The SimFeedback-AC DIY Motion Simulator thread

Hey guys. Thought I’d create a thread for those taking the plunge into this brilliant DIY project..
I will be starting mine soon and I know there are others thinking about it.. so feel free to share your knowledge and experiences so we can all enjoy this platform to its full potential. A huge thanks to the developers who have really knocked this one out of the park!



For all the internals for the actuator contact Amy -
She can supply everything you need. Just remind her you want the ends of the shafts chamfered and make sure she sends the right sized ball screw - we have had a couple of issues reported. She is very helpful though and the cost is pretty good.

Huge thanks to @RowanH for writing a comprehensive user guide which can be accessed here -

In addition, @anton_Chez has contributed a list of post numbers for some of the important settings etc..
Post #320 SFX-100 thread
Post #327 SFX-100 thread for Discord correlation
Post #339 SFX-100 thread
Post #418 SFX-100 thread
Post #424 SFX-100 thread
Post #439 SFX-100 thread
Post #449 SFX-100 thread
Post #517 SFX-100 thread
Post #554 SFX-100 thread
Post #580 SFX-100 thread
Post #826 SFX-100 thread
Post #837 SFX-100 thread
Post #864,866,867,868,870,887,889,897 SFX-100 thread
Post #911,914 SFX-100 thread
Post #988,992,998 SFX-100 thread
Post #1147 SFX-100 thread
Post #1492 SFX-100 thread
Post #1511,1517 SFX-100 thread

I will try to keep this page updated with links to source the parts in other parts of the world. Just post whatever links you have and i'll add them here.

Please note: Not all the parts listed below are essential for the project. For the essential parts refer to the original shopping list.


Thanks to @AussieSim for the following links:

10A power lead(s) * 4

Top quality wire stripper

RCD/safety switch power block

WD-40 lithium grease for the ball screws

Vibration pads

WD-40 Dry PTFE spray for the slider (free shipping)

Arduino Leonardo (free shipping + frequent 10-15% off discount)

DB25 cables * 4 (free shipping)

PETG * 3 (free shipping)

WAGO-like connectors to avoid a breadboard (perhaps use genuine ones if you are doing 240V AC)

D-Sub breakout boards * 4

3D printer Creality Ender-3 Pro

Wires from Arduino to D-Sub breakout (remove black plastic from the WAGO end)

Crimp connectors for AC wire leads
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Here's the list of posts that contain information about SimFeedback. Shout out to the parties involved in divulging the knowledge and experience.

Post #320 SFX-100 thread
Post #327 SFX-100 thread for Discord correlation
Post #339 SFX-100 thread
Post #418 SFX-100 thread
Post #424 SFX-100 thread
Post #439 SFX-100 thread
Post #449 SFX-100 thread
Post #517 SFX-100 thread
Post #554 SFX-100 thread
Post #580 SFX-100 thread
Post #826 SFX-100 thread
Post #837 SFX-100 thread
Post #864,866,867,868,870,887,889,897 SFX-100 thread
Post #911,914 SFX-100 thread
Post #988,992,998 SFX-100 thread
Post #1147 SFX-100 thread
Post #1492 SFX-100 thread
Post #1511,1517 SFX-100 thread
Post #1898 SFX-100 thread

It might not make much sense now but before you guys jump into tuning it should give you a head start on things that others have worked through, such as Henk's rig jumping around.
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VR SFX peeps: is mounting the sensor to the rig the preferred option? With my NLRv3 my Rift sensor is static and works superbly without the need for the NL compensation software. Mounting it to the P1 when the SFX is installed might be problematic because I'll be demounting my 50" monitor from the rig and wall mounting it on a telescopic bracket, so there won't be any suitable structure on the rig to mount a sensor without adding a big silly arm or something.
There's a fairly compact 8020 sensor mount somewhere on thingiverse. It's just like the low profile wall oned that you'd hang with 3m command strips but has grooves for the profile slot.
I printed one and it didn't quite fit but after a bit of filing and a couple of whacks with a rubber mallet it's a great solution. Intending to modify the stl at some point. I'll try to post a link to the thing page tonight.
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Sage advice - thanks chaps. This is the type of wall bracket I'm considering for the TV, which will allow me to retract it flush to the wall when motion simming in VR, but pull it forward when doing normal static non-sim gaming in the rig.


