Thrustmaster T300 RS strange problem


Hi all
I have a strange problem with my T300 wheel.:( : when I start PC, don´t recognize it, and if I see in the Thrustmaster Control Panel, firmware version is "0" !!
Then I upgrade and install the latest version (25), and after that, the wheel works normally. When I finish to play,I shutdown PC.
The next day I start computer, I have another time the same problem. Firmware "0" and wheel not recognized. I install firmware, and works again. It seems my wheel are loosing the firmware version every time I shutdown the computer.
And that tricky process every day.....:mad:
Has anyone encountered a similar problem, or can tell me what the problem might be?
Thanks in advance
If you're still under warranty just give TM a message. It shouldn't lose firmware like that.

I wish you very best with their customer service. While some say it's exellent, my recent and still going on experience says they're as useful as a bucket of bananas... :roflmao: Hope you have better luck.
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If you're still under warranty just give TM a message. It shouldn't lose firmware like that.

I wish you very best with their customer service. While some say it's exellent, my recent and still going on experience says they're as useful as a bucket of bananas... :roflmao: Hope you have better luck.
Yes, I will do. But anyway, I would check if anybody have had a similar problem.
I hope I´ll be better luck than you in that case:rolleyes:
Thanks for your replay @Rami
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