Cars Toyota Sera WIP

Early WIP, just started messing with it. Joseph Harmon (Bolt Vanderhuge on the official forums) will take care of the physics and all the techical stuff since he owns the real car, he's also supplying me with reference pic to make it as accurate as possible.
We'll need a sound guy later on, so in the meantime if anyone's interested just drop me a line :)

For now it'll be all standard but I believe we'll include some TRD version with performance upgrades.

This is the car for those who aren't familiar with it:


And here are a couple of wireframe shots of the progress so far:



Still a bit messy and rough around the edges, but I'm focusing on getting all the parts done right now, then move on to detailing and smoothing out seams.

Check out more shots on my Flickr album:
This is news to me, in here we've only had the Paseo (also with a 1.5L DOHC). Looks like the son of a 323F to a Subaru SVX (glass top). Will follow closely, cool project!
You sir have a very interesting taste in cars! Some people would say why bother. I say why not! Just need to make some smaller tracks for these guys.
Well I must admit I've developed a taste for small japanese cars over the last 10 years or so, but this was actually a sort of "commisioned" model, I was asked to do it and my thoughts were exactly that, "why not"? Having the real cal available makes the whole creative process even more interesting.

Don't worry, my next project will be something really popular, and also from the licensed brands :)
Looks good.

I'd be interested in how you get a dense mesh with good surface smoothness.

Are you using sub-d methods, or smooth chunks of reference mesh, or building a nice flowing topology mesh and using tools to smooth the surface?


Looks good.

I'd be interested in how you get a dense mesh with good surface smoothness.

Are you using sub-d methods, or smooth chunks of reference mesh, or building a nice flowing topology mesh and using tools to smooth the surface?



The key is to start simple, then smooth the main shape of the car, getting the basic proportions right, then start working the details and smoothing out panel seams.
Something like building a sculpture if you will.


Is just a basic low poly body, smoothed out with turbosmooth (in 3dsmax) and then collapsed to work on the polygon mesh again.

Reminds me of a Mazda MX-3 and Nissan NX2000. Must be all "cousins", lol.

Yeah pretty much alike, to me is just the small brother of my own Toyota Previa :)

Project's not dead, just had to put it on hold for a while. Work resumed on this one, hopefully with more regular updates.

Been working out the final exterior details, badging and minor adjustments on the roof and the geometry will be done, to move on to the interior. Couple of pics here, not much I know, but just to say "it's alive!!" :)

