The Elephant in the room

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Cote Dazur

SIM Addict
I want to share a concern that I have about AMS2. It does not seem to be discussed, but when comparing how many player actually play the game, I am very worried this game will get any traction ever. It is no just less than other SIM, it is very very little, particularly as it is new.

I would love to hear what Reiza think of the abysmally small amount of user.

Screenshot (7).jpg

How many use a game does not reflect on how good it is, AMS2 is good, but not having user, hence no money coming in has to be some how worry some for Reiza and by consequence to existing user.

By all the coverage here in RD and all the superlative in this thread, you could be tempted to think that this is the next big thing for SIM racer. Not so much, why is their not more players?
Perhaps because RD is more neutral platform where all opinions are welcome (or so we thought) vs. fans echo chamber on Reiza
No we're not neutral, we are pro sim racing, and the continous my games bigger than your game childish nonsense does nothing to promote it as a welcoming inclusive hobby.
I struggle to understand why in such a niche genre where "cooking simulator" has more players than our games we feel the need to denigrate sims or racing games we don't play and try and spoil the enjoyment of those who do play them.
This is discussion forum, would you prefer we acted like some sites where it is stifled.
I notice people only complain when the threads/posts run contrary to their viewpoint.
Not at all, but the same individuals making the same usually pointless post, for some sort of belittling my game is better than your game rubbish (forgetting we probably all own more than one game) is pretty boring. I don't rate AMS2 as much I once did, but I don't come back time and time again with the same spiel.

To be fair, you are better that that James Goffik-axe to grind thing.
Not at all, but the same individuals making the same usually pointless post, for some sort of belittling my game is better than your game rubbish (forgetting we probably all own more than one game) is pretty boring. I don't rate AMS2 as much I once did, but I don't come back time and time again with the same spiel.
I refer you to my post above yours. :)
No one is forced to read or follow this thread, if some reader feel so bad about the subject, they can even ignore me and the thread will magically disappear from their AMS2 forum.
It’s unreasonable of you to expect members not to try and defend their game of choice, and yes the ignore button is a friend. Unfortunately it's not available to me.
I would question whether the thread has ran its course and is there anything more to be gained from it.
I posted here, because I am an active member of RD, on many threads, hoping to have a conversation on something that is to me a case of concerns, as a customer, as I would hate for AMS2 to already be what it is suppose to be.
This is where you loose me. You keep saying that you're a customer, you'd like to play AMS2 more which presumably means you'd like to like it more, that you're concerned about it. Yet here you are, being actively negative about the game for nearly 14 months instead of being either constructively critical on the Reiza forums to help improve it or at least being neutral.

As you said yourself, as much as nobody is forced to read this thread if they don't like it, you're not forced to keep posting player numbers if you don't like them - you're not contributing anything but negativity.
The Reiza forums is a place where anyone who has a thought about how the game could improve can interact with actual people who are involved in the process and on many occasions the changes can find themselves in the very next update. This upcoming update will be a prime example (re throttle mapping) What more could anyone want?
Unfortunately, there is rolling reoccurrance of commenters that aren’t interested in game development at all and are more interested in ramming their subjective opinion down everyone’s throats.
Whats worse is that there are some very patient, very smart people there that spend their time trying to pull anything of value from the criticism of the game in an attempt to identify and isolate a design parameters and they get accused of defending the game and get called fanboys. When the community pushes back, then we get accused of being an echo chamber.
Whats telling here is that anyone with a negative opinion here, even the likes of reshade and supemax get upvotes by the same people (cote and andrew) and all I can tell is this is to perpetuate negativity no matter what.

There is indeed something to a steam chart analysis, if you want to figure out what there is or is not going on in the sim that could cause the numbers. I posted a long post in the beta forum about how I believe a multi player rating system could lead to player engagement (and increase the steam numbers). Reiza is running MP beta tests twice a week now. Giving me hope of some goods things in the way.

On the other hand, this thread has the tone of confirmation bias weaved into it. “I dont like ams2 and see…the steam charts show other people don’t, so Im right and you’re wrong”.

