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I'd stay with the G27 and then if you're investing in a new wheel the TS-PC racer appears to be a better mechanism (more powerful and better cooling). Would probably be good to know if the TS-PC racer has as many returns as the T300 tech...5. While my G27 is aging and outdated, it's never missed a beat, ever. 8 years old and still going strong. With both Fanatec and Thrustmaster having quality and reliability issues, its getting harder to justify a replacement if the probability of having the damn thing RMA'ed is high.
When the base from the second set came back from RMA I didn't get any info so I don't know. I don't really know what the noises were in all three cases, enough to warrant an RMA though.. Yes TS-PC is expensive, a shame they don't sell the base as a separate.The TS-PC racer is far too expensive.
The issues you had with the T300, what were they? It wasnt the fan, but more a plastic rubbing sound. The fan I dont care about, I can easily replace that myself, but the issues presented in the video is something I'm much more interested in.