Track map

Hi guys, is there any way to generate a track map (like in rF2 e.g.)? I have a few mod tracks without the map being present and I'd like to make my own (if even possible).
I searched the net, found nothing...
I just need it to see where the opponent cars are...:D
Are you talking about the small track map in the HUD?
(to the left in my screenshot below)
If so I believe if you are missing that for any track you need to redo the AIW file.
It means you need to edit the track, specifically the "paths" that the AI and Safety car take around the track. [I believe] that essentially creates the map that we see in the HUD. I think we need to use RF1 tools but not sure. Can anyone else help advise what is needed to edit AIW on tracks? Maybe @Gringo
It means you need to edit the track, specifically the "paths" that the AI and Safety car take around the track. [I believe] that essentially creates the map that we see in the HUD. I think we need to use RF1 tools but not sure. Can anyone else help advise what is needed to edit AIW on tracks? Maybe @Gringo
I see, thanks.
I found AIW files in mod tracks, the originals don't seem to have a AIW file (or I did not find it).
From the AIW files I have seen, I have no clue what to edit ??
I was hoping it could be done like in rF2: open the TrackMap control panel, record while driving and done. That seems to have been wishful thinking... :D