The rise and possible fall of iRacing

Brief history on the Service:

iRacing started out in 2004 by John Henry and Dave Kaemmer. John is a co-owner of Roush-Fenway Racing for those who aren't aware, and so he was able to provide financial backing that has never really been seen before in sim racing. Combine that with the experience of Dave Kaemmer who has competed in the Skip Barber Championship in real life, and is the mastermind behind such sims as GT Legends, and you can expect top notch results. Finally an able developer has virtually all the time and money they need to create the ultimate sim experience. In a period from 2004-2008 iRacing consisted of lots of R&D and closed testing, some early members became part of the testing early on with most early testers joining in 2007 through connections in the sim world. In mid 2008 iRacing was open to the public but through invites only, then released fully to the public later on in the year.

The stage was set nicely, a huge amount of hype and community buzz had set iRacing above all other racing sims, before it was even released. Laser scanned tracks, cars being measured, weighed, and scanned for perfect accuracy. From a scientific point of view it was very hard for people to argue with what iRacing was doing, they were miles ahead of everyone else. They also have a 10 year plan, and a $20million investment from John Henry which they boasted through advertising and shameless plugs in the sim community. It was a good move by iRacing to let people know how serious they were early on, if they didn't there is no way they would get away with charging what they do for their service.

iRacing has a model that is unique to racing sims, but not unique to the gaming world. To use the service you must be a member, which requires you to purchase one of their monthly or annual membership packages. With the membership you get access to limited content, at first it was only a few cars on the Oval and Road side, with a handful of tracks. If you wanted some of the faster cars or more tracks, those would have to be purchased individually. People were so excited about the sim, they did not care much to argue with the plan, they did not mind that they owned none of the content, and were only purchasing access to them when their membership is in current status. If you stop paying to access their service, you lose all access to the content you have purchased. How do they control this? It is simple, the only way you can use the service is through an internet connection with a compatible browser. There is a large program installed on your PC, however you cannot access it unless you are logged in securely through their website. This helps them to keep control and monitor all things that happen in the sim.

This type of service is very controversial, but with the level of professionalism that iRacing was trying to achieve, this was the only way to go for them. By controlling things through an online browser, they prevent people from running modified versions of the game, which could include hacking the physics, or any other type of manipulation. That does not mean iRacing has been free from hackers though, there have been reports of cheats that have been used, patched, with the users who cheated banned, and no refund given. By controlling the sim in such a way, iRacing was able to display itself as a professional service, where people can compete fairly worldwide against their peers, 24 hours a day, with a full time staff of stewards and developers constantly monitoring and updating the service.

They ran ads showing professional drivers giving testimonies on how realistic the simulator is, which is nothing new, every simulator out has done this. However with iRacing, people are required to give their real first and last name, so users who are part of the service can literally search their favorite drivers name, and through a statistic screen, monitor the progress and lap times. This made iRacing unique because people can actually see professional drivers using the service. This helped give consumers confidence, not only were they confident that the company was on solid ground having John Henry as the financial backbone, but they also are able to purchase content in confidence knowing that professional drivers have sworn by the accuracy. From 2008-current the service has grown in overall members, but so has the sim. What started out as a few thousand people in 2008, has grown into the tens of thousands. Content has also been expanded, it was just a handful of cars and tracks starting out, but now iRacing boasts a car for everyone on both Oval and Road, with 24 hours 7 days a week series of official sessions.

The future of iRacing is still not very could this be though? With such a strong foundation, and having the largest active community in sim racing, how
could they ever fail?

Downfalls of the greatest sim available:

Even though iRacing has been the dominant name in sim racing since its release in 2008, it still has its downfalls. The sim does not provide a lot of the simple things that other sims have for years. Some of these things include tire build up, dynamic weather, and dynamic track surfaces. You are basically racing in a static environment all of the time, which is obvious to anyone that the real world of motorsports simply cannot be simulated accurately in a static environment.

