Track Conversion Tutorial

Hello All,

Does anyone know where I might go to download a tutorial on how to convert an Rfactor track to GTR2? I am trying to convert a track I made, but am having no luck in getting it to load in GTR2. Mostly problems with the Skybox file, but there are other errors as well.


I only have one ... by Racerm for track conversion from Rfactor to GTL ... that's its name.
But inside it it says to GTL or GTR.

Maybe this might help you ? or do you have it yet ?

I do not have that tutorial, but I do believe that is exactly what I need,. From my experience, its never very difficult to interchange tracks between GTL and GTR2 so the problem I have is getting them from Rfactor into either GTL or GTR2. If possible, could I please get a copy of that tutorial? I have not been able to find it elsewhere. Thank you very much for responding to my question.