Mounting an offset arm to the P1 rig so that the Rift sensor is away to the side and a suitable distance away shouldn't be too tricky. It just might look a bit odd. 8020 section should hopefully keep it wobble-free.
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Sage advice - thanks chaps. This is the type of wall bracket I'm considering for the TV, which will allow me to retract it flush to the wall when motion simming in VR, but pull it forward when doing normal static non-sim gaming in the rig.


Mounting an offset arm to the P1 rig so that the Rift sensor is away to the side and a suitable distance away shouldn't be too tricky. It just might look a bit odd. 8020 section should hopefully keep it wobble-free.

I use a similar mount for my 55" in front of my rig, it is great as can easily move the TV around when working on the rig or to use it for normal TV duties :thumbsup:
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I plan on testing both. I haven't used either yet as I've been just getting used to it with the screen, which was hard to adjust to coming from VR. But it doesn't take long and I've just been using that to play with settings and stuff.

Speaking of settings, I've trawled the entire thread the last few days and noted every post that refers to SimFeedback and settings. I'm upstairs now but I'll post the list here so that anyone that wants a helping hand with what the settings do doesn't need to do what I did! SimFeedback looks incredibly deep and I wanted as much info as I could before I jumped in and starting messing with things.

I've also now got my drivers on 3000rpm and dropped the smoothing to 22 from 30. I've ran a couple of hours in it with the baby settings and everything seems fine so I'll leave the drivers now as basically max settings and tune via SimFeedback. Looking forward to getting stuck into this belt tensioner now.....

@anton_Chez wow thats a lot of work!! I really appreciate you doing that, look forward to seeing the data! I just finished building the PC side and connecting VR and so the timing on the above VR discussions as well has also been extremely helpful...actually glad I'm behind on my build as I get to benefit from all the great information being posted by all of you!

My aluminum posts just went out to paint...and wow they really pop...I thought powder coating would be the better way to go but a friend of mine who has an automotive shop was actually able to get into the folds of the aluminum and once the clear coat went on...the only thing missing is Micah's Silver logo to go with the silver horse :) Wood Rig goes to paint in two weeks, and overall build should start. Also I think this was asked but didn't get a chance to look is there a link to a High res graphic for the SFX-100? Micah?

Heading out for some dives in Grenada...and this may sound weird lol, but excited to come back and see what other progress folks have made in the mean time!?
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There's a fairly compact 8020 sensor mount somewhere on thingiverse. It's just like the low profile wall oned that you'd hang with 3m command strips but has grooves for the profile slot.
I printed one and it didn't quite fit but after a bit of filing and a couple of whacks with a rubber mallet it's a great solution. Intending to modify the stl at some point. I'll try to post a link to the thing page tonight.
I think I found it:



Edit: just got the price quote from my university for printing it. $1.11 USD!
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I just tried Henk's DTM profile in Raceroom. Apart from being an absolutely brutal ride, the fixed VR sensor seemed to be OK for the most part. Zolder doesn't have THAT much elevation change but you do ride a lot of curb. I got used to it, but the headset was a little bouncy on them. Nothing that I haven't experienced with the V3 so I'll give the platform mounted sensor a go and compare. If the large changes in elevation look weird for me with it static I might have to mount it. If not, then I'll probably just leave it the way that it is. Just easier and less prone to being bounced around and experiencing what Henk is with the wobble he was describing a little while ago. Any movement to the sensor that's not aligned with your headset and you get positional changes in your vision.
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My aluminum posts just went out to paint...and wow they really pop...I thought powder coating would be the better way to go but a friend of mine who has an automotive shop was actually able to get into the folds of the aluminum and once the clear coat went on...the only thing missing is Micah's Silver logo to go with the silver horse :) Wood Rig goes to paint in two weeks, and overall build should start. Also I think this was asked but didn't get a chance to look is there a link to a High res graphic for the SFX-100? Micah?

While true that Automotive paint will be significantly better than Spray balm, Powder is the better route to take for overall durability and Scratch prevention. My powder guy didn't have any problem getting in the grooves, nor did it hinder the T nuts sliding abilities.
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After reading this thread I have some questions. My own rig has prosimu prs200 actuators and I use simtools. I’ve read here that users of the sfx 100 can achieve results that lets you feel rumble strips and very fine details in road texture to a degree that they don’t find a use for tactile units to represent these effects.

From my experience with simtools tuning for very fine details is difficult to balance as you will get excessive movement when hitting a big curb. Dimple in the road vs curb. In my current endeavours I have not been able to tune my rig to get the drrrrrrrrrrrr sound over rumble strips. Bigger moves and road bumps my actuators perform well.

