The "What Are You Working On?" Thread

To celebrate the ADAC GT Masters finale this weekend in Hockenheim here is preview of the DHL AMG GT3 in GT Masters warpaint! ;)
Okay, after some more experimenting with sounds and clearing files as suggested I managed to get the model in game without crashing, but...
As you can see there is a huge box around the car, which only appears on track. Not in 3ds max, the editor and the showroom. And obviously no wheels.
I guess the wheels can be fixed by editing some files, but does anyone know what might be the cause of the box?

@Brian van Beusekom

My guess is that it is caused by some of the objects being out scaled, it could even be your wheels. I don't know how it is with 3DS MAX, but in blender you have to have your objects scale on 1. For example if I had My wheels on 0.1 scale in 3D program, then in game it would be automatically switched to scale of 1, 10 times bigger. Fix - assign scale to selected object, in blender shortcut is ctrl+A.
Thanks guys, it indeed looks like the wheels are too big.
I tried doing the reset Xform and collapsing the stack but for some reason it doesn't seem to work. I also created a completely new wheel without touching any of the scaling options but it's still too big.
In the editor it says the radius of the wheel mesh is 14 (meters?) but whatever I do, it doesn't change.
In max I'm working with generic units, and during export I convert it to meters.
Thanks guys, it indeed looks like the wheels are too big.
I tried doing the reset Xform and collapsing the stack but for some reason it doesn't seem to work. I also created a completely new wheel without touching any of the scaling options but it's still too big.
In the editor it says the radius of the wheel mesh is 14 (meters?) but whatever I do, it doesn't change.
In max I'm working with generic units, and during export I convert it to meters.

Might not be the wheels but the dummys that are not scaled properly :)
I'm still not getting it right.
I started from scratch, I created a dummy, then cloned that dummy to get all necessary dummys for a wheel. Then I made the mesh, and aligned the tyre mesh to the center of the dummy. For the rims I aligned them to the edge of the tyre and then aligned its pivot to the dummy's pivot.
So all dummys are the exact same size and position like in the suspension template, and all pivots are in the same place.
Now, when I look in game it's still too big, and also rotated 90 degrees.
This is how it looks like in Max:
Sounds like scaling issues to me. Scale must be set to 1 meter, perhaps the generic units are causing issues when imported into the KS editor.
I've changed the units to meters, no difference. Or do you mean that the dummy has to be 1x1x1 meter?

I think susp dummies should have Y orientated up.
When exporting 3DS Max has to option to export everything with Y-up, so I don't think thats the problem.

I also found that in the editor it says that the WHEEL_RF dummy has a scale of 0.025 0.025 0.025 but all it's children are 1 1 1. So could it be that when the game makes the wheel dummy 1 it also increases the size of the children?
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Maybe... I think, I actually have a dummy of steering wheel which is like 0.168, and seems like it does no difference, maybe every dummy acts differently...

Also there are few types of axes. Global and local system. When you export it changes global axis. But for dummies you should look for local axes. For example steering wheel is rotating around Z axis, so you must have z axis of STEER_HR dummy going through the center of the wheel in correct angle.
Yeah, it's a shame :( My AC objects (pits, starts, timing gates etc) are a seperate .kn5 in the models.ini so I think I will just have two types - grid start or LeMans start :)
Yeah, I know what you mean, but even then the AI drivers kind of wait for the guy in front to get his car straight and then they take their turn, and then the next guy, and the next...

They're just too polite! :roflmao:
hey i did a thing :p
tired of having to update my excel sheet, and since i couldn't find it anywhere online either
i added infos about cars and tracks, it's not all complete, but there's that
and you can "pick random" as a fun feature! If you need a new challenge...
>> <<


i was thinking adding "dlc" as well to see what has been released when
And where's my Seven i hear you ask ?
Well it's... standbye a little, but it ain't dead! :D
as for the scale on wheels, .. been there done that ;)

so far the only real solution that works for me is
I work in centimeters, so my car is 400 units long (average)

before export I save my scene as export.max, I go to utilities and collapse all modifier stacks on ALL objects, then I go to utility "rescale world units" ( or something like that ) and rescale entire scene by 0,01 ( to get it to meters) , and then I collapse modifies again ( in my max, there's some bug that some of the geom will appear it didnt' scale, the second collapse would fix that, eventhough it would have exported normally )

then I export FBX normally and it all works fine in game for me

the only downside to this method that I haven't figured out yet is that if I has a SKIN modifier there, for things like cables, .. this method wont' work for those , :-(

haven't figured out different way of doing this , to be honest

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