So I've downloaded 3DS max and the KN5 Coverter so I can start editing tracks, when i open the KN5 with the app i get between 3-6 files depending on the track which are either MTL or 3D oblects. As far as I'm aware the MTL files aren't important for the process but if I'm wanting to add more pit spots to the track do I need to merge all the 3D object files together in 3DS max or just use one of them if so which? I usually get two with the track name and then one which is the track name with ZMhack at the end. When I open them up they all pretty much look the same all have AC start/pit etc so if I merge them together I end up with duplicates would that mean I have to make each additional pit box 3 times. Not sure where I'm going wrong as everytime i export to KS editor I either get Object refernce not set to anything or error scaling found on node, all I've done so far is duplicated either the pit/start box and renamed it correctly. I've tried using tutorials today and before when I was attempting to do it but they're for making a track really where you only have 1 base file. Thanks