What I’m wondering is if this is because of different software used or properties of my actuators vs the sfx 100. As tactile effects is one of the sale arguments for d-box I assume it is not common for linear actuators used in commercial frame movers to be able to provide as fine details as road texture up to this point. Has the sfx 100 been designed specially to be able to to convey fine details or is it the software that does it?
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While true that Automotive paint will be significantly better than Spray balm, Powder is the better route to take for overall durability and Scratch prevention. My powder guy didn't have any problem getting in the grooves, nor did it hinder the T nuts sliding abilities.
Thats a great point!
I believe they powder coated the primer, then sprayed the automotive paint, then applied clear coat I'll ask when I pick up all of them, we got to take pictures of the one getting done as a tester after it had been primed ( did not see that part of the process) ... ..adding it was free....So was really my best option...the guys all got excited when I told them what I was working on and everyone was trying to understand what crazy project this was for lol... And so you may see a number of new folks jumping in as these are all car guys...adding I was told the clear coat is really strong and should prevent scratches ( my primary concern with having a nice paint job)...the concern they had was the red turning to orange over time in sunlight especially that color red...which won't be a problem in my basement. We'll see what happens...maybe one of those I told you so moments lol
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What I’m wondering is if this is because of different software used or properties of my actuators vs the sfx 100. As tactile effects is one of the sale arguments for d-box I assume it is not common for linear actuators used in commercial frame movers to be able to provide as fine details as road texture up to this point. Has the sfx 100 been designed specially to be able to to convey fine details or is it the software that does it?

Actually the D-Box unit (or at least one I've hunted through to find some info on) is also a linear actuator design. So both the D-Box, ProSimu (as far as I understand) and SFX are all operating on the same mechanical principle.

I would say the software and motor driving technique probably has the most part to play in it, you've got to think there's not much difference in terms of backlash of each of the designs or speed/accuracy of the pro-simu vs sfx servo drives (some more knowledgeable here could comment)
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Actually the D-Box unit (or at least one I've hunted through to find some info on) is also a linear actuator design. So both the D-Box, ProSimu (as far as I understand) and SFX are all operating on the same mechanical principle.

I would say the software and motor driving technique probably has the most part to play in it, you've got to think there's not much difference in terms of backlash of each of the designs or speed/accuracy of the pro-simu vs sfx servo drives (some more knowledgeable here could comment)

Barry's Sim Racing Garage videos of his D-Box setup appear like the rig is bouncing nicely on suspension. The videos with SFX-100 rigs look more harsh like the rig is reflecting a car with no suspension on tires made of stone! Is this simply an issue of adding more smoothing in SimFeedback?
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I still follow this thread every day and I’m thinking to start it next summer. Now I will invest in DD steering wheel ( likely the Accuforce V2 pro) then I will start order all the components from the shipping list including the 3D printer.
In the mean while if this project goes commercial then I would buy it( I think it will sell a lot).
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My own rig has prosimu prs200 actuators
Hey a thought @PetroVitallini that would be very interesting... we could compare what they're capable of visually.

Not sure if you saw this video; but basically I setup a camera with a 25mm lens APS-C (so around 35mm give or take) a bit back from the rig on a tripod. Then using the ASR Ferrari 643 Mod with stock settings bar slicks I think, went around the Nurburgring GP circuit. I could find the upper limits of what I can push the rig through and then if you did the same we could do a side by side comparison. Have you got a good DSLR/Video camera and tripod? If you do a similar video I could take all the raw videos and put them into a side by side sequence.

Forward to the 2min 30sec mark

Barry's Sim Racing Garage videos of his D-Box setup appear like the rig is bouncing nicely on suspension. The videos with SFX-100 rigs look more harsh like the rig is reflecting a car with no suspension on tires made of stone! Is this simply an issue of adding more smoothing in SimFeedback?

Simply put - yes this is SimFeedback tuning / which track / which car / which car setup. Might be a bit of a dark art if you really want to go overboard with it. I wouldn't say at least default profiles in ACC/AC have any issue. iRacing on the first handful of goes I've had with it felt off, but that's really only 15mins worth of time so that maybe an unfair comment.
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Barry's Sim Racing Garage videos of his D-Box setup appear like the rig is bouncing nicely on suspension. The videos with SFX-100 rigs look more harsh like the rig is reflecting a car with no suspension on tires made of stone! Is this simply an issue of adding more smoothing in SimFeedback?

Not smoothing but more a matter of adjusting the max and min speed sliders on the top right of the profile.

Thats what determines the characteristics of the movements.

