This is what's going to happen on the 17th

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Bram Hengeveld

Website Founder
Hardcore racing fans know which epic event is about to happen next week: the 24 Hours of Le Mans runs on the 18th and 19th on June 2016.

With the mysterious announcement on the 17th what would that be? :) #hashtag gave it away.

FFS, enough.

We're trying to build a new home over here, let's leave the baggage from the old one where it belongs. If all you're planning to do is bring the arguments from that forum to this one, I think I can safely claim to speak for everyone when I say you're not welcome here.

Note that I've deliberately not addressed this to anyone in particular. It's for everbody. Even me.
Let's not kid ourselves, no matter what the announcement is for, most of you will be sure to let everybody know how bitterly disappointed you are.

Let's not kid ourselves, not matter what the announcement is for, the apologists/fanboys will be sure to let everybody know that Kunos can do no wrong and that AC is "teh greatest sim evah!".

The people who love Kunos will find reasons to celebrate the announcement, the people who dislike Kunos will find reasons to criticize the announcement. Ad infinitum. The rest of us will try to wade through the nonsense to make up our own minds about the value of the announcement and probably spend our time playing the game instead of arguing about it with strangers on the internet.
The responses in this thread illustrate very well why I refuse to participate much on this website beyond modding in itself. I've ignored several people and I'll be sure not to use any of their mod content in the future, just to let you know (why you would play and mod this game with that sentiment is beyond me however). I can do well without constantly reading arguments over how shite Assetto Corsa allegedly is, thanks.
If warming up the brakes and checking vitals during the pace lap is of no concern to you, what exactly drew you in to sim racing?
Yeah i understand where you are coming from but its a pain when the exact same comment gets reworded in every thread to do with a game. Especially when a decent discussion is going on about something completely different. It starts flame wars and derails things.

I'm all for reporting issues and i dont mind if you want to be direct about it but there are places for it. besides the chances are that you are more likely to get noticed if you dont be a chungus about it.

As for what got me into sim racing, i have no clue precisely just a set of events, bought race 07 several years back, ignored it for months, tried it, loved it. AC came on early access and people said it was the spiritual successor. Modding kept me coming back
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Hmm...787B / 962C? TS040 / R18?
I think that laser-scanning Le Sarthe might be possible fairly quickly these days (same would go for Monaco); i suppose it's all about access time. It's a long shot but i hope they finally got lights & a night mode to work, TOD & lighting effects would really make AC feel more complete. Track marbles & weather can wait for me.
If warming up the brakes and checking vitals during the pace lap is of no concern to you, what exactly drew you in to sim racing?
I don't run a tire temp app either, I drive it like I'd drive an actual car, not like a pretend race car driver in some specific pretend series would drive it. And most actual cars don't need the brakes warmed up.
Fed up by all those bad pubs and bad com ...
If this is the "famous" Kraken .... please stop this kind of com and learn communication, Kunos !

This will work a time but not forever .... if all get more and more deceived with what is done.

Just one thing I decided, ... if it is a new DLC to buy .... I won't buy any until the base game is finished and complete !

Fed up with this new system of sims never finished and still in beta with a version name 1.0 or 1.3000
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