Time to archive and empty subscriptions

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I used to keep a synced folder with all workshop content, for me 300+ items @ 150GB using Beyond Compare was easy to sync a backup and add it to a fresh rF2 if ever needed.

Started thinking time to clean house
Most content will never be updated so no need to subscribe it .
I checked was only a handful of updates since 2021 ( besides DLC)

So I have put all rfcmp ( ISI / S397 / 3PA not DLC ) into sim patches so they can be all loaded from offline Mod Manager
If any content is updated it will be added but can't replace old versions as I use mods for everything.

Another decent plus is *.psd files which I don't use are never installed again as you only need keep the rfcmp's Saves 7GB

The only negative is you can't run a file check ( which I have never needed ) without Steam re-downloading missing files.

DLC are not included in subscriptions
I have 60 DLC ( 40 cars 20 tracks ) weighs in at 42.4GB
So that is separate backup I can drop into new rF2 steam install
along with updated *.acf file and never have to download a thing
Lot better then 150GB x 2 ;)

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Neglected to add when you don't subscribe content it won't be updated
so you have to check list yourself.
2 ways to see latest updated content.

You can see Cadwell v1.1 is last " content" update.
I do not include league or skinsets in "content" just cars, tracks, huds

So if you quickly check every time you open workshop you won't miss anything :coffee:

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This is how we treat our RD-servers as well. Got a cloud-storage for all mods and tracks we've ever used, including backups (so we do have a lot of old stuff laying around). Then we install what we need for certain races, and uninstall afterwards. It's really handy :)
Seems they have put new measures in place for content.
Never had archived content get uninstalled, never.
This morning got the big download for track and car updates
Then it uninstalled 100 various items
When I checked Mod Manager had 1/2 list " NO" :coffee:
Only needed to select and re-install though.
Funny one as it included some content from each section but not all.
I guess may have been because of the big download.
Anyhow all good again, never had to download anything extra.
Ah did it again, all S397 stock content uninstalls then downloads again no matter if they all un- subscribed.
I don't think pausing downloads and unsubscribe from items then start download again will work anymore.

Think it has something to do with the *.acf files gets time stamped endlessly now, every time I open Beyond compare it is out of sync. Never had that behavior before

Did new install:
Now missing Formula E 2020 and 2021 ?
Nissan 370z and GTR 2011 have been removed from Workshop ?
( deleted my workshop backup or I could have kept them )

Another odd one I found is Reiza content will not manually install at all.
Mod manager installs them but when it refreshes they are still uninstalled.

So 44 cars and 21 track DLC and 62 S397 items and Reiza items need to be installed through Steam.

Anything else you can unsubscribe and manually install.

Still cant update a quick rfmod with any DLC content, still errors when repackaged.
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