My self i prefer the harder profiles. That might also be the reason why a sensor mounted on the rig is not working out for me. I get shifted views every time. I even tried glueing the flexible top part of the sensor so it could not move. Nothing works for me.

So today i went back to the fixed sensor placement again. The difference between fixed and on the rig is not that big, except only with large pitch movements.

I was still getting occasional stutters /freezes in VR and tonight even the arduino dropped out, stopping the motion in the middle of the race. :mad:

I solved the problem by connecting the 2 VR sensors, the Accuforce , 3 buttonboxes, the arduino, steeringwheel, handbrake, HE shifter AND HE pedals to one PCI-E USB 3.0 card.:D ( that was already installed in my PC)


Yes, it's the expansion card recommend by oculus.

I raced over one hour without stutters or freezes in VR. I still have to install the net filter, but this experience makes me believe that that VR-stutters/Freezes are definately caused by cheaper USB chipset on the motherboards.

This card solved many problems for oculus users that have 3 or more cameras. It might also be a solution for the SFX users.

Offcourse further testing is needed, i will keep you guys updated.
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Not smoothing but more a matter of adjusting the max and min speed sliders on the top right of the profile.

Thats what determines the characteristics of the movements.

My self i prefer the harder profiles. That might also be the reason why a sensor mounted on the rig is not working out for me. I get shifted views every time. I even tried glueing the flexible top part of the sensor so it could not move. Nothing works for me.

So today i went back to the fixed sensor placement again. The difference between fixed and on the rig is not that big, except only with large pitch movements.

I was still getting occasional stutters /freezes in VR and tonight even the arduino dropped out, stopping the motion in the middle of the race. :mad:

I solved the problem by connecting the 2 VR sensors, the Accuforce , 3 buttonboxes, the arduino, steeringwheel, handbrake, HE shifter AND HE pedals to one PCI-E USB 3.0 card.:D ( that was already installed in my PC)


Yes, it's the expansion card recommend by oculus.

I raced over one hour without stutters or freezes in VR. I still have to install the net filter, but this experience makes me believe that that VR-stutters/Freezes are definately caused by cheaper USB chipset on the motherboards.

This card solved many problems for oculus users that have 3 or more cameras. It might also be a solution for the SFX users.

Offcourse further testing is need, will keep you guys updated.

Funnily enough I completely resolved my initial VR stutter issues by reducing from two to one sensors, :) which I then plugged in to one of my Inatek PCI boards without any other devices connected to it. I use a second Inatek for the Arduino and a powered Hub only, with the latter supporting pretty much every other requirement. (Exception being the USB's that run from the OSW control box, which I've connected to the MB).

I also set the Oculus sensor further back than previous to give it and the HMD strapped to my face, the widest possible field of communication, just in case sudden or larger movements were taking them outside of the sweet spot, hence the sudden positional changes in the display.

Finally I installed a Netfilter as well although I have no idea if this is making any difference whatsoever.

All I know is that since doing that little lot, I've not experienced a single immersion breaking stutter and that includes when using your brutal RaceRoom DTM profile Henk, although I've since dialed the intensity back as I could feel my teeth rattling at Spa. :roflmao:
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After reading this thread I have some questions. My own rig has prosimu prs200 actuators and I use simtools. I’ve read here that users of the sfx 100 can achieve results that lets you feel rumble strips and very fine details in road texture to a degree that they don’t find a use for tactile units to represent these effects.

From my experience with simtools tuning for very fine details is difficult to balance as you will get excessive movement when hitting a big curb. Dimple in the road vs curb. In my current endeavours I have not been able to tune my rig to get the drrrrrrrrrrrr sound over rumble strips. Bigger moves and road bumps my actuators perform well.

What I’m wondering is if this is because of different software used or properties of my actuators vs the sfx 100. As tactile effects is one of the sale arguments for d-box I assume it is not common for linear actuators used in commercial frame movers to be able to provide as fine details as road texture up to this point. Has the sfx 100 been designed specially to be able to to convey fine details or is it the software that does it?

Sounds like a resolution issue.

Your servo motor/encoder should be able to drive a cnc machine.
Our encoders have 10,000 ppr (pulse per round). You can calculate the potential resolution by dividing pitch by ppr.
So I assume no issue here.

I do not know the resolution of the signal that goes from simtools to your motor controller or from the controller to the servo driver.

Vibrations are made by the servo controller.
So your software and controller need to support it.
We can do some vibrations but not like DBOX.
DBox is in its own League.
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