What do I have no idea about? And how do you know what I dont know? I'm partly a photographer, quite known even in my country. We photographers deal ALOT with questions both practically and we also debate copyright issues alot. I'm no lawyer so I'm not sure about the english terminology, but I do know the principles quite well here in sweden, which is quite similar to england where you seem to be..
The problems you have is:
1. you have modified an original file from a product you have bought and republished it. Per normality you never modify original content and republish thats two accounts of copyright over stepping.
(But in this case kunos vocally expresses he supports modding, even releases tools for it. Although there is still clear rules what we are not allowed to do, generally the modding community knows that ini-files is a way for the devs to give access to settings that most wont need, but some might find useful.
And for you to get fined for copyright enfringement kunos needs to press charges, which both is difficult and expensive over country borders and we all know he wont because he has nothing go gain in this particular case, so it's free modding in this case)
2. Your attitude to claim you own this content like you were talking about an original work of art or something, whereas you would be right. This is much more similar to sharing settings, although more complicated in a personal point of possibly view.
This also makes me annoyed by you.
If you would have asked me to give you credit I would have had no problems in doing so respectfully.
But trying to force me with threat to remove content that you misinterpret as your own I just dont feel like it.
This changed file is quite different from yours in my opinion. Yes I used your settings as a base but changed them so republish and pointing to you would not be good either, copyright wise.