Track limit sound


Most of the tracks, when the tire passes over the runway limit, a vibrant sound is triggered giving the realism of the game.
Where can I set the tire sounds over the runway limit?

I have two tracks that when passing over the limit of the track there is no sound at all.
Make sure that runoff section is named 1_KERB_"insert your own identifier" in the AC Editor.

Hope that makes sense.

I bought 3DSimED3. But even finding the material and putting it in .tdf. I still can not get the sound to pass over it.

// Rumblestrips (fake bumping added)
Dry = RoadDryGrip Wet = RumbleWetGrip Resistance = 0.0 BumpAmp = RumbleBumpAmp BumpWavelen = RumbleBumpLen Legal = true Spring = 0.0 Damper = 0.0 CollFrict = 0.4 Sparks = 0 Scraping = 1 Sound = rumble
Reaction = tiresmoke Tex = smokewhite.tga Max = 1024 Scale = (1.0,1.0,1.0) Growth = (4.0,3.0,2.0) ASDEnvelope = (2.0,0.2,3.5) DestBlend = InvSrcAlpha SrcBlend = SrcAlpha
Reaction = skid Tex = skidhard.tga Max = 2500 Pixel = NoReduceDetail Particle = Plane + Deformable + SingleSided DestBlend = InvSrcAlpha SrcBlend = SrcAlpha
Materials = rmbl, ROADA89, ROADA_NEWKB

The name ROADA_NEWKB might be causing confusion. The names specified in the tdf file are names that materials should begin with. The first material specified in the file is 'smooth tarmac', and its parameters will be applied to any material whose names begin with roada, roadb or rdaxroa, so your kerb material name will be treated as smooth tarmac. It's best to rename your material so it starts with rmbl (in XPacker or the material properties in BTB, there's an rFactor material name setting - choose rmbl).