Thrustmaster TS-PC Issues

Warren Dawes

I'm hoping someone can help me.
I recently purchased a Thrustmaster TS-PC to replace my trusty G27. Unfortunately, it's turning into a frustrating experience.
When I first installed it, all went well and it was detected and calibrated as expected. I tested a few buttons and FFB's and all looked good. I then tried to use it in AC but while assigning the axes and buttons, it suddenly started calibrating again. I hopped out of AC, and disconnected and reconnected the wheel to my PC. After about 5 mins, it switched off, switched on again and calibrated again, without me touching it. After checking all connections, it just kept disconnecting and reconnecting.
So, I installed it to my other PC. Same problem, continually disconnecting all on it's own.

After contacting the distributor, we arranged for the unit to be returned. The distributor raised an RMA with Thrustmaster, who requested that the distributor test the unit. After testing, the distributor claimed it was working ok, and sent it back to me.

I've now received it back, and now things have gotten worse. I can't get any life out of it at all.
The wheel isn't detected after installing the driver. It is not detected in the Control Panel or the Firmware Updater. I've tried installing it to three different PC's (Win 7, Win 8.2, Win 10) but still it shows no sign of life. The power light never lights up at any time.
I've tried numerous actions, different power points, different USB slots, I've tried with newer and older driver software. Tried an alternate USB cable. Tried disconnecting / re-connecting the wheel to the base unit. Even tried the Thrustmaster FAQ option to wake up the wheel / update the firmware by holding the buttons 11 and 12 while connecting the USB.
Nothing I do gets it to show any signs of life.

My dilemma: The Distributor says he tested it as ok, for me it seems dead.

Has anyone here had similar experiences and can suggest what I might be doing wrong?
Sorry to hear about this Warren. I can't offer any help, I'm afraid. I like the idea of videoing the fault, before sending it back. I'd maybe send a copy to TM support too. It sounds like a clear case of faulty from new. TM will want the issue sorted, you would think.

I really hope you get this sorted quickly.
PS. I have a TS-PC and I'm very happy with it.
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I had considered making a video, but there isn't much to video. it just sits there doing nothing. I suppose it could prove what I have tried, but I've explained all of that.
I have sent a new reply to the distributor listing everything I tried. Surely that should be sufficient.

Warren, TX owner here no issues but have post's of similar. Seems to be the power cable not fitting tight into the unit or the USB brake out cable faulty.
I also considered this. I tried using a different USB cable without results. The power cable attachment to the base unit does seem a bit insecure by design, but I have pushed it in while testing, jiggled it a bit to see if it might connect, but no luck.

"Never expect help from a distributor. Send faulty items back and order new ones."
In this case the distributor I'm dealing with is actually the retail sales outlet for the wheels.

If necessary, I will take the unit to the distributor personally, but it's a 6 hour drive each way.
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Time for an update regarding this issue:

I took the wheel to a local independent Computer Sales / Service Centre, explained the background, and asked them to test the wheel on their PC.
After testing, they advised me that they had the same results as me ie. The wheel is not detected and they declared it faulty (either power supply or power card inside the base unit). I requested a written report from them, which I duly supplied back to the Australian Sales / Distributor. I also asked if there was anything else I could try.
After two days ( for the Sales / Distributor to contact Thrustmaster) I have now been advised as follows:

"Thrustmaster has not given me the approval to replace this unit due to the tests performed in our office. If you would like we can do some more intensive testing on this unit again at our HQ. This is a very strange scenario as we had a team member drive around on Assetto Corsa with the wheel for roughly 30 mins.

Let me know if you'd like to send this back for further testing."

Well, now I'm getting a sign of Thrustmaster's view of customer service. I'm most reluctant to just send the unit back again for further testing, without seeing these tests for myself. This will involve a 6 hour drive each way to the Sales / Distributor, and probably overnight accommodation. My AUS$800 wheel has already cost me additional expenses for the first return, plus independent testing locally, and now I'm faced with considerably more expenses for a wheel I've not been able to use in the month since purchase.