Other downfalls are development times. In the beginning the members were very forgiving over long development times. Cars and Tracks were basically announced, then several months later eventually released, with some projects lasting over a year. As time has progressed and their team grows you would expect development time to go down, but it has not. Members are still finding themselves waiting almost a year for new content to be released.

Another downfall of iRacing is the content it provides, a lot of the cars are somewhat unpopular or outdated when compared to race cars in other sims. Instead of Ferrari, BMW, and other big names in racing, we see Pontiac, Kia, and what seems to be at random one car selected from several different series all over the place. So when you see something like Formula 1 advertised you will be sad to find out you only have two F1 cars available, and they are decades apart from each other. If you are a fan of Grand Am racing, the Daytona Prototype available is a Pontiac, and it is already half a decade old. This is the trend with iRacing, they tend to model only one car from a series, then by the next couple years it is already outdated, and then they tell people they have a virtual version of that series even though it is only that one car that is most likely not used in the series anymore.

Then there are the tracks, other than Nascar, you will be lucky to find more than a few real world tracks available where your favorite series actually races in real life. This, combined with the random car from a random year, can make you feel as if you are competing in some fantasy series, rather than simulating the real life series. Some are hopeful to one day get a complete series, but with iRacing's super slow pace in their development it seems near impossible for them ever to release a complete series will all the cars and tracks from the same year competition. Some tracks were scanned, and left to be forgotten with excuses given from the staff members that they simply do not have the manpower to complete, leaving a sour taste in the mouths of many members. On top of that, some projects end up getting delayed, like the coveted Lotus 49, it has been promised many times by the staff, but delayed every time.

This brings me to my biggest concern with iRacing, its quest for perfection comes at the expense of its members wallets and patience. For iRacing to prepare a release to the public they seem to have very high quality standards and must simulate things accurately through a formula. This sounds great, except they don't always get it right, and when you wait several months for something to be released, you expect it to be good to go when it is released. Several of the iRacing fans will just use the excuse that everything in the sim is a work in progress, and things will always be updated and changed. The problem with that, is it gives iRacing a fail pass, meaning they can release something that is a failure and get a pass from the community because it is a work in progress and will be updated. This is not just limited to iRacing, now that the internet is here to update games, developers across the board are releasing unfinished products and just updating things later on.

The problem with this whole situation, is it creates a circle of long development times, and a pass for mediocre content. Some will say they cannot have it both ways, they cannot offer an advertised realistic experience, yet make dramatic changes to the core of the simulation. Things like the tire model and physics have changed dramatically over time, and to this day the tire model still is not right. When individuals question the tire model they are met with some resistance from iRacing staff members who believe things are not as bad as they seem, but are also told there are yet again going to be more dramatic changes to fix bugs such as more grip with cold tires, but like everything at iRacing, even the tire model gets delayed over and over again.

Then you have cars that were driven by professionals before their release and have sworn testimonies of being accurate to the real life counterpart, that have since been changed dramatically, so now iRacing has to answer the question,are the cars inaccurate now? Or were their professional spokesman just spewing company lines to promote iRacing early on?

One will ask themselves why has iRacing not hired on more experts to help with the physics and tire models, or more professionals to help speed up development time of cars and help with the completion of tracks. Well, as unlimited as their resources may seem, they do not have an endless supply of money. If you think about how much it must cost to run a business like this year round, that $20million will get gobbled up fairly quick over the years, and the membership alone cannot support a super large staff. Even with a small staff they are paying several yearly salaries, sending employees all over the world to scan cars and tracks, not to mention other expenses like the cost of equipment and an office headquarters. They simply cannot afford to stay in business, and also have a super large staff.

There is a lot of controversy over the direction of iRacing, with its lack of features, and its ever changing view on how physics and tires work. One can only ask how long can this company keep all its members? Right now
iRacing has somewhat of a monopoly on sim racing. They are the only sim offering full time year round organized racing in a professional environment. Everything feels official with iRacing, and anyone can join with ease. This gives iRacing an edge over all other sims which depend on mods and communities to bring people together, which as we have seen before can be very messy, but also very rewarding if done right. Personally, I would love to see iRacing just "get things right", but at the moment with how they do things, it would take years before they ever start releasing complete series or getting cars that are up to date instead of outdated ones that are already retired from their current series.

