long time and usually happends in wrong time :) ..
Important to get both right ..
Also what is chance than in 5 minutes you can get 30 players willing to do 10 min qually, 20 minutes race in AJR+MR18+BoxerCup on Hockenheim? cause in 5 minutes I might have 30 minutes for racing .. could be in 15 minutes later but than we skip qually and go just for race :) ...

30 cars on track, yes but...
Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup (2017 standings), Pro-AM + Am Teams: 18 teams / 36 cars
Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup Teams (2017 standings), Pro-AM + Am Teams: 13 teams / 26 cars
well ...
entry list for 2017 Spa endurance: 63 cars
entry list for 2017 Misano sprint: 35 cars
entry list for 2017 Silversone endurance: 53 cars
entry list for 2017 Nurburgring sprint: 33 cars
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I`m fine with fully structured reasonably customisable BP championship (with all that comes with it .. rules, regulations, proper starts, manual pits, penalties, sessions, warmup, formation, slowdown laps .. ) dont really need too much talking, cutscenes, animations and ballast around racing itself ..
I haven't had time to watch the 2 interviews and probably won't since I barely have 45 min to race in a day let alone watch 2 videos :)

I never really got into AC as much as I would have like to, but I look forward to Kunos next project.....every thing looks good on paper but so has every other games pre launch hype ads :)
If there's one thing i've learnt in the past 8 yrs of sim racing is to wait till the game has launched, as every sims launch in the past few yrs has really been less than impressive.

Few questions....
What's AC physic rate running at that lets them run at the same rate as the human and still have great overall performance?
I know rf2/pc2 & ams all run at 600hz and when I asked why the ai don't run at the same rate.......the basic answer was the common pc wouldn't be able to stand the load and would result in other features having to be removed.

Is it running at 600hz and that's why they limited the field to 30?

Will ACC have dynamic live track or similar to what AC uses?

How far into development are they to wanna open up early access this summer and what's the planned release date/quarter?

Sorry, but I must say: I hate when people bring up the AI subject!! Gzus Christ, in the internet era, where multiplayer is the key point of particularly every single new game that comes out, and specially in a simulation environment, AI is totally dispensable!!!

Congratulations for having the most disliked comment I have ever seen on RD.

Takes quite a lot of effort to have such a wrong opinion :p
Guess I'll give you the answers then. :p
Will ACC have dynamic live track or similar to what AC uses?
It's going to be an evolution from AC's current version of that. (19:50)
How far into development are they to wanna open up early access this summer and what's the planned release date/quarter?
It'll be available for the public to test at Misano from 22-24 June and the early access will not be far away from that. (43:54)
Hope that answers your questions ;)
Sorry, but I must say: I hate when people bring up the AI subject!! Gzus Christ, in the internet era, where multiplayer is the key point of particularly every single new game that comes out, and specially in a simulation environment, AI is totally dispensable!!!

Lets turn it the other way round: I never even launch multiplayer in any racing game despite it is the internet era. Does that mean developers should abadon multiplayer because of me? Heck, multiplayer is dispensable for me too!!!!

That is such as idiotic statement which is also the same as yours.

If a developer releases a game that is purely multiplayer, don't expect a sale from me which is also why I'll never play iRacing. The whole push to esports and multiplayer is concerning to a certain extend, I certainly do not want this genre ends up like the FPS genre that all you get is crappy 5 hours long campaign with barely any single player content and multiplayer only for many titles. However, it is pretty clear that there are people who enjoy multiplayer so it needs to be present.
3) swap the driving with your friends whenever you like while leaving your car to the AI to drive until you get it back.

yes that's also totally a possibility.
Drive your stint, stop, save the game.. send the save file to your friend, he'll pick it up and to his stint then send a new save state to you.
This could be a very interesting and fun new scenario to race against the AI.

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