The wheel is Thrustmaster FFB 2-in-1.
Usually, when you plug it in USB, it spins from left to right checking itself. Yesterday it stopped working properly. When i connect it to USB it goes all the way left, cathes a "stroke" (wheel bumping into a limit) with the LED barely glowing. Then, after a few seconds, it simply disconnects.
Wheel is perfectly usable with power adapter disconnected.
So what could be the problem here?
It obviously not my computer fault, tried to connect to multiple devices, got the same result
Usually, when you plug it in USB, it spins from left to right checking itself. Yesterday it stopped working properly. When i connect it to USB it goes all the way left, cathes a "stroke" (wheel bumping into a limit) with the LED barely glowing. Then, after a few seconds, it simply disconnects.
Wheel is perfectly usable with power adapter disconnected.
So what could be the problem here?
It obviously not my computer fault, tried to connect to multiple devices, got the same result
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