Sooner or later, iRacing will lose its monopoly on this type of service, someone else is bound to come along and offer a similar service. If such a service comes along, and offers things that iRacing still has trouble with, like a correct tire model, or dynamic environments, then iRacing's future may be in trouble. They can only exist in such a state as long as there is no competition to steal their customers away. Eventually when another sim does come along that rivals iRacing, they better be ready to deliver on their promises, or face the reality of having to eventually close their doors after everyone but a few dedicated followers leave for the new kid on the block who offers something bigger and better.
About the "overdone aero", if it was so true then the laptimes at Spa and Silverstone (aero tracks) with the F1 would be clearly faster than in real life, and that's not the case.
I'm willing to bet it's a tire issue, with grip increasing too much with increased loading. Particularly on cars not on the NTMv5 yet (which is a similar root cause for much of the current issues, sidewall deformation, which is why we keep seeing updates to it). Also, why we see the FW31 behaving relatively well at the moment and older cars not necessarily.
Sorry my friend, you still h have to do it to avoid a spin. Its exactly what i do. Countersterring doesnt work or atleast, on some little slide but steering into slide still work and i use it
Depends on the car, for some countersteering has been effective for near a year.
Can't speak to the extra steering working since I never taught myself to do it. Has seemed that the cars on slicks are twitchier and harder to catch than those on DOT tires (again, see sidewall issues).
Thre are many things more besides the graphics. Multiplayer is still buggy, with some odd collisions, and the complexity of setupping everything correctly takes time and effort (you have to log on ISI forums, find whatever you need, etc), when on the other hand you have examples like iRacing (heck, even Simraceway) where you get all the stuff with one click, and everything ready to race.

I disagree, I have 4 buddies I have been racing with the past month using a few different mods and other people are able to join us by downloading the mod file form me.

I host this all my self on a 50/25 FIOS package. No lag, nothing.
Depends on the car, for some countersteering has been effective for near a year.
Can't speak to the extra steering working since I never taught myself to do it. Has seemed that the cars on slicks are twitchier and harder to catch than those on DOT tires (again, see sidewall issues).

The Radical is quite driveable over the limit, and has slicks. But yeah I agree with you.


If it's so perfect and so easy to use tell me why the multiplayer is almost always empty... right now there is only one server with more than 10 players, and it's the classic Megane server...
Well if youre trying to insinuate that iRacing wins on the sole aspect of easy to use then youre right.

I dont consider rFactor2 hard to use but if we are going to keep the people who refuse to put any effort into racing away from rFactor2 and AC I might not completely be opposed to it. These seem to be the people who flock to iRacing (fixed setups, convincing others that spending more money means better etc)
I think it should be compared to real this...

Real world first track day in Nissan 350z....
Slow out lap, slow first lap, picking up pace lap after lap, in lap
No spins, no crashes, no crazy hairy braking moment, pure feel and complete control. Lap after lap you find the limits and pick better markers.

IRacing...MX-5 Cup
Out lap...Spin first corner (Penalty) 5th corner terrible uncontrollable slide off track writing car off (penalty). Reset...start again.
Cars spin slow, fast, touching grass it stops steering. Takes a long time to get a clean lap.

Then you try GTR Evolution...
Outlap...slow, lap 2 picking up the pace lap after lap.. in lap!
Feels more like the real thing, results are more like the real thing.

IRacing physics are unpredictable...and if you use a 270 degree wheel in any other games, dont bother using it here. 900 degrees are an essential hardware for kind of better steering.

IRacing is the typical overdone difficulty trying to convince people the real cars are that hard to drive, when they not. Like a previous comment, if cars where that hard to drive, people would be dying every race.

Not sure of my pace and my ability...well this years Red Bull Kart champion is from my city...he's a world champion now, i was 0.5 off his pace in karts in the real world. If i had entered that competition he did, i could possibly of made it to the world finals...or certainly my national finals.
IRacing physics are unpredictable...and if you use a 270 degree wheel in any other games, dont bother using it here. 900 degrees are an essential hardware for kind of better steering.