To say that I'm unimpressed with Thrustmaster is an understatement. :mad:
It looks highly likely that I'll be making a claim through our Australian Consumer Protection laws.
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I had this issue the first time when I purchased it with assetto corsa. It had no life at all, but after that it worked perfectly. I really don’t remember what I have done to resolve this issue but try to deinstall the firmware and the drivers and every thing related to the steering THEN disconnect the steering wheel from the PC then restart the PC and install the firmware and driver and UPDATE it via Thrustmaster update application....... for me it worked.
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Time for an update regarding this issue:

I took the wheel to a local independent Computer Sales / Service Centre, explained the background, and asked them to test the wheel on their PC.
After testing, they advised me that they had the same results as me ie. The wheel is not detected and they declared it faulty (either power supply or power card inside the base unit). I requested a written report from them, which I duly supplied back to the Australian Sales / Distributor. I also asked if there was anything else I could try.
After two days ( for the Sales / Distributor to contact Thrustmaster) I have now been advised as follows:

"Thrustmaster has not given me the approval to replace this unit due to the tests performed in our office. If you would like we can do some more intensive testing on this unit again at our HQ. This is a very strange scenario as we had a team member drive around on Assetto Corsa with the wheel for roughly 30 mins.

Let me know if you'd like to send this back for further testing."

Well, now I'm getting a sign of Thrustmaster's view of customer service. I'm most reluctant to just send the unit back again for further testing, without seeing these tests for myself. This will involve a 6 hour drive each way to the Sales / Distributor, and probably overnight accommodation. My AUS$800 wheel has already cost me additional expenses for the first return, plus independent testing locally, and now I'm faced with considerably more expenses for a wheel I've not been able to use in the month since purchase.

To say that I'm unimpressed with Thrustmaster is an understatement. :mad:
It looks highly likely that I'll be making a claim through our Australian Consumer Protection laws.

I hate hearing stuff like this just replace the damn wheel Thrustmaster.
I don't pretend to know your financial situation Warren but I know my sim toys took a considerable amount of time to gather, I am not a rich man. If something were to happen to my Fanatec within the warranty period I would expect them to have my back.
I'm sorry you're going through this, Thrustmaster step up! Take care of this customer!
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I really don’t remember what I have done to resolve this issue but try to deinstall the firmware and the drivers and every thing related to the steering THEN disconnect the steering wheel from the PC then restart the PC and install the firmware and driver and UPDATE it via Thrustmaster update application....... for me it worked.

Thanks for the suggestion.
Unfortunately, I have already done all of this, at least twice. I also freshly installed the software / firmware on two separate PC's, and so did the independent Computer Sales / Service Centre. I can't update the firmware because the wheel isn't detected in the software.
The only suggestions I got from Thrustmaster was "were you using a USB Hub (which I wasn't), and were you or the independent tester using an extension cord" :rolleyes: , before they seem to have wiped me.
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Have you tried a different USB port and/or different PC, just to take your PC out of the equation? That would be one of the first things I'd try, especially if the distributor says it works OK for them.
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Have you tried a different USB port and/or different PC, just to take your PC out of the equation? That would be one of the first things I'd try, especially if the distributor says it works OK for them.

I have already covered most of this earlier, but to summarise:
Yep, I've tried it on three separate PC's myself, and taken it to an independent Computer Sales / Service Centre who tried to get it working on their PC (without success).
I've tried every USB port on my PC's, that's about 8 different USB outlets.

Anyway, I've now sent it back again to the Distributor for more detailed testing.
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Quick update for those interested.
The Distributor has now confirmed that the unit is faulty, and have arranged a replacement. The Distributor even tested the replacement unit (after confirmation with me) to ensure it is ok before sending it.
So hopefully, I now have a working replacement on the way.

Kudos to the Distributor for helping me :thumbsup:, but as for Thrustmaster, I'll keep my thoughts to myself :thumbsdown:.
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Quick update for those interested.
The Distributor has now confirmed that the unit is faulty, and have arranged a replacement. The Distributor even tested the replacement unit (after confirmation with me) to ensure it is ok before sending it.
So hopefully, I now have a working replacement on the way.

