Thrustmaster Conical brake mod

Having seen this is in a recent video on youtube as it seems to come with the newly released standalone pedals. I'm just wondering if anyone knows of anyway to obtain one without buying a whole new set of pedals (i currently own the original T500 & pedal set)
They are not listed on thrustmaster site as a standalone purchase.
I'm going to call Thrusmaster and see if can get one from them for free. Otherwise Going to look in some stores as well and if i can't find them i'll order from that site. Are you satisfied with the amount of counter pressure they give? Any chance that site is affiliated with Thrustmaster? :) No way I'd pay 20$ for some conical stop :)
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just got a T3PA pedal used but no conical brake mod included...a Previously had T3PA pro (metal pedal for T500) using basher mod . Any idea where i can get this mod for the T3PA? Nothing on Thrustmaster site. Any one got one to sell?
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My T3PA-PRO (bought in November 2015) have also a problem with brake. The spring relaxed and came out of its housing. The 2 pieces of rubber (which were stuck) slipped and blocked the brake pedal.
I'm also looking for a brake mod. Any idea where I could buy one (but I'm not ready to invest 170$ for a load cell brake mod)
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