A 270 degree steeringwheel is very 2003'ish to be honest but by adjusting the steerlock in game it should not really be a problem whether thats iRacing or another kind of game.
A 270 degree steeringwheel is very 2003'ish to be honest but by adjusting the steerlock in game it should not really be a problem whether thats iRacing or another kind of game.
iRacing has adjustable steering ratio instead, and only on a few cars. Anything less than 900deg rotation and the steering isn't right. That said, with how much a G25 or DFGT cost nowadays...

<modedit: offensive language removed, warning handed out, watch your steps>

People often think they are going a lot slower than they are because the perception on a screen is so different than in real life, including stuff like actual all-around vision, G-Forces, "seat of the pant" feedback, etc... An experienced simracer should easily be able to overcome that.

Also, GTR Evo sucks. Transition between no slip and slipping while cornering is weird, like it goes to a different set of physics or something. It's not smooth at all. The GT cars especially feel like they have way too much grip, and whilst I'm not one to say "harder = realistic", it feels far too easy to drive.
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A 270 degree steeringwheel is very 2003'ish to be honest but by adjusting the steerlock in game it should not really be a problem whether thats iRacing or another kind of game.
I agree totally, but its all i have right now. So thought i should share that for anyone else with a 270 degree wheel...dont use it. The game supports it, just like it supports a gamepad, but really its undriveable. The linear settings just dont seem to work like they should.
iRacing has adjustable steering ratio instead, and only on a few cars. Anything less than 900deg rotation and the steering isn't right. That said, with how much a G25 or DFGT cost nowadays...

To @Twister42 , if you crash iRacing's MX-5 at T1 by not pushing, and I mean, not pushing, like you would do in real life and you have simracing experience, then you freaking suck, honestly. People often think they are going a lot slower than they are because the perception on a screen is so different than in real life, including stuff like actual all-around vision, G-Forces, "seat of the pant" feedback, etc... An experienced simracer should easily be able to overcome that.

Also, GTR Evo sucks. Transition between no slip and slipping while cornering is weird, like it goes to a different set of physics or something. It's not smooth at all. The GT cars especially feel like they have way too much grip, and whilst I'm not one to say "harder = realistic", it feels far too easy to drive.
A 270 degree wheel for a track based car in real life is sufficient...and still controllable just not on here. Think about go karts, how much rotation they used, do you ever cross your hands?

As for my abilities, somehow i knew someone would say its me being a crap driver. Like i have said before, i have real world race experience on a motorbike, (have won 1000cc superbike races) real world track experience in a car, in F1 2010 im top 3 in the wet on certain tracks or was...using some of Brams number 1 in superbike 2001, im fastest in my country in forza 4 x class, top 5 in my country in gt academy, fastest in my country in race i still need to prove my ability to drive? And are you then saying people who are not the best can not play this game? Come on even a useless driver can still drive a car around a track, my sister can drive her car around our local track no problem without crashing...sure her times will be a joke but she wont loose control like you do here.

Its not a speed issue its a control issue. Real cars are not so difficult to drive on track. You are quick at this, i could get quick at this too but it does not change the fact the physics are too aggressive. Maybe with good wheel and pedal setups its better im not sure but a real world car is not so twitchy, quick to over correct especially on lower powered cars.
I agree totally, but its all i have right now. So thought i should share that for anyone else with a 270 degree wheel...dont use it. The game supports it, just like it supports a gamepad, but really its undriveable. The linear settings just dont seem to work like they should.
The linear setting is only linear force feedback.

By default iRacing always maps your wheel rotation lock range to the maximum lock available on each car. If you can spin a real MX-5 wheel 900 degrees, your 270 degree wheel gets mapped to the full 900 degrees at rest and low speeds. You can adjust the lock range at speed, but below whatever is considered 'race pace' the response will be non-linear.

