I strongly disagree in EVERY point
Even the one where I mentioned the probably the best feeling of grip?
PCARS is consider to have one of the best physic in Sim Racing - especially their tire model is high end.
Every title seem to be considered having the best physics out there... By the respective fans
I, personally, don't take sides. If it feels wrong to me, I just say so. And that was exactly the reason I wouldn't go anywhere near rF2
until recently.
"...but there's still something fundamentally wrong with it" - actually there is a "camberbug", they gonna fix it soon (i hope & think in Patch 7.0)
Really doubt it's as easy as that. If, however, it will magically fix all the issues I have with the cars handling, that will only make me happier.
"Also, cars feel mostly the same." - Are you kidding me? Every normal person who has ever driven more than 100h PCARS can confirm that - Nearly every car feels different.
That "normality" is rather an ambiguous term... If that means being a pCARS fan, I'm surely not one of those, as I said earlier.
Of course the cars don't feel exactly the same all across the board. But I can hardly detect subtleties beyond the changed mass, torque and level of grip. It is one of those things that made me set pCARS aside for now. Even AC has much more feel to it. And it always felt a bit on the vague side.
Also what about the sheer snappiness of the cars? rF2 had this issue before, AC too. It's bloody huge lumps of metal we are talking about, they can't change their rotation from one side to another THAT fast. For some reason only SMS still isn't doing anything about it.
Btw speaking of price: Full rF2-Version costs 80€. It has WAY less content than AC, R3E or PCARS. For that price you can buy PCARS & all DLC or AC & all DLCs. Seriously its a joke how much rF2 costs. DLCs in PCARS (aswell as in AC) are among the cheapest i have ever seen. [All costs are nondiscounted to bring it on a fair level]
Yes, it's a joke how much rF2 costs on the ISI site. Get yourself some Steam, wait for a discount... And there you are. I wasn't comparing prices in my previous post. I simply speculated that lowering the price would help SMS more. On the other hand, it can be seen that there was a good amount of work invested at least into the graphics part of pCARS, so (as I mentioned before), it's also kind of not really a good thing to ask them that. Therefore, they need to work on the physics.
"Forgot to add that it's rather bold to name patches like "5.X" and "6.X", considering the difference they bring along." - who says you cant do that? They dont call it PCARS 6.0, they call it PCARS (1) Patch 6.0 (or Version 6.0) ... totally fair. And the changes are imo big enough so they can call it like this. Did you ever read the patchnotes? Theyre pretty long and we saw patches that not even listed all the changes.
I read them all the time. Only to find out that in the "Physics" department the changes are all for whatever reason only about AI.
"Deceiving people that you've been working on stuff that is already there is not a good way to go." - Source / Proof?
Just look around the directory structure of pCARS. You'll find there Lotus 25 files among others.
Well, at least they actually started to add new content recently (it's also possible to tell by the updates download sizes). But they still wait for whatever date their marketing department picked to release the stuff.
Because its in development. Fallout 4 ie, you never heard anything until they revealed it at E3.
Is Fallout 4 the only thing people tend to talk about nowadays? I would rather talk about Falcon 4 instead...
Well, it is in development, yes. Then what's the point asking people if they'd buy it? If I don't know a thing about how much different pCARS 2 will be versus pCARS1, how do you expect me to answer the question?
P.s. Its known that most rf & rf2 mods have unrealistic driving behaviour.
Totally agree with that. The same goes for any sim that supports modding. But for what rF2 does good, right now there's no substitute.
I'm not implying you should only get rF2 and stick with that, but it's a sim one really must have at their disposal.
Cool, you can say more about physics by sreenshot))). Leave physics alone, look at the picture and system requirements for pCARS and for Shift2. If I set graphic config in pCARS equal to Shift2 I get worse detail overall. They not optimized at all. I told you about grahics, when the adverise it, with flickering shadows, blurred objects, diferrent quality track and details, pCARS grahics IMO container of Garbage without optimization. But yes< physics is better there.
It could be all about the physics being the major resource hog. As for the graphics, I don't really see any competition for pCARS at the moment. At least on PC.