I disagree with that narrative.
Or you can just start playing AMS2, may be numbers go up.
Its up by one most nights 12-3am est.
Tonight I'll be testing the ride height sensitivity of the F309 in traffic at Vello Citta. I discovered that a high rake low front ride height build, although superior solo, has rear downforce issues when following other cars. Especially when going over track undulations. I've identified the problem as an air flow issue under that car, that starves the diffuser either due to lack of air flow, or the diffuser angle itself. I have to find the correct balance of rear springs softness, damper stiffness, bump stop length and ride height. Stiff enough to maintain a stable aero platform and soft enough to handle track undulations.
You know, simcade, fanboi echo chamber type stuff.
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Shhh, Andrew is Premium. Don't upset him. He's allowed to do and say what he wants.
That's nonsense, sitting on the sideline making snide remarks is so easy. You get access to the vast bulk of this website, downloads for no cost, and then use the fact that someone helps support the site as an accusation of bias.
So would you like to produce some evidence of this or was it just an easy target.
I did something I never do. I bought AMS2 on launch day without coming here first to read the opinions of unbiased, knowledgeable racers. That was my mistake.

So I came here to rant. The first person to defend AMS2/Reiza was Cote Dazur. At first I thought "fanboi" but the more i read his posts, all across the forum, i realised that he was just an enthusiast and a reasonable one at that.

His original post is perfectly valid. It was made some time after launch, after many improvements etc. And since then there have been more dlc's, etc, etc, seemingly having little impact on player numbers. Again, it has been fair and valid to revisit the thread from time to time.

At no point in this thread has CD bashed or unfairly slated either AMS2 or Reiza. As with any forum, this is a place where we discuss our various opinions, be they favourable or otherwise. Laying into someone because you don't like their opinion isn't really on.

I notice that CD has removed his avatar, I hope you haven't dented that enthusiasm.

That said, this thread has reached its conclusion. At this point in time AMS2 is what it is. If it appeals to you, great, have at it. If not, well...
  • Deleted member 197115

Shhh, Andrew is Premium. Don't upset him. He's allowed to do and say what he wants.
Never thought that Premium is needed to speak up freely, silly me thought it was still part of the First Amendment.
You guys realize that you are getting angry at your own stats numbers and directing that anger at the messenger, going full ad hominem.

Speaking of numbers, AMS2 actually gained some since original post.
Original as of Jun 25th 2020

Year and a month later on Sunday peak.

It's actually peaked today at whooping 348 from 130 a year ago, you should celebrate that instead of launching mob offence on anyone who dare not even say anything negative about your sim of choice, no, just merely pointing to publicly available stats.

And back to numbers, interesting to analyze gain/losses from a year ago
AC: 7,970 +3,210
ACC: 3,689 +1,515
PC2: 1,368 -1.346
AMS2: 348 +218

Wondering where all PCars2 crowd went, can't be PCars3. Considering common DNA it's reasonable to expect them all ending up in AMS2, but seems like this is not the case.
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AC just keeps on giving - I really dont have a bad word to say about it but not everyone races online - I always race offline as I try to minimize stuff running in the background so AMS2 figures are probably a tad higher than that, same for the other sims. And for PC2 who knows - can't see AMS2 being a natural fit for PC2 racers either...

Edit: Reckon a good few have jumped ship to ACC.
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Never thought that Premium is needed to speak up freely, silly me thought it was still part of the First Amendment.
You guys realize that you are getting angry at your own stats numbers and directing that anger at the messenger, going full ad hominem.

Speaking of numbers, AMS2 actually gained some since original post.
Original as of Jun 25th 2020

Year and a month later on Sunday peak.
View attachment 497781
It's actually peaked today at whooping 348 from 130 a year ago, you should celebrate that instead of launching mob offence on anyone who dare not even say anything negative about your sim of choice, no, just merely pointing to publicly available stats.

And back to numbers, interesting to analyze gain/losses from a year ago
AC: 7,970 +3,210
ACC: 3,689 +1,515
PC2: 1,368 -1.346
AMS2: 348 +218

Wondering where all PCars2 crowd went, can't be PCars3. Considering common DNA it's reasonable to expect them all ending up in AMS2, but seems like this is not the case.

AMS2 drives nothing like PC2 so no wonder PC2 players haven't jumped on board.
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