I think there is a way to tweak that in the sim, but can't think of it off the top of my head. It may let you accept that you'll never be able to turn the car sharper than that. Another option is to set it as if it were a 900 degree wheel and you'll get linear steering but at a much higher steering ratio. The problem you're describing sounds precisely like the non-linear steering kicking in, which is always annoying (I used to play on an XBox wheel with combined pedal axis, back when you needing to throttle brake the SRF...)
The linear setting is only linear force feedback.

By default iRacing always maps your wheel rotation lock range to the maximum lock available on each car. If you can spin a real MX-5 wheel 900 degrees, your 270 degree wheel gets mapped to the full 900 degrees at rest and low speeds. You can adjust the lock range at speed, but below whatever is considered 'race pace' the response will be non-linear.

I think there is a way to tweak that in the sim, but can't think of it off the top of my head. It may let you accept that you'll never be able to turn the car sharper than that. Another option is to set it as if it were a 900 degree wheel and you'll get linear steering but at a much higher steering ratio. The problem you're describing sounds precisely like the non-linear steering kicking in, which is always annoying (I used to play on an XBox wheel with combined pedal axis, back when you needing to throttle brake the SRF...)
Ahh ok that makes a lot of sense, thanks for that! I actually tried with a original xbox ffb wheel too, and a logitech momo. The interesting part was when i tried the linux install. In linux (Ubuntu 12.04) it has native support for logitech wheels, but by default sets all wheel rotation at 900 degrees. In linux with a 270 degree my momo was quite different to that of windows...still not usable though.
A 270 degree wheel for a track based car in real life is sufficient...and still controllable just not on here. Think about go karts, how much rotation they used, do you ever cross your hands?

As for my abilities, somehow i knew someone would say its me being a crap driver. Like i have said before, i have real world race experience on a motorbike, (have won 1000cc superbike races) real world track experience in a car, in F1 2010 im top 3 in the wet on certain tracks or was...using some of Brams number 1 in superbike 2001, im fastest in my country in forza 4 x class, top 5 in my country in gt academy, fastest in my country in race i still need to prove my ability to drive? And are you then saying people who are not the best can not play this game? Come on even a useless driver can still drive a car around a track, my sister can drive her car around our local track no problem without crashing...sure her times will be a joke but she wont loose control like you do here.

Its not a speed issue its a control issue. Real cars are not so difficult to drive on track. You are quick at this, i could get quick at this too but it does not change the fact the physics are too aggressive. Maybe with good wheel and pedal setups its better im not sure but a real world car is not so twitchy, quick to over correct especially on lower powered cars.
You're wondering why it's so hard and you drive with most likely terribly set-up/outdated equipment, so don`t look any further. Also, I did say that you are trying to go much faster in the sim than in real life, that's a given.

Weird that the real life FIA GT driver we tested with at iOpener stated exactly the opposite and said that the grip was spot on.

But he is of course not a sim racer, so what does he know :)
Not much, actually. I see no point in trusting a real world driver who has never touched a PC sim in his life, much less so if he wasn't driving on a properly set-up rig, or just watching.

To add to that, how do you explain that iRacing cars are actually a bit quicker to much quicker, when taking into account Q trim, weather, etc... than their real life counterparts on laser-scanned tracks ? I'm not saying that it's perfect, it's not, but GTR Evo is laughably grippy, it's actually quite ridiculous. Not only that, it seems almost impossible to break traction no matter what you do when cornering, and lost of grip at slow speed or when you really jerk it out is unnatural and almost canned in feel... The way the car regains grip is quite weird aswell.
Ahh ok that makes a lot of sense, thanks for that! I actually tried with a original xbox ffb wheel too, and a logitech momo. The interesting part was when i tried the linux install. In linux (Ubuntu 12.04) it has native support for logitech wheels, but by default sets all wheel rotation at 900 degrees. In linux with a 270 degree my momo was quite different to that of windows...still not usable though.
If you check the hardware forum, a lot of people have spent a lot of time optimizing the control setups. Pose your question there and I'm sure someone can help get the most out of your wheel.

