The Global Warming Thread

Hybrid cars still uses petrol engine, so it still doesn't stand against Hydrogen fuel cell cars.

And btw, Toyota Prius is commercially on sale in Indonesia now. (saw this on some newspaper ads)
I think Hydrogen cars will be cool. The technology is intriguing, and it is the future as I see it.

But still to make hydrogen you need electricity, and unfortunately world wide they make hydrogen with fossile burned fuel.

Great exception is Iceland where they use earthwarmth from the geiser. They make truely green energy

World temperatures set for record highs

World temperatures are set to rise much faster than expected as a result of climate change over the next ten years, according to meteorologists.

By Louise Gray, Environment Correspondent
Published: 3:45PM BST 28 Jul 2009

In the last few years the world has experienced a "cooler period" since record high temperatures in summer 1998.
This has been used by global warming sceptics as proof that greenhouse gases are not causing a rise in temperatures.
However a new study by Nasa said the warming effect of greenhouse gases has been masked since 1998 because of a downward phase in the cycles of the sun that means there is less incoming sunlight and the El Nino weather pattern causing a cooling period over the Pacific.
But from this year solar activity will begin to pick up again and the El Nino phenomenon will cause storms and heatwaves.
The research, to be published in Geophysical Research Letters, was carried out by Nasa's Goddard Institute for Space Studies the US Naval Research Laboratory.
It adds to existing data from the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that predicted temperatures will rise because of an increase in greenhouse gases trapping heat in the atmosphere.
Because greenhouse gases stay in the atmosphere, temperatures are set to increase over the next few years because the world is producing more carbon dioxide.
The new study adds the effect of El Nino, which is entering a new warm phase and of the impact of the solar cycle.
Gareth Jones, a climate research scientist at the Met Office, said the effect of global warming is unlikely to be masked by shorter term weather patterns in the future.
He said that 50 per cent of the 10 years after 2011 will be warmer than 1998. After that any year cooler than 1998 will be considered unusual.
"The amount of warming we expect from human impacts is so huge that any natural phenomenon in the future is unlikely to counteract it in the long term," he said.
Rasi, that's the same as I've been hearing for a looooooong time...

But it's the companies and governments to blame. They want us to be greener, yet make the means expensive and difficult. They say Hydrogen is the future, and supply no Hydrogen stations, they say buy a Citroen, but they're cheap and crap. Why don't they just start all over?
it will heat up till the gulf stream stops cuz the salt % in the oceans drop below a specific level (they dont know where this level is).
the salt % will drop as all the Ice one the poles will melt
then it will cool down fast and we move into the next Ice Age so nothing to worry about a few hot Summers, there is more to worry about -50 or -60 ° C in mid europe if the gulf stream stops

two planets meet in the space, sayes the first: "damnit i have humanoids !!, sayes the second: "dont worry that will go away
The earth goes through different changes.

But it's about time the government put their money where their mouth is and started using wind, water and all the other possibilities to stop pumping fumes into the atmosphere.
  • Ariff Roose


and coming to that, IMO Hybrid cars are quite daft !:th_sad::male-fighter2:
also i love rain! its about to rain now:cloudy::cloudy::cloudy::cloudy:
  • Ariff Roose

lol my government politicians are using the governments money to buy their cars!
bad people

@ Matthew: We have an tunnel system that transports car and water towards wherever they want to go.
The water goes to a resevoir.
Its called the SMART Tunnel (Stormwater Management and Road Tunnel)
From several resources:



And here is the north pole ice shelf today:

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