Kudos to the Distributor for helping me :thumbsup:, but as for Thrustmaster, I'll keep my thoughts to myself :thumbsdown:.
I was following this silently but it's really nice to hear that it could finally be solved!
My view on TM until now was that their wheels aren't the most reliable but within warranty you'll always get a replacement in an uncomplicated manner. It might took 2-4 weeks but no complaints.
Your story really is a desaster! :O_o:

Maybe you were just unlucky with the employees you had contact with. Maybe they did a replacement that shouldn't have been one in the past and are extra-careful now, who knows...
Shouldn't have happened to you but hopefully won't happen again!

Please report back again when you got your new wheel and tell us if it's awesome :)
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Please report back again when you got your new wheel and tell us if it's awesome :)

Ok, time for my update.

Yesterday, I was typing a nice positive outcome, but just after posting it, things went sour.
Received the replacement wheel, all installed and tested well. Went for a drive in RRE and all was going very nicely for about 30 mins. While I was watching the replay in-game, the wheel suddenly switched off. I restarted the wheel, and it responded and continued ok.
I then tested it over the next two days, switching it on but not driving. All ok, but then it started switching off and on again all of it's own accord and over different intervals. Saturday night, it had stayed connected for a few hours, so I tried driving with it again. I had no problems during a 60 minute session in RRE, and then also for 30 mins in AC.
At this point I assumed it was now working fine. Not long after then posting my positive report, the dammned thing switched itself off again.
This morning I switched it on again, still good, and was working on my other PC when I heard it switch off again. That was several hours ago, and now it seems totally dead. All the usual efforts to coax it into life are failing. Soooo, it looks like a repeat of the previous wheel.

I've reported my findings once again to the distributor, mainly since I suspect they may have a faulty batch and to check other recent sales. They are going to report my findings to Thrustmaster.
Either I'm extremely unlucky, the Distributor has a faulty batch of TS-PC's, or there is some connection with recent updates to Thrustmaster's firmware (it has been updated twice in the past month or so).

My thoughts right now are unprintable.
Unless Thrustmaster can come up with a solution, I am no longer prepared to continue throwing good money after bad (already spent over AU$100 in freight and independent testing). The stress and time wasting on this is not worth it. I guess I'll just have to give up, walk away from what has been a bitter buying experience, and learn from the experience.
BTW, this was my wife's Christmas present to me, so she is equally unimpressed.

For the record, in the limited time I had driving with this wheel, it was very good. Pity about the reliability.

I'll keep trying to see if I can coax this wheel back to life over the next week, but failing that, it goes back to the distributor and I wash my hands of the whole sorry saga. :(
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Sounds exactly the same thing as my wheel, although mine worked faultlessly for over a year. I was practising on Sebring in iracing, got up to make a coffee and when I came back it had gone full Norwegian Blue. It was dead. Computer couldn't see it, TM firmware updater couldn't see it. Tried the Bootloader fix on the TM website. Dead.

Got onto TM and they got me to do everything i had already tried. Dead. They emailed me older firmware package. Dead. They even got me to video myself performing the update procedure. Finally they sent me an RMA. Got an email a week or so later. It's Alive!!. They're sending it back with a clean bill of health. Huzzah!!.

Got a text from DPD courier, they'll drop it off on the 24th Dec. They ended up delivering early and I got it back on Saturday. Unboxed it and set it on my desk to test it. Dead. Emailed TM and told them it was still dead. They're now sending me a new power supply. When I returned the wheel base they said do not send anything else which I thought was a bit shot sighted.

Hopefully this fixes it.

In the mean time I broke out the old G29 rattle box and have seriously been considering selling the TS-PC when it is finally working. I reckon once the Fanatec podium DD wheels are released they're is going to be a load of used V2.5's on ebay.
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Two dead in a month.
Send it back demand a full refund and buy a CSL Elite. You'll be much happier.

This is what I'm now thinking too.
Mine is still dead and showing no signs of life anymore. I've since done some Google searching and found 7 other cases of faulty TS-PC Racers and all with very similar symptoms. One was replaced three times (and all faulty), two were replaced twice (also faulty). The sad part for nearly all of these was the consistent responses from Thrustmaster. :rolleyes:
I'm still getting good support from the Distributor who is still trying to get me a working wheel. I've now requested either a refund or a different replacement wheel of similar value, but not a Thrustmaster.
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