Hope you get it figured out. I know the XBox wheel was so frustrating with the poor drivers that I just bought a G27 :)
If you check the hardware forum, a lot of people have spent a lot of time optimizing the control setups. Pose your question there and I'm sure someone can help get the most out of your wheel.

Hope you get it figured out. I know the XBox wheel was so frustrating with the poor drivers that I just bought a G27 :)
Did it make a big difference to the feel of the car with a G27? I know there are some big differences in the control setup, ie the xbox wheel did not have ffb options...wheel rotation, pedal settings and so on. Was thinking of getting a G27 but tought of waiting to get a Fanatec CSR rather, not the elite...elite pedals though!

But as someone thats gone from a Xbox wheel to a G27, whats your opinion on the gaming difference/experience now that you use the G27?
You're wondering why it's so hard and you drive with most likely terribly set-up/outdated equipment, so don`t look any further. Also, I did say that you are trying to go much faster in the sim than in real life, that's a given.

Not much, actually. I see no point in trusting a real world driver who has never touched a PC sim in his life, much less so if he wasn't driving on a properly set-up rig, or just watching.

To add to that, how do you explain that iRacing cars are actually a bit quicker to much quicker, when taking into account Q trim, weather, etc... than their real life counterparts on laser-scanned tracks ? I'm not saying that it's perfect, it's not, but GTR Evo is laughably grippy, it's actually quite ridiculous. Not only that, it seems almost impossible to break traction no matter what you do when cornering, and lost of grip at slow speed or when you really jerk it out is unnatural and almost canned in feel... The way the car regains grip is quite weird aswell.
I dont have a problem with my lap times for now,(Low 1:34 at summit point or whatever the track is the rookie class race on) they ok..problem i have is control. I can get good times, but then out of the blue it does something stupid and im not able to control it correctly. So its too hard to get faster as i just feel the car is too erratic and i dont feel like i can push. Perhaps new hardware would help, but the wheels i have i have used on all the games i played. My times in F1 2010 are with the Logitech Momo Black.
I dont have a problem with my lap times for now,(Low 1:34 at summit point or whatever the track is the rookie class race on) they ok..problem i have is control. I can get good times, but then out of the blue it does something stupid and im not able to control it correctly. So its too hard to get faster as i just feel the car is too erratic and i dont feel like i can push. Perhaps new hardware would help, but the wheels i have i have used on all the games i played. My times in F1 2010 are with the Logitech Momo Black.

Having the correct steering ratio - wheel rotation (using 900º) should help you to control better the car, 270º is too low in my opinion. Karts are a different story :p
Did it make a big difference to the feel of the car with a G27? I know there are some big differences in the control setup, ie the xbox wheel did not have ffb options...wheel rotation, pedal settings and so on. Was thinking of getting a G27 but tought of waiting to get a Fanatec CSR rather, not the elite...elite pedals though!

But as someone thats gone from a Xbox wheel to a G27, whats your opinion on the gaming difference/experience now that you use the G27?
Night and day. Couldn't get the SRF around the track before, especially due to the combined pedal axis. G27 is a solid choice, especially to something with :inlove:00 degrees rotation. Definitely worth going to a 900 degree wheel. Any 900 degree wheel.

My current setup is a G27 with a apelectrix load cell brake (not necessary, but I find it helps in competitive situations). Make sure you go through the guides on the forums to get the best FFB settings you can, it makes a big difference.
Night and day. Couldn't get the SRF around the track before, especially due to the combined pedal axis. G27 is a solid choice, especially to something with :inlove:00 degrees rotation. Definitely worth going to a 900 degree wheel. Any 900 degree wheel.

My current setup is a G27 with a apelectrix load cell brake (not necessary, but I find it helps in competitive situations). Make sure you go through the guides on the forums to get the best FFB settings you can, it makes a big difference.
Cool thank you, i might have to give it a go with a better wheel then and see how much better it is. I do want a fanatec, might have one arriving in a few months so will try it out then and see if its enough to change my opinions. Thanks for your insight.

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